Gold Well - drop riffle vortex sluice in action

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Dec 31, 2012
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There were a few curious about our Gold Well sluice. So here is a video on YouTube that one of my customers did. He hasn't sent me the video on the cleanout yet. Will post it when I get it.

Company is HM Research out of Wickenburg, AZ. No website yet.

That sluice is the basic sluice, highbank attachment, waterfall head, tripod support setup and other options are available. He just had it sitting on a 5 gallon water jug in the video.

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I had an old 6' piece of dowel sitting here so I put it on a shovel one day and that was the best shovel for moving tailings and cobbles that I ever had. No bending over any more and plenty of handle for putting the material where you wanted it. Never ever had a back ache from bending over with this shovel and the long handle gave it extra power for prying the boulders up.

Better watch out, lp, or you ll get called to the principals office! Lol

Good day all,
Yes this forum does seem a bit less crazy that's for sure...Let's keep it that way!

Chris R.

I read a few posts there. Same old GPAA forum with lots of us here too saying the same thing... That it is over priced. Plus it looks like they have sales people promoting it and they must make a great commission off of it, which is one reason for the over inflation. This is what I see, would I buy one? Naw. I have a Gold Screw, A Gold Cube, a Falcon Concentrator, and a Wilfley Table for clean up. This isn't counting the blue bowls,black magics, and a slate table along with a Trommel, 3 power sluices, & 7 dredges from 2½ to 8". I may make one to test with my own design, which basically will modify the aluminum riffles into 45° dovetails \--/ on at least 3 of them at that angle that anyone can copy, but right now I'm happy with what I have.

I love to tinker, but I'm already getting 98% + recovery rate and don't have to manually classify. So I see no need to spend big $$$ for something that's more work.

And like Reed I too have a laundry list of equipment that I'm plenty satisfied with.


Well, one of the owners of the company I am working for saw some posts here and let me know. He didn't care really but I made a trip down the mountain to respond. So here it is.

Well I did say that the reps for the other interests would probably be along soon and try to stir stuff up here. Guess I was right. Oh Well.

I made a lot of posts in this forum NOT about my sluice. And I have tried to be helpful here.

I offered information about my sluuice here as something people may be interested in, just like other well mentioned items in these forums. Never did really push people buying it. I enjoy the technology of it. And it is true it is expensive, but then I am not a large manufacturer buying in huge bulk or have my own manufacturing plant. I purchase all the products made to my specifications from sheet metal manufacuters and machine shops. Custom work in small quantity is not cheap. I know I am not going to sell one of these to a guy who takes an old street sign and hammers it into a sluice box. Nor do I care to. Actually I don't sell anything. Don't have a pony in that race :) ... I am the patent holder and inventor and enjoy the simplicity and beauty of how it works. I am the one that decides if it will be made of sheet metal or machined parts. If the handle on it will plain or fancy. The rest is taken care of by other people. I made my money on licensing the manufacturing rights. The owner of HM Research does not even come on these forums. I'm just around because more and more I am getting a lot of questions about it and this gives them a place they can ask.

If I were like the other guys I could have put people like customers of mine in here or generated phoney user accounts and tried to counter this. I don't need to and won't. The sluice can prove itself on it's own merits since the laws of physics applies universally, it should work anywhere and soon enough your neighbor will have one perhaps and you can find out from them if it really does work so good or not.

I can prove myself and my intentions here if someone will take time to read my OTHER posts in these forums. Posts NOT about my sluice.

Uh-oh I hear the principal coming ... gotta run :)

Cya 419 ... tell the principal i went thattaway! =o

Ha! I do appreciate the fact that you were cordial and proffesional in all tour reaponses. You have responded to all our questions with resonably straightforward answers, and if your price point ever comes down I might consider checking out your product more in depth.
Thanks again for not being a douc_he

Since it sounds like you are parting it out for production, Spencer Apple the owner of South Yuba Mining Company here in Nevada City, California has a complete shop including a cnc and he uses all quality materials. You own the patent, so if you would like, give him a call and have him shoot you a price for manufacturing it for you, the guy is good people and he is backed by many machine shops and gold mining experts in this area. He has a ton of business going on right now but the guy has heart. 530-591-9372
Here's the link to his page.
South Yuba Mining Co.

I can prove myself and my intentions here if someone will take time to read my OTHER posts in these forums. Posts NOT about my sluice.

