Garrett AT Pro - Not Impressed


Jr. Member
Dec 10, 2012
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Golden Thread
Huntington, WV
Detector(s) used
White's Classic ID
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
[I know that this is generally considered the most beloved detector which is why I couldn’t wait to use it.]

So I’ve put about 10 hours on the AT Pro (I know that’s not a lot), but so far I’m not impressed with anything it does that the cheaper detectors don’t (if that makes sense).

Maybe I just need a little more time on it or need to adjust some of the settings.

The search coil being larger than the one on my White’s which I had previously used, makes digging a nightmare. Each object rings in, in an area that is about a square foot. The pin pointer (on the detector) is useless when there are multiple objects in one area. With the AT Pro I’m digging holes three times the size and spending 5 to 10 x more time searching for the object.

The thing is all over the place with the sensitivity set higher, but the sensitivity seems to directly affect the search depth. You can’t take advantage of the deeper search depth (over 6 inches) if you don’t have the sensitivity up, but if you keep it up there seems to be too many false positives. I get coin range signals that go away. I get coin range signals when the detector is sitting still. There seems to be so many random signals that go away with this thing as well.

Speaking of depth, I laid a quarter on the surface of the ground and took the detector directly over it. It rang in at 2 inches (which is what it should do)…but then at 4 and 6 inches with the exact same motion going over the same spot. So basically the depth indicator means nothing.

Now on to the numeric metal values. The same coin could ring in (and does) at 7 different values or more. So what’s the point? Is a specific number from 70-99 really going to keep you from digging? The numeric values seem useless when there is so much inconsistency and such a wide range of values the exact same coin can ring.

WIT reminded me below, I've also found more bottle caps than EVER! Which has translated to probably 5 x more trash digs.

To me, every bell and every whistle on this thing isn’t worth the hassle…at least so far.

What are your thoughts, feel free to put me in my place/tell me what I’m doing wrong. So far using it, for me, has been very frustrating.

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So I’ve put about 10 hours on the AT Pro (I know that’s not a lot), but so far I’m not impressed with anything it does that the cheaper detectors don’t (if that makes sense).

Maybe I just need a little more time on it or need to adjust some of the settings.

The search coil being larger than the one on my White’s which I had previously used, makes digging a nightmare. Each object rings in, in an area that is about a square foot. The pin pointer (on the detector) is useless when there are multiple objects in one area. With the AT Pro I’m digging holes three times the size and spending 5 to 10 x more time searching for the object.

The thing is all over the place with the sensitivity set higher, but the sensitivity seems to directly affect the search depth. You can’t take advantage of the deeper search depth (over 6 inches) if you don’t have the sensitivity up, but if you keep it up there seems to be too many false positives. I get coin range signals that go away. I get coin range signals when the detector is sitting still. There seems to be so many random signals that go away with this thing as well.

Speaking of depth, I laid a quarter on the surface of the ground and took the detector directly over it. It rang in at 2 inches (which is what it should do)...but then at 4 and 6 inches with the exact same motion going over the same spot. So basically the depth indicator means nothing.

Now on to the numeric metal values. The same coin could ring in (and does) at 7 different values or more. So what’s the point? Is a specific number from 70-99 really going to keep you from digging? The numeric values seem useless when there is so much inconsistency and such a wide range of values the exact same coin can ring.

WIT reminded me below, I've also found more bottle caps than EVER! Which has translated to probably 5 x more trash digs.

To me, every bell and every whistle on this thing isn’t worth the least so far.

What are your thoughts, feel free to put me in my place/tell me what I’m doing wrong. So far using it, for me, has been very frustrating.

I am new to the AT Pro also mine was a package deal so came with larger and smaller coil 5x8 I don't like using the larger coil, but the small one works great that's all I use and I find plenty of coins with it
Good luck it is a great machine it just takes time to learn to master it!

You need 100 hours or more to get used to it. You need to try different settings and metal discrimination as well. I didn't like my ATP the 1st cpl weeks but once I learned it better I now love it. Garrett will even tell you it takes 50 to 100 hours. It takes a little practice to pin point but it's pretty good once you learn how. Also compliment your pin pointing with a pro pointer. I dig 50% to 75% less trash with my ATP vs my Ace 250.

I don't care if you have a $100 or $1200 detector for the most part they will all find the same things. The more you pay for one the better you have to learn it and once you do all those bells and whistles come into play. I have hunted with guys that had Mine Lab detectors in the $700 range and found as much he did. I also hunted with a guy with at $1200 -$1400 detector and he found deeper targets than I did but not any more than I did at 6"

I know I'll catch he'll for this but the AT PRO sucks. It's a piece of crap and is just a waste of money. Now that's my opinion so all of you Garrett's users chill out. I just don't personally like it. My WHITES DFX is a pinpointing king. And if my detector says a coin is 4" under my coil you better believe it will be 4" and dead center of the coil. I know some people will get mad at me for saying that but my opinion is my opinion.

