I know this is a very old thread. I have no knowledge of mining other than what I've read and the old sites I like to explore and my minor interest recreationally mining. But I get fairly offended when I see them selling areas in Oregon that I have been to, I know the locations and they are claiming one can make millions if you just work hard, etc. Its hilarious, the permitting process that companies must go though and the capital needed and how they try to sell them like used car salesmen. For them to try and sell these as some site retired folks could go to and become wealthy... Lode mines. Also selling mines such as the mother lode in crook county Oregon. Never had any history of Au production whatsoever but had years from reports to Oregon's dept. Of geology and mineral industry available to any idiot such as me on the internet who can read. And saying on camera there must have been gold for days, its loaded with gold ore. Collapsed workings of course, haven't been open since the mid 50s.. But they were after cinnabar not gold, obviously why they had massive mercury retort systems. Watch the video, the guy doesn't even understand what a jaw crusher is that's been left on site. It would be really funny except they are duping people out of serious money. I know enough of Oregon history and the hurdles that must be crossed for that type of operation and I'm just a dumb farmer who likes historical sites. I can't imagine buying a claim from a company unless you had done due diligence and had modern geological sampling. How is it legal what people like this do?