Uh-oh I hear the principal coming ... gotta run :)

Cya 419 ... tell the principal i went thattaway! =o

Here is your very first post on T-net.............
Dec. 31, 2012
Chances are if you are using a standard sluice that you are missing a lot of the fine gold to begin with. I am the developer of a new type of sluice that excels at recovery of fine gold (and large gold too!). I live in a gold-rich area of Arizona that has a lot of very fine gold, and that is what prompted me to develop this sluice. A completed run through the sluice yields only a small amount of material (less than a cup, mostly black sands and gold). A typical cleanup takes me about 10 minutes or so. After large gold removal, I keep the black sands and reprocess them through the sluice when I have a large quantity, thereby concentrating the super-fine gold to a point that it is more easily separated and recovered.

I have processed concentrates that have been put through spiral wheels and blue bowls and have recovered gold that was missed by them. I have processed nearly pure magnetite and recovered flour gold from that as well. Although it is not a final recovery system, it will greatly reduce the quantity of unwanted material to a more manageable amount. It can be used as a primary sluice or a cleanup sluice.

This sluice works by creating vertically oriented vortices, the top 'bed' of which is constantly in motion. When something heavy passes across the top of it, it drops away through the material on top into the low velocity area below. Imagine a bucket full of ball bearings being vibrated around and dropping a coin in it. It's going to the bottom. Material should be classified to 1/4", however I have used it with raw material without much problem. The horizontal slots across the sluice are 'mixing wells' that accelerate the separation of the light and heavy material so that it flushes out quickly. They will grab a nugget or large flake as well. If this seems like it might fit your needs, PM me.

If that's not a sales pitch then I don't know what one is. :laughing7:
Don't get me wrong, I like your sluice :icon_thumleft: But lets call a spade a spade.


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So why is he allowed to advertise on here? I specifically asked if manufacturers could advertise and I was told no. If manufacturers wanted to advertise on the forum they had to pay. What gives? Did I make the mistake of being an honest and reputable manufacturer and ask first???

I'll be respectful of the forum rules and pay, but fair is fair...

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So why is he allowed to advertise on here? I specifically asked if manufacturers could advertise and I was told no. If manufacturers wanted to advertise on the forum they had to pay. What gives? Did I make the mistake of being an honest and reputable manufacturer and ask first???

I'll be respectful of the forum rules and pay, but fair is fair...

What do you sell?

So why is he allowed to advertise on here? I specifically asked if manufacturers could advertise and I was told no. If manufacturers wanted to advertise on the forum they had to pay. What gives? Did I make the mistake of being an honest and reputable manufacturer and ask first???

I'll be respectful of the forum rules and pay, but fair is fair...

No, you didn't make a mistake and being honest is always for the best. When you look at the ridicule that LP brought on himself by coming here & breaking the rules straight out of the gates, you get what you pay for. We tell it like it is plain & simple. Did he get any good advertising for coming in here the way he did? No, he flushed his own toilet so to speak and brought his product way down on everyone's list of what not to buy. Especially after the fiasco on the GPAA forum :occasion18:

I would try out your sluice just because its intriguing but I am getting a gut feeling that you would pull a quick one on my grandma to make a quick buck... Good luck I hope you prove me otherwise!

Nice sluice Nugs,
Or should I call you MacGuyver :icon_thumleft:


That is a nice sluice, just ignore him Nugs. All they can do is talk down to people as usual. No respect for anyone or this forum's rules...As I've stated before many people on here have many different skillsets, it's too bad these folks can't see that. The other thing is that was a low cost sluice box, so all the gold you find is PROFIT! You're not working to pay off a sluice box, all the money goes straight into your pockets for more mining equipment!

Have a great day Nugs and all the forum folks,
Chris R.

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Hey thanks guys, I put alot of thought into it. Because all we have is fine and super fine gold in Ohio I wanted a sluice that was designed for maximum recovery. I appreciate the compliments, although they are nothing elaborate, I usaully am proud of my little projects and how they turn out. I love building the stuff as much as I do using it, sometimes more. It's not the destination it's the ride there that fulfills life. I got hit by one little tractor trailer and my whole outlook changed, but I have always been a carefree optomistic guy who finds pleasure in the simple things.

I would rather prospect with equipment I built or modified myself. The sense of accomplishment is a bigger reward than any gold I will ever find here. And compliments from other guys with great engineering skills and ingenuity make me even prouder. It's a great feeling when other's notice the details and pride that went into a project.

Thanks again guys! I wish a prosperous and safe season to everybody in the prospecting family. I judge men by their character, not their machines. At the end of the day, all a man has is his word, and for some like me, that is all they have.

