Let's take a look at your Golden Turkey lode claim here in Arizona that your asking $99,000 for. Your basing all your information off of decades old geological reports that have been proven wrong more often than not. And those reports tend to base their information off of what other miners in the area did. Very, very few of those old geological reports are based off of actual core drilling. For $99,000 you had damn well be better be able to show me at least ONE core sample. [/QUOTE}
Looks like you forgot to read, there are $99mil in the waste dumps and tailings, documented with assays. Why would anyone core drill that without working the easy stuff first. Oh, but I forgot, using "core drill" makes you sound smarter, right? Nope, core drilling is for a more advanced operation. If your core drilling your mines prior to any advanced prep work, your an idiot. (see what I did there?)
("Odds are", this is your argument? "Odds are"? Nice slight with the "here in Arizona", I know Arizona mines far better than you ever will. but that was cute.)
Odds are you really envy what we do as a company which is why you try to copy our business model. Odds are your little videos are cute, but have no real content. Odds are your "Mining 101" was stolen right from Gold Rush circa 2012. Glad to see you are catching up though.
You obviously are incompetent to read any of the 50-60 page reports that we make on each of the mines we sell, including geological reports (which dont mean much), on site survey data, assays and other information pertinent to the sale of a brownfield property. As to your arsenic and superfund scare tactics, well now thats just complete bullshit, are you trying to scare off any prospectors? Arsenic is a naturally occurring mineral, and it doesnt show the site to be toxic. Maybe your just a BLM troll trying to keep people out of mines. After all, superfund is scary, right. Heres a quick fact. If you own a claim, you arent responsible for previous mining activities, only your own. Difference in private property and mining claims on federal land. Your not making any headway here. Im starting to wonder if you have any actual on the ground knowledge.
(Hah, wow. You are just making stuff up now.)
There are plenty of operations running with a crusher on site that are not subject to MSHA regulations. Actually you have to be paying employees for MSHA to get involved. Seems you really dont know too much about anything with this mining business. You might want to take some of our courses and head out with some engineers for some education.
Im not even going to dignify the rest of that paragraph with a response. Pull your head out man, come on.
Well here we have it, now you are going to give me business advice on a company that has been thriving on helping and promoting the small miner for the last 25 years. I really appreciate your business acumen and interest, but I think we are doing okay.
In fact, it seems the only people who arent doing well are the ones like yourself, "oh, everythings horrible, no one can mine, you gotta be a super miner and have lots of equipment to work". Yet somehow only you are able to start working a small mine on a shoe string budget.
Heres a newsflash, no one is really making money off of youtube, but your channel is horrible "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChDG1exRccwFHQKp_2uGtLQ"
Maybe you should do yourself a favor and instead of trying to copy what Gold Rush is doing, you could ask to work with us, we could teach you quite a few things.
Here, go watch something educational: "
You, my friend, are what is wrong with mining today.
Sage advice from someone who has been in business for less than a year to a company that has been doing this since 1994. Thanks buddy!
Your "sheepskins" (what are you like 100 years old??). Your little company is far from a JV, an further was barely formed in feb of 2017. You have no problems with federal agencies because you dont register on their radar. Youre not a threat in any way.
How about this Jeffery and or Daniel, I appreciate your opinion, but thats all it is. You have no basis playing out here. Ive got more knowledge of mining in my little finger than you seem to have in your entire body.
You know that Gold Rush surveyed your property in 2008 and passed on it, no value, move on. But maybe you found magic gold that everyone else was missing. You do think you are the master miner, but before you open your mouth, you should be ready to back it up. You have no experience, you have no knowledge, so you have nothing of value to say.
You are just trying to copy what Gold Rush has been doing for over 20 years, steal ideas and concepts and then try to make yourself famous by "calling us out". Newsflash, we were here far before you were, and we will be here far after. There will always be naysayers, jealousy does that. But at the end of the day, we will still be providing rock solid claims on documented ground. And people will be buying and developing those properties, in most cases, with our guidance.
If you need any other material to steal, we moved all our mining 101 info over to
www.stayoutstayalive.com if you ever move up and want to actually do some mining on a proven property, feel free to hit us up
www.goldrushexpeditions.com (to be fair, I will probably charge you an extra 10% for being an idiot).
Have a great day!