Giant house filled with tons of cash and antiques!!!

Glad to see this thread didn't die! haha

I never did get another chance to check the house out. The uncle was so greedy and wanted it sold YESTERDAY if you know what I mean. Not sure what the new owners are doing.

I think we found enough though! haha

aaron7 said:

Here are some of the newest finds! I feel like a pirate!! Haha

First item is a VERY small pistol, about 4? long! It says ?North American Arms? on it. Any idea of the age? Also, I KNOW it is loaded, but I do not know how do unload it. I will bring it to a gun shop.


Second is a Smith & Wesson ?32? ?CTGE?. No other details on that one!



Next up is a good one. This has Japanese writing on the butt, but I cannot decipher it.



Here is a HORRIBLE idea! It?s a PEZ dispenser? and the candy comes from the barrel! Let?s just put guns in our mouths! Haha


There are LOTS of furs; I?ll just post a few:




And this old sewing machine, like new with all the accessories! Dated 1952.


I?ll keep everyone posted!

Japanese is read from top to bottom and from right to left. It reads: Meiji year 18 (1885 by western years which is 122 years ago). Osaka-fu. (Osaka is the second largest city on the main island of Honshu in Japan and this is apparently where the pistol was made).

The Smith & Wesson I assume is a 32-cal. See if it a Model-2. If it was a model2-44 - cal.with that C.E.King shell extractor.It would be worth it,s weight in gold. Weigh the gun-measure the length of the barrel include the serial#. Send the information to S&W. Include a return stamped envelope. Ask for the history of the gun. It will take them 2/3 weeks maybe to answer. Having this info. document should increase the value. If you hit the long shot as to who it was sold to?
Follow the trail as far as you can.Could even turn out it was bought new-(One owner) makes a difference$$$$
Keep it wiped off & lightly oiled/touching that type of metal with you hands without cleaning is not-good. Good Luck- you have a jewel there!

thats what i need to find.

Wow i'd be like a kid in a candy store. Awesome thanks for the pics...

EDDE said:
that samurai sword is the real deal,!that's stingray skin under the leather wrapping,also the royal kersanthimun* seal(?) i dream of a house like this!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If that is a real deal in which it looks 100% to be............................................Please hold on to your seat...............................
Min. of 30K
The original swordsmiths in Japan were very few even in the 1600's but judging from the handgaurd it looks like a pre 1700 sword. If you look at the blade with a 10x scope you should see super thin folds which will determin if it is 100% real as this was the technique used for real "folded' sword's back in the day. I am not a professional by any means and what I have told you was a brief overview by looking and compairing your sword to other pictures close to it. Many swords have the swordsmiths name or symbol stamped or etched into it. If it is not visible on the handgaurd or the bottom of the blade or handle, it may be under the wrap of the handle in which you would want a professional to look at it. You may want to contact the AJH or Ancient Japanese History foundation or better yet a historical blade dealer. With the dealer you will want to make sure that he carries only true hand craft er swords in other words not one sword priced less that 5K in USD. Good luck and please let me know if you find out the craftman who made it.................I am a lover of old swords.

More stuff! Old car models found in the boxes we took.




I know you have lots of other treasures there, but since eBay got its start as a result of trading and selling pez dispensers, I figured I'd see what your gun was worth. Unfortunately, of the 470+ currently up for bid and the 1000+ completed pez dispenser listings, not one is a gun or pistol.

There is a PYRO '32 Chrysler Le Baron PHAETON 1960's Model Kit on eBay for under $20.00 and a L'iL Coffin for about $35.00 in the U.K. and chances are most of the other model kits you have are in that price range.

Little deringer looks like is says; "Model AP3 22-S" "North American Arms Corp." "Newbury Park, Calif." "Cal. .22 Short". I've included a negative of the image you posted:


The S&W says; 32 Cal S&W CTGE.



WOW!! I just came upon this thread, and have to admit, this would be my dream find!! You gotta love those who hoard! I would have a tough time getting rid of any of it, for wanting to keep it for my own!

A small tid bit on the Pez gun...
PEZ Automatic PISTOL. Made in Austria, circa 1960.
On the off chance you can find one in decent shape*usually worse condition than yours*, they will go anywhere from $150-300.

Man!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am just flabbergasted!!!!!! What a terrific story and great finds. Thank you for sharing and for the great photos.

Hey Aaron...what a wonderful topic. I am sorry to hear about the outcome of the house and the Greed! I remember when my Nani passed mother and her two half sisters (both much older than my mother) were at her apt and after grabbing everything they wanted...the rest went in the trash.

That sewing machine you pictured...BEAUTIFUL! I love those old singers!!

Aufinder01 said:
The North American, you unscrew the knurled screw under the barrel, and take out the cylinder to remove the bullets. They made these in the late '70- early '80's.


Naaa, they still made them in the 90's also. I have one exactly like that. Ya push the spring loaded button on the cylinder shaft an pull the whole shaft out an then the cyl. will come out. Its a 5 shot- 22 short style pistol. If more than 25 ft. away you'll probably miss the barn with it.LOL


i hope there's guards posted at that historical home .that lady was really a person who waste not!! i am truely enjoying your stories and pics along with the rest of the readers i envey you for you have handled more treasure(s) than we will ever unable to find in our lives

aaron7 said:
Wow! People stashed stuff everywhere!

Far as we've found, money was hidden... but not like that. In drawers and such, but we haven't found any secrets in the house itself!

That's some fantastic stuff. My hrandmother was the same way, I guess living through the depression made people distrut the banks, (not like today of course!). I also had some unscrupulous relations who got in first and went through her things. Who knows what they made off with, but that's life. It's sad when an old person dies and greed sets in within the family.

So whatever happened with the new owners, where did all this stuff go Arronn? Did you go by and ask if you could help move the trash out for them or metal detect the yard?
They may have appreciated you helping dispose of the junk.

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