Gold Well - drop riffle vortex sluice in action

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Dec 31, 2012
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There were a few curious about our Gold Well sluice. So here is a video on YouTube that one of my customers did. He hasn't sent me the video on the cleanout yet. Will post it when I get it.

Company is HM Research out of Wickenburg, AZ. No website yet.

That sluice is the basic sluice, highbank attachment, waterfall head, tripod support setup and other options are available. He just had it sitting on a 5 gallon water jug in the video.

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Howdy guys.Im not gonna get into all the drama going around but, I will say im scheduled to review these sluices and make videos of it for my viewers to see.I will be as unbiased as humanly possible.Yes im new to this forum and to some of you, that will look pretty shysty because many of you dont know me.However,with a little investigation you will find, ive been around a lot longer than GoldWell and am not affiliated with them in any way and never was.Lots of people around do know me and will back this fact up 100%. Even if you wouldn't be willing to buy any of Goldwells sluices, the reviews should be fun to watch at the very least.The mission of the reviews, is to see what these things can do and for that matter, what they cant..I will not lie or misrepresent the product.I respect my viewers 100% and would not point them in a false direction.I have read every single post here as well as on the gpaa forum and I will be taking all the questions asked into account when I do my reviews. I would also like some suggestions on ways to do this review.I have my ideas on how to do it but Im always willing to listen and learn from more experienced miners. I want to provide a review that will answer as many questions as possible. Thanks a ton guys and I love what this forum has to offer and cant wait to dive into all the great info. :)

I will say that manVSgold is not a plant. He's been on OregonGoldHunters for a number of years. I respect his outcome to be unbiased. Even for an overpriced sluice. LOL

I don't know about manVSgold with that picture of John Boy Walton as his avatar. Looks like Gramma Walton's droppings in that pan to me. It's not gold, hehe.

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I printed it out and put it over my toilet :)
But I changed it a little, I put Heir Feinstein's head in your hands as a catch bucket, lol.
I may not have much of a sense of humor but it's the only one I got

I printed it out and put it over my toilet :)
But I changed it a little, I put Heir Feinstein's head in your hands as a catch bucket, lol.
I may not have much of a sense of humor but it's the only one I got
I hope you used your assault scissors to do the photoshopping! LOL

You know at this point, I could care less if gold jumped out of the ground to get into the Gold Fail sluice. The principals of the company with their shady campaign tactics and derogatory remarks toward others have completely turned me off on their product and I wouldn't use one now if it were given to me.

Besides If I wanted one I'd make it my self for around $50, with a few improvements of course. :angel3:


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if you take a look at the last 3 products that have come to market and have drawn a lot of attention, 1[SUP]st[/SUP] you have the gold cube, good product, info put out by the owner to the public by video then got it into the hands of prospectors and let them report on how it worked, a good job of marketing. he never ran down his competitors. 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] you have gold hog mat. started out show videos of his research, high speed camera shots. very interesting along with many videos , doc is a good salesman , enjoys talking and making videos. he got his product in the hands of prospectors and miners . never ran down his competitors. now we have gold well …….
I guess the first 2 show how you should market your new product. the 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] show how not to.
if the owners of gold well would have let man vs gold. market their product from the beginning they would be miles ahead.


Its pretty terrible how this whole ordeal turned out. It goes to show just how touchy you have to be when your a business owner trying to promote a product... I feel this is going to tarnish gold wells reputations to where it will take a long time to recover if ever. I am going to assume that they will show up under a different name claiming they bought the rights from original owner or something like that. Some of the tactics used to promote this product are pretty scummy and I will admit it probably goes on a lot more than we ever know and most just don't get caught.

Mining the miners... sad but true.

Like I said I wish gold well luck. I truly don't think it is to late to turn this all around and actually get in good standing with the mining community at large.
Here is what I would do if I were them
1. Make sure the people previously promoting are no longer representative of product or learn how to deal with customers questions and accusations. And don't make any more fake accounts to promote your product.
2. Lower the price by half or more. I don't see how this sluice can catch enough gold to make a 500 dollar difference than a keene sluice unless using heavy machinery to mine. Obviously it is not big enough to take more than a trowel load at a time... 600 dollars is WAY to expensive for a sluice you have to classify down and what not. You could get a cheap dredge for that amount or atleast a good high banker.
3. Give a good amount of them to the community. This will do 2 things for you if it is good as you claim people will be happy with your product therefore helping your reputation and also it will give you advertising by word of mouth.

