Gold rush Expeditions . Any input?

Gold Rush Expeditions has unique character and style. I don't always get it, and I don't always agree with it. They really pioneered in a market and did something on a scale never done before. Due to the wide geographical range their product exists within they've experienced inevitable conflict and offense. That said I think Coreys genuine intention is preserving mining heritage and accessibility in the United States. I think it wisdom not to make enemies with someone whom you have a common interest. I think it wisdom to mind ones own business and work with your hands. Beware the love of money.

Gold Rush Expeditions has unique character and style. I don't always get it, and I don't always agree with it. They really pioneered in a market and did something on a scale never done before. Due to the wide geographical range their product exists within they've experienced inevitable conflict and offense. That said I think Coreys genuine intention is preserving mining heritage and accessibility in the United States. I think it wisdom not to make enemies with someone whom you have a common interest. I think it wisdom to mind ones own business and work with your hands. Beware the love of money.

Does Corey work with his hands ?? What he does is illegal. I don't see how scamming people is preserving mining

It wouldn't seem like such a scam if he showed gold from these gold mines....but that never happens. No one wants you to know the truth till they have your payment.

I know nothing about mining gold or silver. But I did work coal mines for 10 years. A lot of the work I did was following the prospect drillers to locate their bore holes. These were 1 inch prospect holes to find depth to the coal, the thickness of the coal and the content of the overburden. If needed, they took 2, 4 or 10 inch cores. At the start of the Gold Rush tv shows, I wondered why they didn't drill to see where the gold was. Unless the claims mentioned in this thread are for just panning or small sluse's for fun on weekends, why WOULDN'T you at least drill if not core sample? If the sellers won't let you check out the claim, I'd have nothing to do with it. It's like buying a used car without checking under the hood or test driving it. Good luck.

The bureau of land transfer has videos all over YouTube with valueless claims for sale. He flies a drone around to show the area but never shows any gold, because there isn't any.
Sounds very official tho!

I found a claim that BLTI filed on a public mining area, long removed from mineral entry. They sold it on eBay for ~$1500. Shortly after the auction BLM nullified the claim due to the land status.

I sure hope the buyer got their money back...

I noticed that GRE doesn't have nearly as many claims for sale as they used to. Maybe the heat is coming down on Corey Scamman

Mr. Moderator,

Is Corey ungrounded yet? I want him to come out and play. I'm sure he would like to know what we found in one of our "worthless holes" that he passed on.

Do you have any colorado lode claims with big dumps that can be worked 5153447704 Ben

I know this is a very old thread. I have no knowledge of mining other than what I've read and the old sites I like to explore and my minor interest recreationally mining. But I get fairly offended when I see them selling areas in Oregon that I have been to, I know the locations and they are claiming one can make millions if you just work hard, etc. Its hilarious, the permitting process that companies must go though and the capital needed and how they try to sell them like used car salesmen. For them to try and sell these as some site retired folks could go to and become wealthy... Lode mines. Also selling mines such as the mother lode in crook county Oregon. Never had any history of Au production whatsoever but had years from reports to Oregon's dept. Of geology and mineral industry available to any idiot such as me on the internet who can read. And saying on camera there must have been gold for days, its loaded with gold ore. Collapsed workings of course, haven't been open since the mid 50s.. But they were after cinnabar not gold, obviously why they had massive mercury retort systems. Watch the video, the guy doesn't even understand what a jaw crusher is that's been left on site. It would be really funny except they are duping people out of serious money. I know enough of Oregon history and the hurdles that must be crossed for that type of operation and I'm just a dumb farmer who likes historical sites. I can't imagine buying a claim from a company unless you had done due diligence and had modern geological sampling. How is it legal what people like this do?

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I know this is a very old thread. I have no knowledge of mining other than what I've read and the old sites I like to explore and my minor interest recreationally mining. But I get fairly offended when I see them selling areas in Oregon that I have been to, I know the locations and they are claiming one can make millions if you just work hard, etc. Its hilarious, the permitting process that companies must go though and the capital needed and how they try to sell them like used car salesmen. For them to try and sell these as some site retired folks could go to and become wealthy... Lode mines. Also selling mines such as the mother lode in crook county Oregon. Never had any history of Au production whatsoever but had years from reports to Oregon's dept. Of geology and mineral industry available to any idiot such as me on the internet who can read. And saying on camera there must have been gold for days, its loaded with gold ore. Collapsed workings of course, haven't been open since the mid 50s.. But they were after cinnabar not gold, obviously why they had massive mercury retort systems. Watch the video, the guy doesn't even understand what a jaw crusher is that's been left on site. It would be really funny except they are duping people out of serious money. I know enough of Oregon history and the hurdles that must be crossed for that type of operation and I'm just a dumb farmer who likes historical sites. I can't imagine buying a claim from a company unless you had done due diligence and had modern geological sampling. How is it legal what people like this do?

PM if you need to know more. I work with BLM a lot and they have some...stuff to say about them.

They're frauds. I did some assessment and sampling work at a claim the current owner purchased from GRE. Needless to say, their description of the claim ranged from stretching the truth to completely false. The shaft was described as "in excellent condition" and the manway ladder and skip rails as "appear[ing] in good repair". The shaft timbers are in very poor condition and technical rope work was required for safe descent. I'd have to replace about a third of the ladders and nearly all of the skip rails to utilize that shaft. And that's not even getting into the headframe...

I'm just glad it wasn't my money.

I talked to them about buying a claim about a year ago. I felt like I was on a used car lot. The kicker was they required I think it was a 10% no refundable deposit to even sample any claims. They said if I didn?t like that claim I could put that money towards another one of their claims.
My initial instinct was that they?re crooks. And it seems I was right.
I ended up buying a claim from a guy advertising in ICMJ. It was undeveloped, but has turned out to be a good claim.
I?ve since learned how to research finding new claims better, and have located a few more that are as good or better.
All load claims by the way.

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