Gold rush Expeditions . Any input?

ScottRiver - so what you failed to mention, is that with the Black Mountain, it was indeed a valid claim recognized by the BLM as valid. Did you contact the BLM regarding the location? Because they would have told you it was valid and legal to work. Your worst case scenario here is that you have the only active mining claim in a wilderness area, kind of a valuable commodity. But by all means, lets discuss opinion over actual facts!

I work as a geologist doing abandoned mine lands stuff. This GRE is a pile of trash and shouldn’t be trusted. They simply stake corners file the paperwork pay the couple hundred dollar fee and then sell to unsuspecting idiots from Texas.

I installed the culverts at the Pennsylvania Mine that they are selling for 600 grand. (YouTube it) They stand outside and say millions of dollars inside. I wonder if they know these portals have been bulkheaded. I.e. closed with 25 plus feet of solid concrete. Guess not, but that chick can see gold in the rock sitting on the mine dump (NOT) so she knows if she can just get a key to that gosh darn gate on the culvert that there are millions of dollars inside. Well I have a dam key and there isn’t millions of dollars in there. Just a concrete wall with a billion gallons of polluted water behind it. Good luck getting a permit to open up an environmental disaster.

I see them show up at lots of sites I work at all over Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico filing clams on just another dumb hole in the ground that has been played out by the original miners. In fact they have accused me of messing with their claims while I am out there under contract with the Forest Service.

If anyone wants to by a claim let me know and I will show you where there are 50,000 holes I have been to that you can do as much research in a day that this GRE does and you can have your own claim for a few hundred bucks. Or you can pay these idiots $600,000 so you can chip at a concrete wall inside a culvert.

Snaggers - Its good to see that you consider yourself a geologist. Historically mines and large workings have all been located by silly little prospectors with no geology degree. Since geology degrees came along after the turn of the century, mining has exploded and helped communities and small developments grow. (note-thats sarcasm). It is interesting that as a geologist you weren't able to see the native gold that is present in the waste rock up there. Maybe if you had some peers out there to converse with, you could have a federally funded survey to determine how much gold is out there, and then destroy it anyway. That's the federal model. Its worked for years... stay out stay alive, right?

I do love your assessment of the Pennsylvania though, maybe you dont understand how history works, but thats cool, I can understand that as your a geologist. So you claim that you were part of the bulkhead put into the Pennsylvania, tell me about how well that worked out with the Gold King? Not too far away, yet you plugged another mine making a water bomb in the making. Good job buddy...
Finally, your most telling statement, "messing with our claims" while you are working for the almighty forest service. they could do no wrong and they never do anything illegal, right? Talked with AMRA recently.

Id say your a (deleted) making your money on destroying history and old claims. Its common knowledge that since the 1960s the USGS has been downplaying and in many cases omitting data in relation to mining operations and values. Its good that you are ignorant enough to propogate the (deleted) that is pushing miners and the public off of public lands.

If you have something to say why dont we have an open debate, Id love an opportunity to educate you on how things work and why our claims hold huge value. Anytime you can break away from destroying historical mines, let me know.

Regardless, I appreciate you watching our videos and our website. Thousands of satisfied customers and a few haters, I guess you cant please everyone all the time.

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So you claim that you were part of the bulkhead put into the Pennsylvania, tell me about how well that worked out with the Gold King? Not too far away, yet you plugged another mine making a water bomb in the making. Good job buddy...

Unless I seriously misread his post...he never said such a thing. He said he was up there putting in culverts which would imply that he was helping ensure people could access the site... Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

deleted by mod.

That right there is a fairly serious accusation and especially in a community like this. Do you have any sort of evidence at all to back up your statements there?

After reading your extremely hostile response to people I certainly have developed an opinion of your company. Can you guess what it is? I will give you a hint and say that it is not very flattering.

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Unless I seriously misread his post...he never said such a thing. He said he was up there putting in culverts which would imply that he was helping ensure people could access the site... Me thinks thou doth protest too much.

That right there is a fairly serious accusation and especially in a community like this. Do you have any sort of evidence at all to back up your statements there?

After reading your extremely hostile response to people I certainly have developed an opinion of your company. Can you guess what it is? I will give you a hint and say that it is not very flattering.

Looks like Corey decided to skip a lot of the information provided about his company and focus on a minutiae.

Bottomline, NEVER buy a claim online unless you have free and unfettered access to sample from the owners. Not chip samples either but legitimate depth samples across the vein.

Looks like Corey decided to skip a lot of the information provided about his company and focus on a minutiae.

Bottomline, NEVER buy a claim online unless you have free and unfettered access to sample from the owners. Not chip samples either but legitimate depth samples across the vein.