Now I dont want to cause drama here, but I do feel it very important to expose a manufacturer and retailer that are putting out fraudulent claims. They are trying to mine the miner. Gold Well employees are going around posing as customers at alot of the forums. These are very strong claims, ones I intend on backing up with proof. I do not like to force my ideas or opinons, so I will post the information and let everybody decide for themselves.
Originally posted by goldengirl at GPAA Forum

This will be my one and only response with regards to all of these posts. I personally know that "Gold Well" is "Gold Well"...they do not have several different alias's and are not trying to deceive anyone. I see it as ridiculous that you would even begin to start accusing people of trying to misrepresent themselves like that! Yes some people tend to get a little upset after people bashing on them again and again with no reasoning or leg to stand on and may say the wrong thing in the heat of the moment...don't we all from time to time?! However, to sit here and stoop low enough to bash them and accuse them of creating several identities to try to misrepresent themselves? I mean come on now!! They are trying to market a product and if they misrepresent themselves to their customers then they arent going to sell anything! You guys need to think about what you are saying before you say it! We are all adults and need to act like it. Can we please just grow up?
Originally posted by goldengirl at GPAA Forum

We already know how good our product is and they will all know soon enough...Thank you Ralph W!!!

Originally posted by GoldWell at GPAA Forum

I never left! The post above is not me, although it is someone in our company! Be nice to her! Be nice and try not to stir up to much with other forums.

Prospector's Paradise - View topic - Gold Well Vortex Drop Riffle Sluice Box
Originally posted by goldwellgirl at Prosector's Paradise

Hey has anyone here seen the new "Gold Well Vortex Drop Riffle Sluice Box" in action? It is getting some incredible results by customers in Arizona where it is manufactured. It is now being sold online. Personally I think the price is a little high, but everything I have seen and heard is that it is incredible. Something on the order of 98% gold recovery. If that is true then I have no problem pitching out $600 smackers for one...especially since most of the gold I run into is fine gold so it would pay for itself in a day!
Originally posted by goldwellgirl at Prosector's Paradise

You know what...and this isn't meant to be mean...but after looking through GPAA I'm stuck sitting here thinking about what type of person you are also. You talk about them but you make an awful lot of ridiculous comments and accusations also. So I guess I don't quite see your point. I can see where they've gotten frustrated with people making unfounded accusations and bashing them for no reason at all and they've made comebacks (sometimes in the heat of the moment)...but I can say by personal experience that YES the Gold Well Crew are the type of people I would like to do business with and HAVE done business with and it is your loss if you choose to lose out on that experience.

:thumbsup:Exactly Nugs,
I feel the exact same way. I very much enjoy building equipment for people and coming up with new plans and products, that's why I made this my retirement plan. It keeps me busy and I very much enjoy getting all the emails stating how it looks better than in the pictures, they never thought it would be made so good for that price, etc. I got a lot of satisfaction out of my life in my career before I got hurt, helping people, saving property all that. I enjoyed getting up everyday and heading in to work. Like you said it only takes mere seconds to change all of that and whamo, I've got a broken back, and the Government tells me I'm too busted up and I'm being retired. Life can change in an instant, sadly many people don't realize how good they have it with good health and no titanium rods, screws and bolts in their body. Now all I can do is share my knowledge with others and try to help as much as possible. I see no need to charge crazy prices for items, as long as my materials are covered and I've got some money for my time, I don't need to raise the price 500% just because I think I can. Also working for yourself is nice, I can pick and choose jobs until my fusion heals and only do what doesn't hurt. It's hard to turn away work, but all I can do is give them a list of who can get them going now if they can't wait. People need to realize it's not all about making the sale, it's helping people get a good value also. Sorry enough rambling, feel good about your products Nugs, they look good and work perfectly for your conditions and YOU built it, which makes it that much sweeter (not to mention you didn't spend $1500, that's a lot of gas money!).

Alright I'm headed back into the shop, I do love working nightshift, which some may find odd since I own the company! It's just so damned peaceful at night and in beautiful Yuma, it's a bit cooler at night so I can roll up the doors and enjoy the weather!

Have a great weekend folks, Chris

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I can't speak to morals or ethics, but it is worth mentioning that very few people got rich mining gold in the gold rush. The smart guys realized how frickin hard mining is, and that "mining the miners" was not only easier, but more profitable as well. So what I'm saying is, scamming the miners has been around as long as the miners have. Just my two cents.

A miner and his gold are soon to part...;-)
Do your research

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