Giant house filled with tons of cash and antiques!!!

I have a suggestion as to another place that you might search in the house. If it has an attic look around the edges where it goes to the outside wall. If it is open there look under the edges of the boards there's usually a space between 12 and 24 inches open at the outside edges of the floor. I once lived in a duplex that had an attic and it connected both halves of the house . I looked in the area that I just described to you and under the edges I found several sets of antique salt and pepper shakers including some made of depression glass. You might be surprised at what you might find there. Let me know if you find anything good.

Hey aaron7, are there any key date coins in ther, buy yourself a redbook and sell em on eBay! Also don't forget to check in those suitcases!
You are just too lucky man, nothing like that will ever happen to me.

When you post the stuff on Ebay, who gets the money? Amazing stuff in that house.Some family can be vultures when it comes to money. ???

The person you owns it gets all the money. in fact eBay is very profitable, eBay only takes a $0.80-$1.50 insertion fee.
I sell stuff on ebay sometimes that i get at garage sales.

Found this site and thread while searching something else. Wow!!! My husband would die happy if he only found one room like that somewhere! Anyway, I thought I'd give some suggestions. I see one of the rooms is wallpaper. Feel around on the walls, people hide papers (money) under wallpaper. Check the inside of lined clothing like coats and jackets and FURS! Furs are so thick no one notices lumps. And check the hemlines of the drapes and curtains, another cozy place for paper. And the toilet tank.
I'm so jealous.

In older houses the windows use weights as a counter balance. There is a trap door in the window jamb for repair/maintenance of the weights, an excellent place to stash valuables.
HH rrbbtt.

Hope to pass on many collectibles to my grand children someday.

Certainly going to take a very long time to go through all of that and decide what one would do with all of it. What to keep...what to sell?

Your girlfriend's great grandmother certainly had a good eye for collecting.

Good luck with all those items,

I don't know if it's true; but I've heard that eBay actually started as a Pez trading site.
Good luck at this house; sounds like it will keep you busy for quite some time ;)
[/quote] >>

Just an FYI. Yes, it is true. Meg's husband actually set up the site to help her sell off some Pex Dispecnsers that she wnated to sell. Then, it went from there.

Well, this must be ''a lifetimes collection'' !!
Very impressive.


Who among us would'nt travel wherever just to offer to hunt that property. Family can have it all. I'd be thrilled just to hunt the grounds!

Anything else happened on this one lately? I'd count up the silver and write'em a check for face value (just kidding unless you think it would work ;))

I had a friend who sold some of his mom's fancy silk covered hangers at a g sale. He didn't know that his mom had sewed a couple diamond rings to the inside of the hangers. The buyer actually brought the diamond rings back to the g sale and returned them! You never know where things may be hidden.

The plate on the truck is tennesse but im sure the plate on the car is michigan or pennsylvania

Don't think its a Tennessee plate... maybe... what house would be worth 600K there... maybe it's in the middle of downtown Nashville? I might be wrong but if it's in the state I think it is, it surely could be worth 600k. Is there even a plate on the blue boat?

Anyway looks like a replica or maybe a "new" Smith & Wesson Model 3. The CTGE. stands for cartridge so that means it takes the .32 S&W round, NOT to be mistaken with the more modern .32 auto, or any other .32 besides .32 S&W. Hard to tell if its a replica or a New Mod. 3 made by Smith without looking in person, but the condition seems decent, it may have been refinished. Have a trusted gunsmith check it out but make sure he knows you have NO plans on selling it BEFORE he appraises it, or else he may want to buy it and that can change the price.

I've had some of these same issues come up with relatives and estates and valuables... can be pretty messy. Greed can ruin people. I never found that much cash and coins but my Mother did find three 500 dollar bills while reflooring the kitchen of the old family house I grew up in. Believe it or not they put em in the bank. My Dad carried one around a while to show it off but eventually spent it... jeez I wish I had them now... but it was the 70's and they didn't have the collector value they do now... eBay has changed everything. OK enough ranting.

Awesome finds, keep us updated on the good fight and HH!

Aaron...great thread. As for unloading the gun..the ONLY way and I repeat the ONLY way to do this if you don;t know the gun and how it operates is LEAVE IT ALONEand have someone that is familiar with handguns unload if for you safely, and please do it soon for it is not safe to have a loaded weapon around if people who aren;t familiar with it may have access to it. Until then, be VERY careful handling it, some guns have hair triggers and can go off very easily and very unexpectantly.

Awesome dude! Be sure to check any greeting cards for cash inside! Especially mother day cards, birthday and christmas cards. My mother recently pasted away last May and I had a box of stuff that I got from the nursing home that she had and I did not go through it right away. Too make a long story short I went through the box recently and found over $90.00 in the greeting cards so be sure to check them. You probably know that already.
Have fun going through the house!


We need an update please

Been a while since I've stopped in here - I'll definitely put this topic on my "daily" list!

Those are some fantastic finds! Thanks for sharing your adventure and the harvest!!!!! ;D

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