Yeah Kevin your right your opinion is your opinion. Never used a Whites detector so It would be foolish to comment on the quality. Hopefully your remarks on the AT are a direct result of you using one. I'm guessing you didn't have any luck with pin pointing or actual target depth when testing the AT Pro by your comments on the DFX being King of pin pointing. I have been running an AT Pro since first of April and as in my previous comments have never had an issue with pin pointing even with the larger stock coil in trashy ground. I have heard comments about incorrect depth readings as well. My experience is while in a detecting mode the depths may not be correct, as most of the time they read deeper than the target is actually recovered. What I have found is one more piece of target information to use in identification. In detecting mode if the target sounds moderately deep (four to six inches), VDI's as say silver, but shows depth at 6 to 8 inches it's usually junk. When in pin point mode over a target with coil flat on the ground the depth gauge is spot on every time even on junk. Don't know if this is in the Garrett instructions or vid's but this is what I have found over the last few months. My next upgrade will be to the Minelab Dectetor line as I hear they blow Whites right out of the water (and the land)

Frankn the atpro with big dd pinpoints like magic, I rarely use the pp button anymore and the crap is spot on dead center every time by short waggles. But this only being said after two seasons and many thousands of targets.

This is exactly what I have found also. Most holes I did are no larger then 3-4 inches and the item will be right there 90% of the time. It took many hours to figure this out and once I did I was amazed how fast I am able to dig the item and move on to the next one. The "short waggles" will identify a coin in a very trashy area fast.

I know some people will get mad at me for saying that but my opinion is my opinion.
It would probably mean more if you had actual real experience with one though. Watching someone else fail with one or watching youtube videos doesn't count as experience.

I'm a Whites guy too. I love my MXTP and Vx3. The build quality, layout and ergonomics bury the ATP by a long shot. Hemispheres apart in that regard no doubt.
There are things about the ATP I find just plain ridiculous and wonder why Garrett with their experience and deep pockets would do some of the stupid sh...things they did in it's design. However that said, once you actually take the time to understand what any why it works the way it works, it's a pretty damn good performing little unit. I wasn't impressed at all when I first started with it but after forcing myself to use this machine and leave the Whites in the truck, I can't say it's a piece of junk anymore. There are thing that DO suck about it, performance isn't one of em.

My next upgrade will be to the Minelab Dectetor line as I hear they blow Whites right out of the water (and the land)
The Minelabs aint all that either. I had an E-Trac (aka magic wand) and I couldn't stand it. It performed just fine, but horribly unwieldily and the sound that emanated from from the speaker was enough to drive me bat crap crazy. They're fine performing detectors but hardly the end all of all detectors so don't kid yourself in thinking it's superb power in the universe when it comes to metal detecting.
I drank the coolaid too. I got cured!

The Minelabs aint all that either. I had an E-Trac (aka magic wand) and I couldn't stand it. It performed just fine, but horribly unwieldily and the sound that emanated from from the speaker was enough to drive me bat crap crazy. They're fine performing detectors but hardly the end all of all detectors so don't kid yourself in thinking it's superb power in the universe when it comes to metal detecting.
I drank the coolaid too. I got cured![/QUOTE]

Wow don't think I said anything about the Minelabs did you say it...... "hardly the end all of all detectors" and "superb power in the universe when it comes to metal detecting". Nope.... I just said that's the direction I'm going and other experienced detectorist have given me their reasons for owning them and their opinions were Minelab was far greater detectors than most all others most specifically their closets rival "Whites" I've done my homework, used different models and that's what I most likely will choose when ever I do upgrade. Thank you for your insight into why "you" don't care for Minelab Detectors I'll keep that in mind when I make my final decision. Hey by the way were do you get that Koolaid. HH Hunter

Verdict still out here. See how it does in the creeks as that is what I got it for.

Wow don't think I said anything about the Minelabs did you say it...... "hardly the end all of all detectors" and "superb power in the universe when it comes to metal detecting". Nope.... I just said that's the direction I'm going...

Well what you said is...
My next upgrade will be to the Minelab Dectetor line as I hear they blow Whites right out of the water (and the land)

You say tomato, I say tamato!

It's all good if that's the direction you want to go, I hope you enjoy it. Many many people do. I wasn't one of em.

Hey by the way were do you get that Koolaid. HH Hunter

YouTube & internet forums are as good a place as any to get the Koolaid. They can't put anything that isn't true on the internet. ;)

Ok so let's see here, I have used the at pro= not impressed,,,, ace 250 = own it, not impressed,,,, minelab xterra 505= owned its ok,,, minelab explorer 2= not impressed too heavy,,,, ace 350= used it not much better than the 250,,,minelab etrac= sounds like an ice cream truck, wasn't impressed....... I dont just watch someone use one and talk about them I use them. That's what got me using the whites, they truly impressed me. I could've bought any detector I wanted but after using every one I wanted to I bought a whites DFX. And to me it is an awesome machine. I don't hate any detector,, well I don't like the Garrett's at all but that's just my opinion, I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

My ATP has the big coil and I've owned it 2 months, maybe. I can pinpoint a BB at 8" and be spot on. It's not the machine, it's the user.