Honestly the greatest part about his post is that it undermines his company's reputation far worse than anyone else could hope to as a 3rd party. I did a bit more reading on these guys and LOL pretty sure that I was looking into a claim they had advertised only to find the geological reports listing the oz/ton as less than half what they claimed. Doesnt look like that is listed up on their site anymore anyway...weird.

(Quote dleted by mod)

I've plugged dozens of old "spider holes". So what!!!! Destroying history? Fat chance of that. I can gaurantee you I have more underground experience that you do. Some of those mines just are not safe plain and simple. And I will ALWAYS work with the BLM, the USFS, or a private party to make sure their is no longer access to those properties.

Mods, let him say his piece if he dares.

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I work as a geologist doing abandoned mine lands stuff. This GRE is a pile of trash and shouldn’t be trusted. They simply stake corners file the paperwork pay the couple hundred dollar fee and then sell to unsuspecting idiots from Texas.

I installed the culverts at the Pennsylvania Mine that they are selling for 600 grand. (YouTube it) They stand outside and say millions of dollars inside. I wonder if they know these portals have been bulkheaded. I.e. closed with 25 plus feet of solid concrete. Guess not, but that chick can see gold in the rock sitting on the mine dump (NOT) so she knows if she can just get a key to that gosh darn gate on the culvert that there are millions of dollars inside. Well I have a dam key and there isn’t millions of dollars in there. Just a concrete wall with a billion gallons of polluted water behind it. Good luck getting a permit to open up an environmental disaster.

I see them show up at lots of sites I work at all over Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico filing clams on just another dumb hole in the ground that has been played out by the original miners. In fact they have accused me of messing with their claims while I am out there under contract with the Forest Service.

If anyone wants to by a claim let me know and I will show you where there are 50,000 holes I have been to that you can do as much research in a day that this GRE does and you can have your own claim for a few hundred bucks. Or you can pay these idiots $600,000 so you can chip at a concrete wall inside a culvert.

Billions of gallons of polluted water? Polluted with heavy metals? If it is I would like a crack at it. I have a few ideas that just might work.

Billions of gallons of polluted water? Polluted with heavy metals? If it is I would like a crack at it. I have a few ideas that just might work.

Now THAT is a much more interesting topic than this thread... Would love to hear about that! Please let me know if you start a thread to discuss that...based on this whole incident the likely elements involved would be: cadmium, lead, arsenic, beryllium, zinc, iron, and copper. Wonder what else was in the mix at lower levels?

Uh oh king claim flipper joined tnet

One_ bad_rover, we have rules on language and against insulting members, post by our rules, next time I will delete entire post.

Now THAT is a much more interesting topic than this thread... Would love to hear about that! Please let me know if you start a thread to discuss that...based on this whole incident the likely elements involved would be: cadmium, lead, arsenic, beryllium, zinc, iron, and copper. Wonder what else was in the mix at lower levels?

I grew up in Western PA dealing with Acid Mine Drainage and was told back in the '90's that there was a million dollars a day going down that one river. Someone just had to find a way to get it out profitably to get it cleaned up. I think I have and I am waiting on the finalization of a patent on the process. You wouldn't believe just how much of a pain in the arse this has been. I've been trying to get this done for years and it WILL solve a lot of problems. ANd that right there is the problem.

Billions upon billions of dollars are at play here so everybody is going to want their palms greased to get a piece of it. I am trying to make sure any variation on the patent is covered so I make money off of it.

Alright Corey, I gave you a chance to speak up.

Let's take a look at your Golden Turkey lode claim here in Arizona that your asking $99,000 for. Your basing all your information off of decades old geological reports that have been proven wrong more often than not. And those reports tend to base their information off of what other miners in the area did. Very, very few of those old geological reports are based off of actual core drilling. For $99,000 you had damn well be better be able to show me at least ONE core sample.

Here's another thing. Here in Arizona, odds are the ore is going to contain arsenic. Do YOU disclose that fact? Do YOU have an actual mineral report to back up the fact as to whether or not there is arsenic there? And if there are arsenic based tailings already there, congratulations, you just claimed a Superfund site and can be held responsible for the cleanup and rehabilitation of the area.

It gets even better. Do YOU understand that if there is a crusher on site, whether a jaw crusher or an impact mill, it is considered a mine in MSHA's eyes and thus subject to MSHA regulation. Do YOU disclose that fact to potential buyers? Or do you just tell people to fly under the radar? And speaking of MSHA, do you even have a clue as to what kind of rehab these mines need to be reopened under todays laws? I'm thinking probably not since you claim that the federal agencies are destroying history and driving small prospectors and miners off of public land.

