I realize this thread is old...but since many will look back on it...my 2 cents worth

She left no will?
I would hold on to everything BEFORE selling it or letting it go. At least for 6-12mths. This gives any one time to do the legal matters. Probate can take as long as 6 mths. In case someone decides to make themselves executor of the estate, then wants to go to court over the belongings, etc. If their was no will everything has to be categorized and a value placed on it to distribute equally among relatives. There has to be someone to take legal matters in hand to sell the property if no ones name(s) are on the deed or wasn't willed the property, etc. This means her biological/adopted children or step children she provided care for more than their biological parents for a period of time, NOT grandchildren ... would receive the items and her spouse (if still living, if he is living then he gets all rights if they have been married after a certain time). Basically what was hers before marriage is now the estates, what was his (spouse) before marriage is his and things bought together during marriage are his, unless just in her name. Taking of the items without a lawyers protection could lead to a lawsuit later if someone wises up and decides a lawyer is needed. Never take anyone for granted. People get sidetracked and rush to get rid of things, before taking into account the laws and legal matters in a death. If she left no will, then people believe they can just go in and say here you get this I get that and in their rush everyone agrees...but supposed someone decided to think a little harder on what they gave up and "Jane Doe" isn't happy any more with her set of china dishes and decides she wants the silver spoons as well, because "John Doe" got all the dining room furniture circa 1920's. You get the picture?
We had the same thing happen to us recently, a stepmother after a fathers death (Sept '09) willingly gave us his belongings only to come back 4mths later and contest everything, got a lawyer and has tried to sue us to get it all back to the estate, after she got a high paying lawyer to make her executor of the estate and tell her due to Alabama law half goes to her and the other half to the children. She doesn't want to work, was so sweet and acted grief stricken.... and now is going so far as to sue in only 7mths after the death and hold us in contempt of court if we don't return the items, and going as far as taking things from a 8yr old child! Just unique rocks (he collects them like his Grandfather did) that she gave him for Christmas that was his Grandpa's and a few had traces of gold in them.
From sweet to evil witch in less than 6mths!
Please itemize everything you take and/or sell at what price. You don't know what the family might come back with later after they had time to think.
She was working quickly giving things away and selling them because they had a home in NJ and one in Mobile, AL so she had no where to put all the extra things so she said we could have them....then BOOM 4mths later she wants them back and then 7mths later suing us! Luckily we talked her out of it because she sold some things valued way over what we have before she got the lawyer and is just taking the value of the items out of our portion of the estate....but still goes to show what family will do when money is involved.
GL! Be safe....horde for now...look at it as a fragile nest egg, instead of a way to get rich fast.
You never know when it all can be snatched back!