My ATP has the big coil and I've owned it 2 months, maybe. I can pinpoint a BB at 8" and be spot on. It's not the machine, it's the user.
when I first started swinging my fisher f2 I was hunting with a guy using an ATP . he called me over as his ATP had an iffy signal I put my f2 over the area but it only gave one short sweet signal, try as I might the f2 could not pick it up. I said nah junk mate,he decided to dig it anyway. at roughly 7 inches he dug a silver coin.over time as we both had more experience detecting our finds increased, imho the ATP is very good md and you gotta learn your md regardless of whatever you use.


I have both the 250 and ATP. I did get a 8x5 coil for my ATP and happy with it. Never felt the need for a different coil on my 250. I do carry my large coil with for my ATP and found that if I want to cover a lot of area it works better because I can swing a bit faster and walk a bit faster. I like the 8x5 mostly because it is lighter but one must move a lot slower and swing quite slow but it really signals on coins so much better. Yesterday in about 2 hrs I only dug 2 tabs.

Again detectors are like new cars you don't need one but it sure is nice to have one.

I'll tell you why: because when silver does not leap out of the ground everywhere that means whatever coil size you have is the "wrong" one. Or your detector is not good enough or deep enough. I hear these sort of things from detectorists all the time. "How deep does it go." "What detector do you use ?(when someone finds a good item) etc etc. Mostly it's from guys who only hunt pounded parks or the strip in front of Wal-Mart. It's more about knowing your detector and where you hunt. How deep detectors go is so much dependent on so many variables that it's almost a pointless question...oh I'm rambling.
If you aren't finding anything it is because of location. The pinpointing on the AT Pro takes a little getting used to but you should be able to master it by the end of your second hunt. I don't understand why people with the 250 want the big coil upgrade and people with the ATP want the little one.

My Etrac is the best detector I've ever owned. Have used Whites and Tesoro before.
Yeah Kevin your right your opinion is your opinion. Never used a Whites detector so It would be foolish to comment on the quality. Hopefully your remarks on the AT are a direct result of you using one. I'm guessing you didn't have any luck with pin pointing or actual target depth when testing the AT Pro by your comments on the DFX being King of pin pointing. I have been running an AT Pro since first of April and as in my previous comments have never had an issue with pin pointing even with the larger stock coil in trashy ground. I have heard comments about incorrect depth readings as well. My experience is while in a detecting mode the depths may not be correct, as most of the time they read deeper than the target is actually recovered. What I have found is one more piece of target information to use in identification. In detecting mode if the target sounds moderately deep (four to six inches), VDI's as say silver, but shows depth at 6 to 8 inches it's usually junk. When in pin point mode over a target with coil flat on the ground the depth gauge is spot on every time even on junk. Don't know if this is in the Garrett instructions or vid's but this is what I have found over the last few months. My next upgrade will be to the Minelab Dectetor line as I hear they blow Whites right out of the water (and the land)

The Etrac definitely takes getting used, especially the audio.:laughing7:
Ok so let's see here, I have used the at pro= not impressed,,,, ace 250 = own it, not impressed,,,, minelab xterra 505= owned its ok,,, minelab explorer 2= not impressed too heavy,,,, ace 350= used it not much better than the 250,,,minelab etrac= sounds like an ice cream truck, wasn't impressed....... I dont just watch someone use one and talk about them I use them. That's what got me using the whites, they truly impressed me. I could've bought any detector I wanted but after using every one I wanted to I bought a whites DFX. And to me it is an awesome machine. I don't hate any detector,, well I don't like the Garrett's at all but that's just my opinion, I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

Well I won't say that I'm disappointed in the At Pro yet but I'm hardly impressed with it either.

Design & ergonomics of it are just plain bad. Not what I'd expect from a $600 machine. So far on the performance end of it, it has yet to target anything over 6".

I think most users that rave about it are coming off lower end or starter detectors. It's a definitely a step up from the joke Ace series or the equally worthless Coinmaster lineup (I'm sure the lower end FT machines aren't any better). But it hasn't been a match for the Tesoros in the $500 range or the E & V-series Whites that I've seen yet. I admit I'm a new ATP user and not familiar with all it's nuances yet. But it sure hasn't wowed me like my MXT Pro or my Vx3 did right off the start.


I left my MXT for a VX3. I enjoy it, but it seems I do WAY MORE analyzing with it then the MXT. The MXT was the bomb. Now I'm thinking about changing the VX3 for something more simple like the MXT. Thought about the AT PRO. Not sure if it's night and day from the VX3 or MXT. Why did you get rid of yours if you enjoyed them?

I want the vx3 but for now my DFX is doing just fine. The etrac is a silver finding machine.

In the process of trading my VX3 for an AT PRO plus other goodies....Hope I wont regret losing my VX3..

You will, you might want to use one

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