Don't think its a Tennessee plate... maybe... what house would be worth 600K there... maybe it's in the middle of downtown Nashville? I might be wrong but if it's in the state I think it is, it surely could be worth 600k. Is there even a plate on the blue boat?
Anyway looks like a replica or maybe a "new" Smith & Wesson Model 3. The CTGE. stands for cartridge so that means it takes the .32 S&W round, NOT to be mistaken with the more modern .32 auto, or any other .32 besides .32 S&W. Hard to tell if its a replica or a New Mod. 3 made by Smith without looking in person, but the condition seems decent, it may have been refinished. Have a trusted gunsmith check it out but make sure he knows you have NO plans on selling it BEFORE he appraises it, or else he may want to buy it and that can change the price.
I've had some of these same issues come up with relatives and estates and valuables... can be pretty messy. Greed can ruin people. I never found that much cash and coins but my Mother did find three 500 dollar bills while reflooring the kitchen of the old family house I grew up in. Believe it or not they put em in the bank. My Dad carried one around a while to show it off but eventually spent it... jeez I wish I had them now... but it was the 70's and they didn't have the collector value they do now... eBay has changed everything. OK enough ranting.
Awesome finds, keep us updated on the good fight and HH!