🥇 BANNER Gold Coin!


Bronze Member
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Golden Thread
New York
🥇 Banner finds
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
CTX 3030
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Went to a favorite old park today and got a big surprise. After detecting for 35 years I finally found my first gold coin. It's a 1871 half sovereign. Also found a couple of V nickels, a war nickel, buffalo, Merc and Indian, but who cares? I found a gold coin. Talk about a feeling of excitement. Glad I had a couple of buddies there with me. They were as excited as I was. Could I have actually made a banner find?






I just scanned the gold coin to give a clearer picture. If you click on the photo and then click on it again to get to the highest resolution you can see it appears to be Double Struck. This is what some would call a chatter strike.

gold coin obverse.webp

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What a great coin, and a great day. You'll have a tough time ever topping that!...Congrats!

Congratz! One of my gold coins was British too. Apparently foreign gold coins made it over here to the USA for inclusion in circulation here. How deep was it ?

Nice find! You mean there are parks in NY that aren't hunted out?? Goes to show you! Keep at it everyone!

most awesome find. congrats!

Congrats Don. I've only dug one gold coin in 28 years of detecting. A rare find indeed !

BIG Congratz Don!!

Great find. Those old parks out your way seem to have an never ending supply of interesting finds. Old gold is great. It will be hard to top this one.


Huge! Congrats on the Gold!!!

Looks like a fantastic day!! Gorgeous gold!! Huge congrats

Jaw dropping find! Congrats!

What was the TID on that one?

Congratulations on your Victoria gold coin find and on making the BANNER Don! :occasion14:

I would've though more of these would be found here in Canada, but I don't see them being found in the US very much either. :icon_scratch:


like are used to say french people... CHAPEAU!

Now that's a high I would like to experience. congrats.

I share the feeling Andy, as I were there too... I wish it was me who found it too !!! LOL

For the first hour, I had the find of the day with a modest V nickel. (in a good shape though...)

Talk about a find !!!!!

I am really glad for you Don. It is in perfect shape and it is absolutely well deserved ! Watch your neck though... I have worked on my shovel swing... ;)

Definitely banner !!!!

I can understand your glad for him but a little envious as well , that's natural IMO.
A nice V Nickel is a Great Find IMO, As I dug my Very first one on Sunday 'look's to be in nice shape, (have not cleaned it up yet) heck that find took 15 years --.
Hope to dig a Gold Coin Before the age of 50 until then Ill save my clad & then buy one.


Congratulations .. How does it compare in size to say a Gold US Dollar Coin?

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