found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

ivan salis

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Feb 5, 2007
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found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

while chatting with a local fellow doing a bit of research on a confederate camp site area in my area -- the person spoke of a "missing" union unit --a white officer commanding a small foot patrol unit of black soldiers ( said to be between 30 to 50 men) -- these men ran into a much larger rebel unit and got "boxed in" refusing to surrender ( the white officer was killed early on in the fight and it seems the black troops feared being hanged if they surrendered as this was wide spread belief --true or not --that this would occur if the black troops were caught by southern troops) so they fought to the death to the last man. -- after the fight for them refusing to surrender and thus forcing additional fighting which caused some additional maiming and killing of some of the southern soldiers (several more than if they had just surrendered when asked to )-- the angry southern soldiers piled their bodies in a heap and burnt them in revenge . --- the man who told me said his grandmother told him of it as a child --and said that she knew because it was upon her great grandpa's land (who was alive at the time * and told her as a kid) he was there when the event occured in the civil war -I have also found out from the man I spoke to that according to him no union troops ever came in the area to "look" for the "lost union patrol". so upon that bit of land is the burnt remains of between 30 to 50 men of the "lost patrol"-- I hope to attempt to find their remains ( if I can get land owner ok) and have them properly honored if I can.

later note ****this is freakish -- after completing the above post --I felt "compelled" to go see if this possible "site" had been developed or not --at 1 am in the morning mind you and its a fair bit from home --got in the car drove down there a sort of a remote area -- after seeing the spot -- I could have returned the way I came or take the long way around -- the was a small creek a bit down the other long road way --very possibly were the lost patrol got pinned in at --so I go that way -- as I approach it , it appears somethings in the road --the night fog was coming in but the image of something snaps me to --in the fog is a totally wrecked car with someone in it still --the car is still steaming and leaking gas --it had to have just occurred- I help the driver out ---the driver is muttering I thought I saw something in the road so I swerved -- its clear to see he went off the curve by the bridge --hitting trees with his passenger side which spun his car back on the road -- totally fubar ed-- the 20ish something kids beat up and bleeding but lucky to be alive --all he can do is cry "my car" over and over --silly kid -- hes standing by the car in the road even after I told him it might blow stay away from it -- then a huge dually type pick up comes flying like a bat outta --- down the road right at the no lights on wreck with the kid between the two --I flash my brights up and down several times to alert the oncoming truck --he pays no mind -- only at the last second does he see it and slam on brakes --close call--if I had not alerted him he would have plowed right into it kid wreck and leaking gas and all --boom. -- you know the "lost patrol" bodies was burnt to a crisp.-- this is freaky indeed. === the dually truck never even stopped just went around us on the berm "rolled on"

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Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

Ivan...any news or information from the county historians (for example)? Often this stuff is buried in a "box in the back" and a few others have heard the rumors, or read about it someplace.

Have you been back to chat with the guy who told you in the first place to learn more of clearify?

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

well theres a ray of possible hope * --seems that elijah higginbotham born 1790 --died in June 4th 1868 in nassau county ,florida leaving his land holdings to his wife who he married in gorgia in 1810 (the former anna hodges) who when she died on July 11th,1874 --in her will stated the land was to be spilt equally amoung the hiers .--- source --the will of Anna Hodges Higginbotham *

jean mizell --- daughter of helen hodges * (thus kin to anna hodges down the line by blood) now to hunt down the will and see if it spells out the land areas!!

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

some of the jones and the higginbotham were married together ( the family history notes that fact) ---seems both families were quite close * --- the civil war unit rosters of 1st florida calvary company "B" list Bourbon S , James H and Madison HIGGENBOTHAM ( note it should be HIGGINBOTHOM *) as these men were the brothers of Elijah Higginbotham . ---Madison was wounded at chickamauga * according to the records and family history as well.

there were also 7 jones listed as well * in company "B"

you are correct that the original Elijah Higginbotham spanish grant was along the st marys river * however there could have been some of his horse on the jones land or he might have bought or leased a bit of land from them at a later date ( with the area being named "jones road " --most likely the "jones" were the original land grant or major land owner in the area)

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

Ivan -

How am I suppossed to read " * ".

Is that a pause?

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

* as a pause or when I pointing out something of importance --- kinda of a quirk I got to high light the important items

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

ivan salis said:
* as a pause or when I pointing out something of importance --- kinda of a quirk I got to high light the important items

Thanks... gotcha. :coffee2:

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (updat

Hi Ivan
Have enjoyed reading yours and everyone Else's research. I have a couple questions for you and some ideas you may want to investigate.
From the many scattered engagements we research in my area it is plausible that the remains were buried in a mass grave.It is not uncommon for the general population to bury the dead after such massacres. We have many graves marked like: unknown 21 confederate soldiers and everyone buried in a mass grave. If the bodies were burned then I am sure that's were they are. Your intentions seem good so I would recommend using a grave probe. Also see what google earth shows. It may have only been marked by a pile of stones. Even that could be gone now though. Find the fire and the grave will be close by.
I am sure you are looking for burnt charcoal and metal detecting for signs of engagement.
Its true thousands of men just disappeared into the darkness to find their way home and many were also buried along creeks and rail roads. Some locals were putting in a garden not long ago and hit a shallow burial of a soldier on Missionary ridge.
A grave of 21 soldiers unburned still has a hump on it today. Burned probably not but a probe will show the hollow disturbed soil.
Good luck sound like a lot of lead to be found in the area.

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

I'm working on it - however its a very tough nut to crack this one , but it will be well worth the effort if found . -- nothing of importance comes easy it seems.

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

Good Luck Ivan,

I wish you every success in this important quest.


Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

just taking a breath --- now the "*0" is to note something of importance -- it a sort of short hand I use --didn't stop to think other folks don't get it :wink: ;D

Re: found tip possible location of "missing " union patrol from civil war (update)

stalled right now --got to find and talk to some very old folks that might have some old family records --wills and land deeds --that could norrow the exact site down -- this type of research is a lot of work --but if true well worth the effort .

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