There have been studies done in the service industry that say that word of mouth IS the best advertising. Also for every 1 bad experience there are 3 or more people told about that negative experience . That explains why gold wells reputations were quickly screwed up.

Good luck I hope you heed some good advise from somewhere....

Well I got the weekend off. Came in here and saw all the new posts. Don't really see a need to continue the flames from another forum here. They followed me here and brought the flaming here I didn't. I have internet stalkers ... scary.

When I originally posted I believed there may be some legitimate interest in a new device and technology. So I posted. But I was careful to put 'PM ME' in that post for those interested. See that in other posts here regarding investors wanted for alaska gold adventure, etc. So I didn't really see that as 'advertisiing' I wasn't really posting prices and trying to sell. Your story tell it how you want though. I can't stop that. I actually was enjoying time here posting and reading other posts.

I can't force other people to say or not say things. That's called freedom of speech.
I made ONE mistake on ANOTHER forum. I got upset that people who knew nothing of the product were bashing it and had no basis upon which to do that, making the product appear to others that might truly be interested, less apt to appreciate it. Their intentions were clear by the fact that they chose inuendo and implication rather than genuine questions which I would have happily answered. Sugar coat these things however you like but we all know when someone calls you a liar you can still know they called you a liar. But more than that they have made it a vendetta.

So in respect for this forum, I will close my account here and maybe the flamers will go away and leave you guys alone. I don't see any further benefit being here because any posts I make in any forums will be followed by attacks most likely, screwing up any thread that I post in.

So without further adieu ... I hope you all strike it rich :icon_thumleft: Have deleted my account.

Ehhh... I don't do forums much and am having problems finding where to delete my account. Can't see it under profile settings. Anyone know where to delete it at?

Ya, good posts Bill/CR and Goodyguy.

I have a friend in the Happy Camp area who bought the gold cube and paid for it the first time out. I bought the Bazooka Gold Trap and really like it's performance and intend to by some of Doc's Gold Hog mat soon for my steam sluice. We in the northwest (my only area of experience prospecting) encounter many different mining challenges and, as such, have a variety of equipment to meet our needs. We spend our money and time wisely in choosing and using our mining tools.

I'm constantly amazed by the smart / innovative folks in the mining community. We have to be in this day and age.


Don't leave! Got to be the bigger person. Your knowledge and expiererce are invaluble to new members. Just don't post about tje sluice for a while. If it works as good as you say, people will eventually post good things about it. If members keep thread jacking posts just to harrass you, complain to the moderator. This forum is about gold and prospecting, not flaming people for what their brother did on another forum...

First of all manVSgold is not a representative of the goldwell company and he is not going to let them exploit him in any way. His reputation will stay in good standing just like it always has. He's not going to make any false accusations or tell you how great this product is, he will tell it like it is, whether good or bad, Period. What I have seen go on here on our forum was started shadily by goldwell to say the least. But bringing in all of the garbage from the GPAA forum was just not needed because we are not the GPAA forum here and we do not have the same reputation of allowing slander to run rampant. Personally I don't think that anything from their forum should have been posted on here because when I went there and read a few pages there, it was the same old thing... The reason that I don't go to that forum is because it has been known for bickering for a long time, so please don't start that here, this is not why I joined this forum. So let's keep our distance like we have. Please continue using good judgement when we make our posts and be honest about what we see. Aside from all of the garbage that was started on another forum by people on both sides that looked totally ridiculous to me more from the public over reacting there as usual, Goldwell actually has a good looking sluice.

Is it worth $600.00 to $1400.00? No, I don't think so personally. It's a nicely made CNC machined quality built sluice that took someone a lot of time to build. Each part has to be mounted into the outer frame individually so it is going to cost a lot more to build than a standard box because the way that they have it set up is extremely labor intensive.

Would I have built one like this myself if it had been my idea? No, because I can see right away that this is another product that costs way to much to build for mass production. If they want some suggestions, I will give them to them and this will cut way down on the labor that is required right now and it will be a much better overall design that's cost effective.

