Found in a Football Field...What Are They?

How many people think these are Gong gi stones

  • I'm sure they are

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Could be, but need more info

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't think they are

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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piggman1 said:
I didn't "GREEN CHECK" it. As far as I am concerned, and the poll, neither are a lot of other people convinced it has been solved.
As far as Big Cy goes, I thought we agreed to keep our noses out of this so new ideas might come in without being stomped all over. I've kept my part, why can't you? Please step out of this if you can't let something from someone new be said. I'm stepping back out, I hope you can do the same.
Piggman, because you are heavily influenced by the poll, may I suggest that you take a new poll now that the new Sports Jackstone evidence has surfaced. You must realize that most of the poll was taken years ago.

As far as new ideas, I hope some fresh new ideas come in and Antiques Roadshow determines it to be a rare, valuable collectors item. :P Ha Ha :wink: :wink: (Im joking) Get real Piggman. There will be no new ideas. Your request is an impossibility. As far as stomping on ideas, that is the way the system works. What good would it do to continue discussing antiques, valve caps and hexnuts? If a new idea doesnt fit, we need to stomp it out. This is part of the identification process you fail to understand. I am not preventing any new ideas that fit. The best way to silence Gonjji would be to come up with a new idea but Im smart enough to recognize that after 2-1/2 years, nothing else even comes close. (and Im not as smart as most members)

Ill try to stay away for awhile. I think Ive said enough. As long as you fail to admit the truth, this post could go in circles forever with new members and old confused members.. You are very polite to those that fail to produce but you often ignore new clues and disrespect those that find them. You must realize many members pulled their posts. In the beginning I actually tried to stay polite. I am still trying to help with an exact match.. I only petitioned to bring your post out of lockdown because I thought we were very close to solving it to your satisfaction. I didnt expect this thread to revert back 2 years with talk of antiques and mystery. It was too much hard work. I had to speak up. But now I realize I may be best to ignore.

I wish your find was a valuable antique Piggman but Im certain it is not. You might get $50 from TN fame. I can only be honest with you and of course I hope someone finds a new in the package example. I say right here and now that if these items turn out to be anything but Gonjji Stones (there are various spellings, Korean Kongi, Korean Jacks, Sports Jackstones etc.) I WILL PAY THE $50 reward. I will also quit TN and you will never have to be bothered with me again lol. Thats how sure I am. Maybe someday you will thank SWR.

You need to keep posting, Piggman, to answer questions. It will not help if you step out. Thanks for responding and clarifying the mysterious green check.. I hope you consider a new poll. But put it simply yes, no , or undecided. Dont have 4 choices, it will skew the results.

Isn't this unfair?
jeff of pa said:
bigcypresshunter said:
I vote to purge all unnecessary posts, remove this entire thread from TN, or place it back in lockdown. Its just too much to read and even members that participated seem to be confused.

Plus since Piggman is a Member here & Hasn't broken
any rules I See, Why punish him ?

As I Said earlier, Everyone here Knows the Title

" Found in a Football Field...What Are They? "

They don't need to Click on it & Read :wink:

HEY! I am a member here too! :wink:
HEY! I haven't broke any rules that I am AWARE of! :wink:


Is there some kind of double standard going on here Jeff? ???

Please send me a PM and enlighten me. :hello:

If your post was deleted,
it was probably because it was not about
the subject

Which at this point is
Who made & sold these
And are there any others out there ?.

Not what do you think about this thread.

& Yes alot more were deleted & still should be deleted also.

jeff of pa said:
If your post was deleted,
it was probably because it was not about
the subject

Which at this point is
Who made & sold these
And are there any others out there ?.

Not what do you think about this thread.

& Yes alot more were deleted & still should be deleted also.

"not about the subject"
Like you said, there are many post that remain that also are not on subject.
And MY post were to show agreement with them.
"who made and who sold these?"
I love a mystery. And being a Mechanical engineer by profession, I like to figure
out how things work. I have exposure to manufacturing methods and materials.
I also have tried to research this thread to no better avail and agree that the
original question was answered. The PROBLEM I have is that after everyone else
also put forth there research, the poster restated that he would NOT accept their
findings and NOW wanted definitive (new, wrapped in a package) proof.
That was like a slap in the face to all who tried to help. I am a gold prospector.
I know when it's time to stop digging the hole deeper and move on to more
prospective areas.
I think that a lot of posters in the what is it section don't do a lick of research
on their own. They just leave it to the experts. I'm not saying that that is the case
here. What I am saying is that the experts have tried and it still remains a mystery
so the onus is back on the original poster to give us more clues of his "own"

The mystery remains.

Thank you for your reply without deletion.

Maybe this thread isn´t what it seems to be at all ?? :o :icon_scratch:

Maybe it´s just a very well camouflaged attempt to get the titel ?:



images, of
gongi brass,gonggi brass, 8 sided, octagon hex shape, sports, net ball, raceing, Olympics spellings, images, of Korean Kongi, Korean Jacks, Sports Jackstones, car basketball
sports, world cup, world cup,Gong gi stones I found these while hunting
images, of copper plated pewter,91892.msg728595.html#msg728595
wolrld cup beginning,91892.msg660638.html#msg660638

piggman just keywords to generate traffic for a positive id hopefully

Got_4by4 said:
The PROBLEM I have is that after everyone else
also put forth there research, the poster restated that he would NOT accept their
findings and NOW wanted definitive (new, wrapped in a package) proof.
That was like a slap in the face to all who tried to help.
Yep thats a slap in the face to SWR, Hemisteve who solved the 2002 logo and the Korean girl.

