Here are some of the newest finds! I feel like a pirate!! Haha
First item is a VERY small pistol, about 4? long! It says ?North American Arms? on it. Any idea of the age? Also, I KNOW it is loaded, but I do not know how do unload it. I will bring it to a gun shop.
Second is a Smith & Wesson ?32? ?CTGE?. No other details on that one!
Next up is a good one. This has Japanese writing on the butt, but I cannot decipher it.
Here is a HORRIBLE idea! It?s a PEZ dispenser? and the candy comes from the barrel! Let?s just put guns in our mouths! Haha
There are LOTS of furs; I?ll just post a few:
And this old sewing machine, like new with all the accessories! Dated 1952.
I?ll keep everyone posted!