Garrett AT Pro vs Fisher F75 LTD


Jr. Member
Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Englewood Ohio, Davao City Philippines
Detector(s) used
XP Deus, & Minelab 800, & Simplex
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I bought my garrett in march, and its a great machine, found alot of good finds, rings, alot of coins
And also bought my fisher ltd, first week of June, I love this machine, very sensitive,
Now I went back to the same park that hunted with my garrett, and found coins that I missed,
They weren't very deep, but this place is very trashy, and the fisher goes right threw the junk and finds
Coins, the garrett was having trouble, the fisher responds faster then the garrett, having both machines
I can say, hands down the fisher is a better machine for me, very little or no chatter, just turn the settings down
And keep going.
My Fisher F75 LTD is like a Banker
Loves it Coins


I want to say thanks to wayne for all your help
Metal Detector Sales and Rentals | Fisher, Garrett, Minelab, Lesche and DetectorPro

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All these newbies with the AT Pro that think they have the best detector out there are ignorant of what other detectors can do. It's all in the fun we have hunting. But I think the Garrett users should learn what other detectors are before ranting on how good there ATP's are. They have nothing to base their claims on.

My AT Pro is tied to a tree out back. I hope it gets scared at night.:laughing7:

All these newbies with the AT Pro that think they have the best detector out there are ignorant of what other detectors can do. It's all in the fun we have hunting. But I think the Garrett users should learn what other detectors are before ranting on how good there ATP's are. They have nothing to base their claims on.

My AT Pro is tied to a tree out back. I hope it gets scared at night.:laughing7:

You mean like people that have used E-Trac's, T2se's, CZ's, Deus's, Spectra V's, MXT's, numerous Tesoros and such? Is that what your talking about? The ATP hangs with em period! Might not be the best beach machine in the world (the ONLY thing YOU can knock it for) but it's a damn fine performer. It'll do more with less than ANY other machine on the market. Fact not opinion!

For those that say "I missed it with my ____"! Oh Please...Unless you have both machines back to back comparing signals you CANNOT say this machine missed this, that machine missed that. What happened is YOU didn't put the damn coil over the target.

I've been swinging my T2se exclusively since I got it and it's pretty impressive on small targets like cuff buttons and such but I haven't seen it hit a coin size target the ATP couldn't hit. I guess I could say the same for any other machine I've ever had.

I havent noticed any performance differences between the at pro and the ace 350 besides the obvious bell tone changes is plagued with the same issues as one another and it picks up coins at the same depths as one another ...1 is water proof but heck i have a rain cover for the 350 and it was alot cheaper....they will both be going down the road sooner or later

I havent noticed any performance differences between the at pro and the ace 350 besides the obvious bell tone changes is plagued with the same issues as one another and it picks up coins at the same depths as one another ...1 is water proof but heck i have a rain cover for the 350 and it was alot cheaper....they will both be going down the road sooner or later
As much as I'm NOT a Ace fan, depth wasn't a issue.

Gotta admit I am not the biggest fan of the AT Pro. My friend and I swapped detectors for about 45 minutes. I though the AT was poorly balanced, did not like the tones, and the display was just to small. Granted 45 minutes is not enough time to make any sort of a fair decision. My problem has been the people using them. At least the ones I have met at parks have watched one too many episodes of Diggers and walk around the park with shovels and dig craters for 2" deep clad. I have talked to them and showed them proper recovery methods so that they don't ruin it or get detecting banned from the park. I know that is not a fair statement to say all AT users are hacks and dig craters, but MY experience with them so far has not been good. That doesn't mean people that use Fisher's or Tesoro's don't do the same thing, but when I talk to these people it is obvious they have watched one too many episodes of Diggers. I have no doubt Diggers has increased detector sales, but in the end I fear it has done more to hurt the future of our hobby.

You mean like people that have used E-Trac's, T2se's, CZ's, Deus's, Spectra V's, MXT's, numerous Tesoros and such? Is that what your talking about? The ATP hangs with em period! Might not be the best beach machine in the world (the ONLY thing YOU can knock it for) but it's a damn fine performer. It'll do more with less than ANY other machine on the market. Fact not opinion!

For those that say "I missed it with my ____"! Oh Please...Unless you have both machines back to back comparing signals you CANNOT say this machine missed this, that machine missed that. What happened is YOU didn't put the damn coil over the target.

I've been swinging my T2se exclusively since I got it and it's pretty impressive on small targets like cuff buttons and such but I haven't seen it hit a coin size target the ATP couldn't hit. I guess I could say the same for any other machine I've ever had.
Comparing signals that one detector found is not always telling the whole story either. One detector that has a faster response finds a target that a slower detector will see after its pointed out but maybe would not a regular swing speed is a target that would be missed. What is the chance you are hunting where there are just not any coins deeper than you have already found. You say it's pretty impressive on small targets it should be on slightly larger also.

