Bronze Member
I usually don't come across 302 year old items in thrift stores, excellent score!
We've established it's old & it looks cool. Is it worth anything?
Old pewter is ALWAYS worth something. The question is How much?
I sold a local guy some Virginia Metalcrafters stuff and he showed me the pewter he collects and seemed to know stuff. I'll see if I can contact him and hope he has some info...although he was more into American made pewter.
I was intrigued so I did some searching and found this fellow who apparently is very knowledgeable about French coats of arms, it also says he speaks excellent English.
XXIIe Congrès national de Généalogie - Beautiful Blasons - The French Genealogy Blog
I would bet it is not French because they always use fleur-de-lis. But it is possible I guess