Actually trellis the squash vines, (sturdy I might add) they'll love it. Going to do it this year as they'll take up less room.
Don't worry about things just starting, things have a way in catching up it seems. Water/sun/and just keep on weeding.
Pole beans will have a pointed leaf, squash will have a rounded leaf.
Then again one could try the 3 sister method of companionship growing. Corn, beans, squash
Yes. These are on three , three sister mounds. My thought was working the squash around sides and perimeter of mounds to keep weed competition down , free up bean take off room vertically ,and while peeled sapling stakes are on hand , If the corn holds up I'd like to encourage beans to run up corn.
We'll see. Experimentation won't get too crazy. It's an established process historically for good reason..
How old is the dog?
It's giving you the look.