Comparing signals that one detector found is not always telling the whole story either. One detector that has a faster response finds a target that a slower detector will see after its pointed out but maybe would not a regular swing speed is a target that would be missed.What is the chance you are hunting where there are just not any coins deeper than you have already found. You say it's pretty impressive on small targets it should be on slightly larger also.

Exactly right. There are a lot of variables detecting. You still have put the coil over it first. In your example, if the machine finds a pointed out signal found by another detector, still the operator missed it, not the machine!

Those chances are VERY good. I've said in several time times before, most coins in the areas I hunt DO NOT exceed a true 8" mark (not the fabricated BS measurements). I'm confident enough with my ATP & CZ-3D to NOT miss ANY of these targets if I put my coil over em. But...sometimes I'm prone to weakness and wonder "what could this new detector open up for me?". I usually come away disappointed!

Exactly right. There are a lot of variables detecting. You still have put the coil over it first. In your example, if the machine finds a pointed out signal found by another detector, still the operator missed it, not the machine!

Those chances are VERY good. I've said in several time times before, most coins in the areas I hunt DO NOT exceed a true 8" mark (not the fabricated BS measurements). I'm confident enough with my ATP & CZ-3D to NOT miss ANY of these targets if I put my coil over em. But...sometimes I'm prone to weakness and wonder "what could this new detector open up for me?". I usually come away disappointed!
So one detector going along at normal sweep speed finds a target and another has to play around to find the same target does not make it equal IMO. That is the advantage I feel with t2 or f75. That and we do have coins deeper than 8 inches and the t2 finds them where some do not even squeak. I will admit I have never hunted with anyone with a cz and would like to play with one. I'll find a used one one of these days.

I will admit I have never hunted with anyone with a cz and would like to play with one. I'll find a used one one of these days.
I love mine. Best coin machine I've used to date.

Love em both I've used both along with many others each machine is only a tool & which one will out do another higher or lower end comes down to the area to but regardless both have there place actually all really haveca place

When I moved up from the ace 350, I compared he features of the AT Pro to the F75 SE
My conclusion is you can do much more with the F75.
Also was looking for something deeper for relic hunting on some personal property. Back light and better display was nice.
The programming options of the Pro seemed strange like they had no objective in mind. Half of it is an Ace 350 and I had one. Seems like after they designed it they were trying to explain how it works. The only thing that seemed useful was iron grunt that seems like an after thought. At least that is what I got out of the Garret video. I think the biggest draw was that everybody was buying them and alot of guys liked them.

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First off; I beleive the AT Pro is worth every penny you ppay for it! But alot of people will say the same for the Fisher....and i dont regret buying either! But you are comparing a jeep wrangler to a cadilac escalade here. Either will haul you to The Fisher is way deeper, better balanced, comes wiith 2 coils, better battery life, has a backlight, has true all-medal, has way more options, etc. BUUUUTTT, it cost way more and has a huge learning curve. Not for the beginner! If i had bought tthis mchine when i bought my atp i would have been very discouraged! The point is all machines can be compared head to cant all SUV's, cars, trucks, etc.....Each machine is going tto be better for a certain person ddepending on their skill level and style of hunting...

oh, and i drive a jeep wrangler so....just sayin....

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Update!!! My wife and i went too the park yesterday....She used ATpro with 5x8....I used F75lltd with 5.75 coil.....She only has around 5-6 hours use on the ATP the end of the day, she whipped me on clad! Luckily i also found a cool cast iron nurse((very old) and a cub scouts broach.....But we compared siignals alot and 6 or 7 times she would shake her head no"i wouldnt dig that"....well, it sounded goood on the fisher! So i dug them....tthey were washers and other junk. The ol' ATP was right everytime!

Ull get the hang of the f75ltd soon I went out this morning to a new to me old swimming hole pulled $2.87 in modern clad 2 wheats & a 1958 hold college ring with 3 diamonds in it using the same settings I sent ya. Due time buddy

Update!!! My wife and i went too the park yesterday....She used ATpro with 5x8....I used F75lltd with 5.75 coil.....She only has around 5-6 hours use on the ATP the end of the day, she whipped me on clad! Luckily i also found a cool cast iron nurse((very old) and a cub scouts broach.....But we compared siignals alot and 6 or 7 times she would shake her head no"i wouldnt dig that"....well, it sounded goood on the fisher! So i dug them....tthey were washers and other junk. The ol' ATP was right everytime!
Nice cover.

Christoo......Tried hunting a civil war camp tthat i have "hunted out" with atp and some Tesoro's .....Nothing at lower sense and high i uped them as much as possible still avoiding overwhelming chatter.....then the fisher kept grabing small iron and iding as 70-85????? why is this?

Did u ground balance & add 3 that should eliminate small bits & disc out to 12-15

yep...sure did....worked great to about 90 on sense and anything below about 8 on disc.....

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