I just wanted to say thanks to EVERYONE that contributed...we all brainstormed together and helped each other.
And that includes you, Tom, because you were the one who first thought about the religious eagle of St. John.
Darren and Bigcypresshunter, you guys are gifted as history hunters! I hope we are at least 80% right on our theory!
Ok...since we are on the topic of the Eucharist, I do have such a great story to share, if anyone is interested in reading.
In the city of Lanciano, Italy, around the year 700, there was a priest of the order of St. Basil who was not strong in his faith. He was plagued by a doubt as to whether the consecrated Host was truly the Body of Christ, and the consecrated wine truly His Blood.
One morning, as he was celebrating Mass, he saw the Bread change into Flesh and the wine into Blood.
Today twelve centuries after the miraculous occurrence it remains intact, a sustained miracle! Local Church and Vatican official have authenticated the Eucharistic miracle on many occasions since the middle ages.
Upon a superficial examination, the Host of Flesh, which is still in one piece and has retained the dimensions of the original "Large Host", has a fibrous appearance and a brown color, which becomes light-reddish if one places a light in the back of the Ostensorium.
The blood, contained in the chalice, has an earthly color, inclined toward the yellow of ocher, and consists of five coagulated globules. Each of the parts is uneven in shape and size, and when weighed together, the total weight is equal to that of each piece.
The actual spot of the miracle is located beneath the present day tabernacle of the Church of St. Francis. The Miracle Itself is preserved in the second tabernacle, which is found in the high altar. The Host, now changed to Flesh, is contained in a silver Monstrance. The wine, now changed to Blood, is contained in a crystal chalice.
Scientific Studies
A rigorous scientific analysis was performed in 1970-71 by Professor Dr. Odorardo, University Professor in anatomy and pathological histology and in chemistry and clinical microscopy, Head Physician of the United Hospitals of Arezzo. Prof. Linoli was assisted by Prof. Dr. Ruggero Bertelli, a Professor Emeritus of anatomy at the University of Siena.
The research done on the fragments of the Blood and the Flesh yielded the following results:
• The Blood of the Eucharistic Miracle is real blood and the Flesh is real flesh.
• The Flesh consists of the muscular tissue of the myocardium (heart wall).
• The Blood and the Flesh belong to the human species.
• The blood type is identical in the Blood and in the Flesh, type AB.
• The proteins in the blood are in the same proportions as those found in normal fresh blood.
• There is no trace whatsoever of any materials or agents used for preservation of flesh or blood.