Gold Well - drop riffle vortex sluice in action

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Dec 31, 2012
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There were a few curious about our Gold Well sluice. So here is a video on YouTube that one of my customers did. He hasn't sent me the video on the cleanout yet. Will post it when I get it.

Company is HM Research out of Wickenburg, AZ. No website yet.

That sluice is the basic sluice, highbank attachment, waterfall head, tripod support setup and other options are available. He just had it sitting on a 5 gallon water jug in the video.

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Stagger the wells and adapt it to fit at the end of the standard 10 inch sluice and 10-12 inches long with a screen above to deflect the larger rocks and catch some possible blowout gold and I'm sold.

This is the second forum that you've mentioned sluices made in china. Could you please clue us in on who's sluices these might be?

Been wondering the same thing Doug. Ain't never seen one!

I'm pretty sure the "Bazooka gold trap" could give the "Gold Well" a run for it's money in terms of recovery. In terms of amount of concentrates and ease of clean up they would be a draw, but in time saved by not having to classify there is no contest. Also in terms of price there is no contest.

Even if the Gold Well sold for only double the price of a Keene A-52 or an Angus Mckirk It would still be a hard sell to me.
But at over 4 times the price :o

With all that being said, I believe that the Gold Well Drop Riffle Sluice is a well designed well made piece of gold recovery equipment. However, only time will tell if the recreational prospecting marketplace can support a small sluice in that price range and continue to sell in the numbers that it would require for the product to continue. Especially in today's economy.


You see, Gold Cube is the leader in the industry right now and we have one here at the house that Rodney bought. There's no way that you could take Mike's business because he has a proven product that's backed by many people including me. But still because you are asking for over 3 times as much money for your's over the $400 for a Gold Cube and all that for only $40.00 worth of bent steel and aluminum- the Gold Cube at less than $400.00 is the one product that you should be able to not only compare yours with, but to be able to out do by far for the $1300.00+ that you are asking for it. To me, you can't win and want no part of an actual comparison because there isn't one. Gold Cube will win hands down. So we have 2 ways of looking at this, #1) you have a product that you claim is worth $1300.00 that you don't want to test against any other leader in the industry because even though it might work, it doesn't work quite as well as many of the other products out there on the market that cost a thousand dollars less. So you're trying to hide it's actual low cost to mass produce and build behind outlandish unproven claims. Or #2) You really do have a good product and you haven't had the time to test it against the Gold Cube or even a $125.00 Black Magic concentrating sluice. Or #3} You're just trying to mine the miners while thinking that we will put out the $1300+ for a basically unproven sluice box just because you say it's CNC machined. Many people may think that this is something significant because they don't know what a CNC machine is but we miners do because most of the products we have are built right here in America with CNC machines because this machine allows people to mass produce a good product at a very low cost.
So we are all shaking our heads at your claims of these Chinese sluices that you are talking about because they don't exist. And personally I don't see where your claims of having a great product come from. I went to the web site and see a $1300.00 product that I wouldn't spend the money on when I can buy a Gold Cube, a proven product for less than 1/3 of the cost and I'm sure that it weighs a lot less then yours also. Then they use the popular term Vortex once again, this sounds to me like a phrase that should be copyrighted after all of the people putting the same name to different types of materials. The name Vortex may sell to the uninformed, but it sounds to me like copyright infringement because this is the term that Gold Cube uses on theirs. So you already are trying to take their business by laying claim to their proven Vortex drop riffle system by using the same wording for your "Miners Robbers Sluice". Hey that's a catchy new phrase, try that one, it tells the truth... You sound like a great salesman, maybe you should sell Gold Cubes, or used cars, haha :occasion18:
Here is the link to the Gold Cube
Gold Cube Home
And here's the link to the New Vortex Drop Riffle Sluice...
Vortex Drop Riffle Sluice Box - 12" x 60"

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Once again we were writing along the same lines at the same time Goody ;D

Hey reed: speaking of how well designed the gold cube is; did they ever fix the sideways section of vortex mat for your friend? They really need to get the drunk guy off the production line; I have personally seen two other cubes running and they all had issues with slanted mat as well. I watched the slurry favor the shorter side of the deck. Just curious

Yea Mike want's it back and I told Rodney to take it in to Black Sheep where he bought it and they will give him a new one but I don't know if Rodney's done it yet, he can be stubborn as hell sometimes. He said something about just doing it himself, which I told him not to do because of the movie. So he's going to take it in I'm sure, I just don't know if he has yet, cause he is stubborn as hell, like many of us :) The mat is actually made at a slant at the factory so you have 2 choices, follow the straight side, which gives you the slant at the top to one side or cut short sections out of it with a straight top that will give you lots of triangular scraps off of the sides. So I can see why they cut it like that but at the same time i also see the slurry favoring the lower side but it still catches the gold. I bought a bunch of used mat at Capital Rubber for $7.20 a running foot and I cut it straight for my Goldblitz sluice. So I saw first hand what Mike was talking about when he told me about the rough top incline belting being produced that way at a slant from the factory. We bought 10 feet of the 18" wide for our projects we have going on and I have a bunch of little triangle pieces that I threw away.

I think its the same mat they use at the fish hatchery for salmon eggs..wonder if that mught be good place to find it used(cheap). Aside from smelling like fish ;-)

Also, is black sheep owned by the same guys that used to run the gold mine on fulton?

Hi all :)
GoldWell has approached me to do some video reviews of their sluices.I will be posting it for all to see. I will conduct an unbiased review/test, to see what these sluices can and cannot do.So before we get to talking all crazy like, hahah,lets go out and see if its worth the money.Lets let it speak for itself. I'll run the crap out of it and see what we come up with. I think this companies steps, to have other miners not associated with them, out making video reviews of their products is a great step in the right direction.Im mean lets look at gold hog, who wont even allow comments from the community on their videos.This company is taking a very different approach and leaving themselves out in the open for critique.That takes guts and pride in your product.So let me head out and test it and see what we come up with. :)

THanks guys and for those who dont know me,check the signature below. I woulda joined this site forever ago but I somehow never came upon it :/ Thanks for the heads up Reed,looks like just the place for me :)

Love your youtube. Know you will put it through the wringer. Still to much for what it is. I'm cheep. LOL For that kinda bucks I can get a lot of gas for my motor home and get a lot of dirt. I'm on the other forum also.

Love your youtube. Know you will put it through the wringer. Still to much for what it is. I'm cheep. LOL For that kinda bucks I can get a lot of gas for my motor home and get a lot of dirt. I'm on the other forum also.

haha thanks wa au nut! Who are you on the other forums?

I doubt anyone questions the Gold Well drop riffle sluices ability to capture gold from classified gold bearing material while also reducing the amount of concentrate at clean up. But then lots of sluices do that. It's the price that seems out of line.


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Manvsgold same handle on all forums I visit. Don't usally post unless I got sumpin to say.

Hey reed: if you used a backing and glued the triangles down, do you think it would help straighten out rows without creating gaps between the pieces?

Thanks gg, I ll have to check that out!

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