But thats not the part that concerns me most. Everyone here seems to miss the point. Its like the member that always thinks his finds are Confederate. Piggman wants NEW ideas. He doesnt want to accept these as a worthless Korean childs game. He wants them to be something much more important and valuable. Even though they are embossed with the 2002 Korean World Cup logo, there are members here that hold dreams of asking Antiques Roadshow for help. The mystery was a lot of fun, in the beginning, but now its ridiculous, ludicrous and embarrassing for TN. (IMO)

My $50 reward offer still stands.

You know it's been a while since i've been on here and i'm surprised to see this thread still getting attention. So let me throw an idea at you piggman.
Since plastic gonggi stones are only encased in plastic (they are actually metal) maybe what you have is a set that have had the plastic outer skin removed. This in turn would explain why you have seen actual exact copies with the same "symbols" only they were plastic instead of metal.
In the long run they aint worth the $50 that Bigcypress is putting up,(which should actually be you since your they one who wants an "EXACT" ID) they aint even worth $5 so who cares. That's my opinion of why you will never get an "EXACT" ID, because the plastic lining, cover, skin, whatever you want to call it, is no longer attached.

It's very simple game. there are 5 small objects which are made with a plastic coating and the inside is metal to make them stable.


I Googled Gong gi to see what came up and at the top of the page was Youtube videos. I clicked on one and soem one was playing the game in another country than the US not sure where, and it sounded like they were metal. Maybe it was just the sound of plastic but it would not hurt to email and ask them if theres are metal. Kris


All I ask is to show another set of "these" pieces, gongi or whatever. Packaging would be nice, but not required, just an identical set showing what they are.

tree-ape said:
It's ridiculous, ludicrous and embarrassing only for you, because after preaching for 3 years + that you knew what these were, you have never been able to prove it though, have you? Piggman doesn't want new ideas, he wants an answer to what he has and what he found so far no one has answered that, no one has found an exact set to match what was dug.
Go back and read the thread. Piggman continually states that he want "NEW IDEAS," and I am preventing that and/or stomping all over them.

tree-ape said:
You have preached that you know these are gongi, bungi or hodo stones, what ever you called them but so far you haven't proved it..
I feel its proven.

tree-ape said:
Im putting up $50 bucks for Piggmans "new ideas.".

The only way to win is to produce an exact set.....and isn't that what wev have been looking for from the start?

bigcypresshunter said:
tree-ape said:
It's ridiculous, ludicrous and embarrassing only for you, because after preaching for 3 years + that you knew what these were, you have never been able to prove it though, have you? Piggman doesn't want new ideas, he wants an answer to what he has and what he found so far no one has answered that, no one has found an exact set to match what was dug.
Go back and read the thread. Piggman continually states that he want "NEW IDEAS," and I am preventing that and/or stomping all over them.

tree-ape said:
You have preached that you know these are gongi, bungi or hodo stones, what ever you called them but so far you haven't proved it..
I feel its proven.

tree-ape said:
Im putting up $50 bucks for Piggmans "new ideas.".

The only way to win is to produce an exact set.....and isn't that what wev have been looking for from the start?

piggman1 said:
All I ask is to show another set of "these" pieces, gongi or whatever. Packaging would be nice, but not required, just an identical set showing what they are.
Are you now withdrawing your repeated request for completely new ideas? ???

No. But it would require an axact set for you to win the $50 payout. Now, we said our peace ...let's bow out, if you can.

piggman1 said:
No. But it would require an axact set for you to win the $50 payout. Now, we said our peace ...let's bow out, if you can.
Thank You for stating my contest rules. Your "contest" ended years ago when you withdrew the reward.. I dont know why you keep referring to your request for an ID as a "contest" when you ended it.

tree-ape said:
Every one involved in this thread wants "New Ideas"
Oh really? Well Ill be a monkeys uncle. Have you tried contacting Antiques Roadshow?

tree-ape said:
Why contact Roadshow, these are unknown collectibles not antiques, is this the road your are following. I would be very interested to know what Roadshow tells you, let me know when it airs?
I rest my case lol. This is the problem that is occuring. People, like yourself tree-ape, are sounding off and voting and you do not even read the thread. We have already discussed Antique Roadshow. IT WAS A JOKE but you didnt get it because you didnt bother to read even the most recent page. I dont blame you though because the thread is just too much for any sane person to read and all the good research has been removed by good members in protest..

I got it!!!!!!!! They are North Korean Spy Microfilm canisters disguised as gongi stones and used by the children of said spies to smuggle out of the country.

....On second thought microfilm went out with the cold war didn't it?

Wait a minute.... microchip cannisters, uber rare and made of an unknown space age metal alloy.

tree-ape said:
I Have news for you Big Cy, I been with this post and every post that has been made since the beginning 3+ years ago, My self, Bio and piggman have worked on this for years when others made a couple attempts and walked away and did nothing but say " you are wrong" So don't go where you want to go and don't believe that cute little number that say's how many posts i have
So your saying you have 2 member id's which is against forum policy I do believe. I knew you were an imposter. Maybe they're your spy containers. :sign13:

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