So the Golden Turkey may have languished in the hands of small prospectors and miners that didn't have the money to develop it. And there is a reason why. Hell a Winkie drill is only $20K. If you really have thousands of satisfied customers at the prices your asking, then why don't you have one? Haven't you realized that if you can prove a resource then you have a better chance of selling your "claims" for a higher asking price to some people with some very deep pockets?

My assessment of you and your company, and this is not an insult just an honest assessment, is that you are a hack trying to defraud small scale miners and others out of there money by trying to trump up "claims" based on decades old information. Do some development work and maybe, just maybe you'll make it.

And for the record, I've been in and out of the mining industry for over 20 years along with several sheepskins on the wall. As you can see by my avatar, I am part owner in a privately owned junior mining company that is the real deal and is doing things right. Unlike you, I have no problems with the various Gov't agencies and am on a first name basis with many of them. Learn how to play this game or get the hell out.

Just flipping old claims for profit..oldest gag in the business. Buyers beware. Do your own research and file your own claim...

Like I said

King Claim Flipper

I will be putting up a bunch of my equipment for sale if you or any one you know is interested ,

8inch ; trommel , desert fox , mini high banker , mini clean up sluice, keen 52 sluice , screens . Oven , 16 inch ; rock crusher . Works really well . M416 military trailer set up for prospecting or hunting if your into that . Top cargo rack , pm me or any one that could be interested , setting up for retirement.

GRE is just like any other group of paper hangers out there. Most of the time they just tie up the ground at the county level without paying the BLM fees, indicating a lack of commitment to the ground on their part. Then they charge these outrageous prices, based (practically) on false advertising, to buy some crap piece of land that either, does not have anything worth mining, or is near impossible to mine due to politics or how the ore is tied up in the rock. Either way you put it, buying anything from these clowns would not be reasonably feasible (unless, perhaps, you have a large scale operation going). As a small miner who has had dealings with groups like these, I know first hand how shady their business dealings are. My best advice would be to educate yourself on the process of staking claims in your state. Call the BLM and the county recorder to find out the process and the costs involved. Research the land to make sure it's open to staking. There is a great website called - It has information regarding land status with interactive topo maps. After finding open areas, it is especially important to put your boots on the ground and investigate the area for yourself. If you are unwilling to do the investigating and researching, then don't waste your money claiming anything. It could better suit you to join a club that already has claims available to their members. In the end, it is the journey and the hard work that makes all of the gold you pull out so much more rewarding.

This may be the dumbest comment Ive read in a while. Paper hangers. Do you miss the videos that we make on site and inside the workings? Showing the minerals that are there and how to extract them? Maybe you think we make those in a magical studio. :hello2: Good research. Maybe educate yourself before you open your mouth. This old join a club idea and the journey is a bunch of crap. If you never want to make any money off of your mine, by all means, wander the desert and plunk around for a nugget in the sand. If you want a good mine that has potential, history, and backing to get it rolling, well then you should look at

And the ban hammer in 3...2...1...

Funny how you like to mess with the new people and not face up to those with experience.

Orotoro and others have been educated by people like me who have ACTUAL mining experience. Tell you what, let me come and sample the golden turkey mine like I want and if it shows promise I just might buy it off you. And if it doesn't pan out, then you pay me the asking price. Of course I'm bringing a core rig though just to be up front about things.

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Actually I am neither Jeff or Daniel. I am their partner that was brought in based on ACTUAL experience. If you want to "pay me a visit" then by all means do so, you won't like what you'll find. Personal threat don't scare me, they excite me.

$99 million just in tailings and it is still sitting there" I stand by what I said.

So when did you get your 5000-23?

This may be the dumbest comment Ive read in a while. Paper hangers. Do you miss the videos that we make on site and inside the workings? Showing the minerals that are there and how to extract them? Maybe you think we make those in a magical studio. :hello2: Good research. Maybe educate yourself before you open your mouth. This old join a club idea and the journey is a bunch of crap. If you never want to make any money off of your mine, by all means, wander the desert and plunk around for a nugget in the sand. If you want a good mine that has potential, history, and backing to get it rolling, well then you should look at ...

Hahaha! Talk about TRIGGERED!! :laughing7: I've watched enough of your videos to know that you have a very "unique" method of classifying rocks and that you haven't done much manual labor, as evidenced by your soft baby hands. It is clear that you are running a business where your money comes out of other peoples' pockets and not the gold in the ground and, while I don't like interfering with your ability to feed your family, I am wondering if you could even provide any references of people who purchased a property from you and is actually making a profit. And I am also wondering if you consider everyone on this thread to be complete idiots who are incapable of researching the history and the reports that are associated with the various mines and districts in this country? Come on, Corey! You are worse than a used car salesman.

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