Found in a Football Field...What Are They?

How many people think these are Gong gi stones

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  • Could be, but need more info

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  • Don't think they are

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I was quoting you Big Cy. My reply is after the qotation marks. No one is harrasing me, except maybe you, and I DO THANK EACH AND EVERYONE that has put time into this. Exact proof has not surfaced, and I'm not argueing with you anymore. I'm not resonding and sending this to the top unless it is worthwhile. Bet you can't do the same.

I don’t get what is going on with these nuts…

Lots of stuff here is positively identified without an exact duplicate of the item being found….

Some things…while having definitely been ID’d can’t be dated within 50 to 100 years let alone dated to the exact year they were made...

These….on the other hand…have been positively ID'd (to think otherwise isn’t being realistic)…. AND they have a date stamped right on them..

Based on the fact that no one can come up with any composed of the same material indicates that they are probably rare and only made in limited quantities…Heck they might even be one of a kind…

If this level of identification is good enough for 99.9 % of the other stuff posted here…why isn’t that good enough for these things?…

Besides taking a long time to ID…there is nothing special about them that we/you need to know anything else about them….They are what they are…Any "new" info…like seeing a package of them isn’t going to change a thing…

piggman1 said:
No one is harrasing me, except maybe you, and I DO THANK EACH AND EVERYONE that has put time into this.
I apologize for being rough on you. I read back and maybe Im being a little harsh but Im trying to knock some sense into you. ;D Maybe you are just a naturally stubborn person or you are trying to save face. :dontknow:

Copperhead said:
….They are what they are…Any "new" info…like seeing a package of them isn’t going to change a thing…
Exactly. It wont change a thing (other than knowing the Korean manufacturer who we probably cant pronounce)

Tree-ape has disappeared again. popcorn.webp

Quote from: ToddB64 on Jun 14, 2007, 05:17:18 PM
A wild guess.........used as game pieces or dice.


Todd, I see you guessed game pieces way back in page 1, reply #1
....and you deserve some credit. :icon_thumright:


  • popcorn.webp
    2.7 KB · Views: 542
Like Jeff of PA said, "show me the package where steel balls are used as tennis balls." Yes, A package or another set is the only acceptable proof. Other than that, it's all guessing.

piggman1 said:
Like Jeff of PA said, "show me the package where steel balls are used as tennis balls."
Yes, A package or another set is the only acceptable proof. Other than that, it's all guessing.
Not true.
Have you ever read or participated in any other "What Is It" posts?
I dont recall seeing your name and maybe that would explain your confusion.
We are not simply guessing.
Jeff is doing his best to protect the underdog because thats what he does.

I repeat, tennis balls are never metal.
Game pieces can be made of any material.
Gonnjii stones historically were made of bones and pebbles
Even though we havent found a metal octagon one (because we dont live in Korea)
They can be made of almost any material including cheap pot metal.
More modern jacks are metal weighted plastic.
A Korean girl stated she even had a glass set.

To quote you, "Even though we havent found a metal one (because we dont live in Korea)". And that is the rest of the story. Thank you.

piggman1 said:
To quote you, "Even though we havent found a metal one (because we dont live in Korea)".
And that is the rest of the story. Thank you.
Your welcome.
We actually found a copper plated metal Gonjji set
but they were not octagon shape.

Gonnjji stones can come in different shapes as well
although octagon seems the most common.

Someone stated that some stones are plastic coated metal but I cant confirm that..

No metal ones = not proven.....especially without close up pictures.

piggman1 said:
No metal ones = not proven.....especially without close up pictures.
I have good pics of metal square ones. Ill have to search for them.

Goody can ask the dealer if he has any metal ones but you would just say hes lying again.

GoodyGuy said:
piggman1 said:
No metal ones = not proven.....especially without close up pictures.

You mean not proven to you.
Wanna see examples of different shapes:

five metal stones,Gonggi, Israeli classic game, Korean classic game

Metal ones SQUARE, not the same. Up close pictures from your friend Big Cy would be great and there would be little I could dispute if they are even near..given the years. Just show me anorther set like these.

piggman1 said:
Metal ones SQUARE, not the same. Up close pictures from your friend Big Cy would be great and there would be little I could dispute if they are even near..given the years. Just show me anorther set like these.
I dont have pics of a metal octagon set like these.. The pics I have are not octagonal but Im sure they exist. There is not much monetary difference between metal weighted plastic and shiny coated pot metal. Although I would agree that the pot metal set would be commemorative higher priced., such as, $12 bucks a set insted of $5. I dont know what it would commemorate. :dontknow: I would just be guessing. The 2002 Korean World Cup?
Gonjji sports basketball.webpgonjji sports basketball1.webp


  • gonjji  metal.webp
    gonjji metal.webp
    15.8 KB · Views: 472
None of those me up close. I'm tired of argueing. MARRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL, and to all a good night.

Good news it looks like. Glad to see this one solved :BangHead:
Now if it was just locked away :hello: forever....


  • Green check mark.webp
    Green check mark.webp
    4.4 KB · Views: 499
  • Green check mark.webp
    Green check mark.webp
    4.4 KB · Views: 497
The smoking gun!


8) What does it say? korean.webp

bigcypresshunter said:
8) What does it say?

Using a translator I found that 돌 is gonggi
So the last word says gonggi.

Another translator full translation:
2002기념 공깃돌
2002 Memorial gonggitdol

bigcypresshunter said:
GoodyGuy said:
bigcypresshunter said:
8) What does it say?

Using a translator I found that 돌 is gonggi
So the last word says gonggi!
Thats awesome. SWR deserves a reward. :hello2: I hope its over now but I have a feeling its not..

What can we do in the future to prevent this type of mess from happening again? :dontknow:
A very well determined person like piggman1 can keep a thread going forever.

It could be locked maybe? :help:

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