Garrett AT Pro vs Fisher F75 LTD

I have both machines. It is apple to oranges really. If you can operate the atPro better than the Fisher you will find more. If you learn to use the fisher which has a little harder learning curve and build some confidence it will discriminate better and pull deeper targets. The F-75 SE is the better machine in my humble opinion. But of late my hunts are in creek crossing so it is all at pro and it does a fine job for me. Good woods and fields give me the F-75 please.
Old iron gets a good halo on it and most machines will make you dig it. Could very well be a good target. You ever thought about how you ground balance in 3 feet of water haha.
Good luck with all your machines.

The AT Pro must be a very good detector. Everyone is always comparing it to detectors that cost 2 and 3 times the cost of the AT Pro......Jack

The AT Pro must be a very good detector. Everyone is always comparing it to detectors that cost 2 and 3 times the cost of the AT Pro......Jack

It's the best a lot know expecially if you never really learn another.

The AT Pro must be a very good detector. Everyone is always comparing it to detectors that cost 2 and 3 times the cost of the AT Pro......Jack

Maybe. I've never owned either. But there are slews of AT Pros for resale at around $400-$450. Never see even older F75s in that range. I've shopped them. And now with the ltd2 upgrade........

I own V3i , Spectrum XLT , Deus , Safari and ATP . For the price, performance and being water proof you can't beat ATP, specially if you live in Canada- try to pickup Canadian steel clad "junk" Pro does it w ease and for half of the cost - I also dig 6"- 6 1/2" silver dimes measured BTW smaller coil is my favorite for trashy sites ( F75 cost around $ 1100- ATP $600 New I think ATP holds value better than any other. That my five cents thanks

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I have an F75 (just sent it back for the upgrade) and it SHOULD whomp the AT Pro. It's street price is $150 to $300 more (75 vs. 75LTD).

Different solutions to detecting. If I lived at the shore and puddled around in the surf the AT Pro might have been a better choice.

But for coinshooting or relics inland - the F75.

I got a demo model that was used at a show for 600 on the fisher f-75 special edition. It was brand new saw it advertised on here for much more. I called the guy as he was close in Ga and showed up with cash. All twenties wrapped with a rubber band and said here is 600, He said Sold !! He did not know me from Atom.
I think if I said I was a mod here he might have charged me full price. We never get any breaks:dontknow:

Got the at pro here from a dealer here at t-net. They throwed in a shovel and lesche to boot. I was happy.

Maybe. I've never owned either. But there are slews of AT Pros for resale at around $400-$450. Never see even older F75s in that range. I've shopped them. And now with the ltd2 upgrade........
That is the thing the AT Pro has no resale value at all..

im sorry,but i just couldnt be quiet...First im not a brands guy...good thats out of the way....second i own an at pro and a t2 and i just recently bought an f70 for a very good price on ebay....Now back to the reason I posted. I have been watching metal detectors on ebay for several months now,and i have been watching them closely as Have a shopping list i wanna fill.I got the f70 but am also wanting an at gold. For you guys that say there is no resale on the A Ts...go to ebay,Every AT is selling on there for closer to retail than the other detectors,and yes even the fishers,and that is why I dont have the at gold yet because i have a certain threshold that I will pay for a used detector which is based on original price and i cant get close to an AT gold yet///Bought an f7o and an f5 for very good prices that were well within my threshold...Maybe there is no resale value on ATs elsewhere ,but on ebay they are selling like hotcakes

I dont think the garrett machines loose their value any more than Fishers or Minelabs or anything else if you compare retail to resale. They cost less to begin with! After some learning time...I have grown to like my f75 and have found some good stuff with it. But I have really feel in love with my AT gold. It is the perfect companion to the pro. The all-metal mode goes very deep on mid range conductors in bad VA soil.

AT Pro is the best performing (coil size for coil size) detector for the $$$$$.
I would expect a machine that cost nearly 2 times as much to maybe outperform AT Pro.
And the weatherproof/waterproof is an added bonus with AT Pro.

AT Pro is the best performing (coil size for coil size) detector for the $$$$$.
I would expect a machine that cost nearly 2 times as much to maybe outperform AT Pro.
And the weatherproof/waterproof is an added bonus with AT Pro.

I love it when people say for the money blah blah blah. So if you budget is bigger you should expect better results as I have with a few different detectors from different companies. Atp is a decent detector for its price range is the extent of it. If that is all you ever use it will always be the best you know.

And yeah Dirtscratcher, I said it and guess what. I possess Minelab CTX, 2 Deus units, F75se, White's V3i currently, will be taking delivery of Nokta FORS Core tomorrow. And yes for the price the AT Pro is the best bang for the buck. You reckon I would maybe be a credible source for this information. The detectors listed above are not slouches by any means.

And yeah Dirtscratcher, I said it and guess what. I possess Minelab CTX, 2 Deus units, F75se, White's V3i currently, will be taking delivery of Nokta FORS Core tomorrow. And yes for the price the AT Pro is the best bang for the buck. You reckon I would maybe be a credible source for this information. The detectors listed above are not slouches by any means.

I wasn't questioning your experience the only way I can post is through quote I agree that for the money the work great but that,being said there are deeper faster better iding and so on as you must know. I was referring to some who want to argue that they will do anything any other detector will do at any price.

Now, I can agree with all that.

All these newbies with the AT Pro that think they have the best detector out there are ignorant of what other detectors can do. It's all in the fun we have hunting. But I think the Garrett users should learn what other detectors are before ranting on how good there ATP's are. They have nothing to base their claims on.

My AT Pro is tied to a tree out back. I hope it gets scared at night.:laughing7:

I wonder what the neighbors are thinking....

For those older yards in town, i still grab the AT pro most of the time.....

I am planing in purchasing a Fisher 75 unless people change my mind. Good hunting and good luck.

A few trips out with ANY machine is not enough time to make a honest review. run the machine for a year. learn the machine.

Beware folks we are entering the at pro myth zone again.:laughing7: I here all this stuff about the at pro performing like the higher end machines and ive got a new name for it (the at pro myth.) The at pro is a solid MID LEVEL detector thats it and now with the f75 price being dropped it might not be the best in that price range either. All this business about it out performing or keeping up with the higher end detectors is a myth. People who make those statements have not done any real testing with the machine againest others such as the ctx ,deus, f75,t2 because if they had they would know better. Anybody reading this post if your ever down my way bring your at pro and we will do some comparing to other detectors ctx,deus,makro r2,t2, f75 ,etrac, and any other detector we can get our hands on and we will QUICKLY show the false hood of all this at pro business and put it on video and post it for the world to see . Is the at pro a solid detector yes it is,BUT there are other detectors out there that smoke it, the deus being one that eats its lunch. If all you have ever used is the at pro and are running around saying things like whats been said above your spreading fallacy, its almost like some are in the at pro CULT and are brainwashed by propaganda. seriously folks get your facts straight and not just regurgetate what you heard someone else say . Its true ive tested and hunted with the at pro and became a expert with it and now im that with the deus does the at pro come close to keeping up with the deus NO it doesnt, why do I say this because ive used both and tested both and what im saying is true and not some kind of myth out of the twillight zone .sorry if I offend at pro users but what im saying is true.

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