I don't like having to spray out the whole thing, it's too time consuming. Their drop riffles could use some improvements but they would once again cost more to machine it with 60° dovetails. If you look close at their pics, you can see the quality in the sluice itself and I do like the wells that they have put in, but up top looks sketchy or not to be thought out as well as the main section. If you can feed it as fast as they say you can in the video then you wouldn't need a giant sluice as this if it catches the gold and being only 6" wide and 2 feet long would be worth a couple hundred just because of the ease of transport of a high efficency production machine.
My own personal interpretation from what I have seen so far is that I would make the riffle section removable for ease of cleaning and at the same time this would really cut the cost down on manufacturing. Then just because I could, I would run either v-rib under the riffles to make the seal or if it was found to be needed put miners moss on top of the v-rib.

So the point of this whole thing is Stop with the Slander. And especially stop with trying to start something against manVSgold because he is willing to do the right thing and check it out for us. I trust him enough to know that we will see up front on video for ourselves just how good or just how bad he feels about the product he is going to test.
We want to encourage people, whether they know anything about gold mining or not - to want to come to this forum at all times because they know that they can trust the information that we personally give them on any product that we use. We are all known to be honest and truthful, so let's do our best to keep it this way here on Treasurenet and help keep our forum in great standing with the community.

Reed: I'm not sure who you are referring to with 'stop the slander' re: man vs gold. Just for clarity here though, I made no reference to the man vs gold post whatsoever. I must have missed something in between.

As far as man vs gold goes I am happy to see them test it. Will be a good objective test. The sluice simply relies on the law of physics, not anyone's claims, mine or anyone elses.

There are many configurtions available for it, I simply started with this one as the most viable option now. It will change over time.

Still looking for the remove membership link.

Agreed, it's a bad thing to bring the cancer from the GPAA website over to this site. Like the saying goes, 1 bad apple....

you seem to be always looking for a fight, why is that ? do you think you need to defend yourself on every post that is made. you find precieved slights in every post. when you are being nice you are passive-aggressive at best. you really do need to find the delete button..... or better yet. just don't post.

bill in costa rica

Reed: I'm not sure who you are referring to with 'stop the slander' re: man vs gold. Just for clarity here though, I made no reference to the man vs gold post whatsoever. I must have missed something in between.

As far as man vs gold goes I am happy to see them test it. Will be a good objective test. The sluice simply relies on the law of physics, not anyone's claims, mine or anyone elses.

There are many configurtions available for it, I simply started with this one as the most viable option now. It will change over time.

Still looking for the remove membership link.

Howdy guys.Im not gonna get into all the drama going around but, I will say im scheduled to review these sluices and make videos of it for my viewers to see.I will be as unbiased as humanly possible.Yes im new to this forum and to some of you, that will look pretty shysty because many of you dont know me.However,with a little investigation you will find, ive been around a lot longer than GoldWell and am not affiliated with them in any way and never was.Lots of people around do know me and will back this fact up 100%. Even if you wouldn't be willing to buy any of Goldwells sluices, the reviews should be fun to watch at the very least.The mission of the reviews, is to see what these things can do and for that matter, what they cant..I will not lie or misrepresent the product.I respect my viewers 100% and would not point them in a false direction.I have read every single post here as well as on the gpaa forum and I will be taking all the questions asked into account when I do my reviews. I would also like some suggestions on ways to do this review.I have my ideas on how to do it but Im always willing to listen and learn from more experienced miners. I want to provide a review that will answer as many questions as possible. Thanks a ton guys and I love what this forum has to offer and cant wait to dive into all the great info. :)

To be fair and not appear one sided, how about doing side by side comparisons. Gold Well against a Gold Cube. They both need to run classified material they both operate off a bilge pump and they are priced within $50 of each other. The 4 stack Gold Cube retails for $479.95 and the Gold Well retails for $525.00 *I just remembered dont forget the Gold Hog Mini Highbanker that retails for $490.00

Run the same material (at least ten 5 gallon buckets worth) through the sluices at the same speed. Then run double the material through the sluices at twice that speed.

And just to be impartial throw in an Angus MacKirk sluice and a Le Trap sluice to see how low price sluices compare to the high dollar ones.

Now that would be a test that would interest everyone who wants to know if the extra money spent is justified or not.

"Sluice Wars" Let the best sluice win :icon_thumleft:

Heck I would even pay to see such a comparison.


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See now that right there is a fair test that would demonstrate who's does what better (since that seems to be the issue!)


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