Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

WHOA!!! Silver is worth 5 times face value. 1080*5=5400.00!!!!

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

I know this sounds like and odd request but did you get a photo of the container they came in. Love to see it for interestes sake. Great find.


Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Too cool! Thanks for taking the time to post...I'd have probably wet myself and taken two or three days to calm down before I'd have been sane enough to post <grin>. You just never know what ya might dig up, huh?

Congratulations and continued GOOD LUCK!


Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Hey man, hats off and thanks for sharing in your joy. It seems to spread to everyone and thats a good thing.

Think i'll put that yard work off for another week and hunt a little harder this weekend.

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

HOLY CRAP! I smell a submission to WE&T for Best Finds of 2005!

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Way to go xXx, I got all excited finding 10 pennies and a dime (clad) in the same hole. Happy Hunting. Dan

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

That's awesome man. There is truth to the very loud hit. I found mine that way also. I dig every thing though even with a accurate i.d machine.

With silver sort of on the rise you got 700.00 in melt atleast. Glad you posted it. Let's me know that these types of caches are still out there.

Let's say that cache was burried in the 60's some time. It wasn't a ton of money. But today to us treasure hunters it's pricless. We love silver that much.

Congrats man

HH Jeremy

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Several of you have asked for a picture of the lunch box David found. I said something to him about it earlier today. He hasn't read this in a few days, so he didn't know about your requests yet. But I feel compelled to say something. If you're just curious about old lunch boxes, then cool. You can see good ones on ebay and collectible sites. But perhaps due to other threads and outrageous claims, some of you need proof of finds now. One person specifically asked for the box to be with the coins in the picture - I assume so that "solid" proof could be established.

I'm not here to speak for David or anyone else. He can post a pic of the lunch box if he wants to. But I guess my point is to ask each of us to trust our stories without every poster needing to authenticate it for the doubters. Unless you are being asked for money, can we just celebrate our finds? I hope none of you will feel hesitant to post great finds.

All the best to you,

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

I agree Darren. I certainly hope that no one will hesitate to post their finds because of doubters. Any time there are people involved, some of them will be dishonest and most will not. Why should we all have to pay for a few bad seeds? KEEP EM' COMMIN'! I love to see great finds, small finds and not so great finds. That is what treasure hunting is. I enjoy the stories. That's why we have TN. What if every story were not true? Would I have enjoyed reading them any less? Certainly not. Long story short, we can't believe everything we read but knowing many of you the way I do I believe who I choose to and enjoy the others as fiction. As far as proof, who cares. If I did'nt find it I have no stake. So what's it to me? Good luck to all and HH! Chris

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Super find! I'm just starting out and that gives me some inspiration! Keep posting.......&*(* the naysayers!

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

Great find. It is amazing that you found coins spanning almost fifity years. It is hard to belive someone who would collect the coins would have buried them in a metal box wrapped in a towel. It must have been after 1964, the last date on the coin. It wolud be some story if you could find the owner. Good luck on your return trip to the house.


Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

It's human nature to be suspicious of things that are too good to be true, hence the saying, " If it appears too good to be true, it probably isn't" There has been several posts on the forum that have proved to be false or fraudulant. It usually don't take long for the fakers to be weeded out thanks to the vigilance of many experienced detectorists on the forum. So, criticism or scepticism isn't always bad. Unfortunately there are a few on the forum that wouldn't believe your good fortune even is you had a note from God! After you have been on the forum for a while, you learn who they are and take their posts with a grain of salt. That being said, congratulations on your fabulous find! It's the find we amateurs all dream about. You have made my day by just sharing with me and the forum. Tell us more! JIM aka KS

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

XXX- not trying to be a buzz kill........that's an awesome find.....but you need to be careful with the IRS, they can try to take a chunk....I know of one person who found a huge cache and said they contacted him....Do not get paranoid cause while your cache is priceless to you and your brethren...I doubt it goes to their level. Also if you remember Jimmy Sierra found a cache of silver dollars and then had it be careful to lock your doors, and ...if you need a God parent for the coins I'm a responsible parent lol lol....
we all live for that moment and feel your joy....I had the weirdest dream about two months ago that I found a cache in a sub-terrainian dollars,etc......................kinda makes yesterday mornings find of a 1971 Kennedy Half pretty cheesy in yours and my are definitely in the game now so the next cache maybe play it low unless its like 10000 wheaties.......but then again they could all be 1909S VDB's...............hey it could happen...................................aloha johny mc.

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

i have no doubt in my mind that this is a valid find. its hard to explain but you can kind of tell when someone is faking thier posts,and this post doesnt have that air about it.not to mention that xxx isnt one to post extravagant stories very often. i would bet the farm that this happened exactly the way xxx said it did, and i for one am glad he chose to post it.these are the kinds of finds that really get the blood going! i hope you have more great luck on your return trip!

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

I would never doubt anyone. I believe XXX made this find. It is a great find. I just like to guess and brainstorm about the actual events leading up to a find. Sometimes the story behind it is better than the find sometimes it is simple. I do this for any interesting find I make or see. I apologize to XXX if you took my posting as anything other than enthusiastic interest.


Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

DITO to the people who think this is ligit. Plus who would purchase 1084 silver dimes just to post on TN?

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

wOw xXx. Congratulations. I read alot and don't post much, but look forward to great stories like this one. I think you will be believed by anyone who reads this forum and knows the time we all dedicate to this crazy hobby ;D

I would like to see the box to see what I haven't seen while out detecting... a cache container (the only metal box I've found was full of dirt :-\)

GOOD JOB and keep the posts coming


Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

I have no doubt this is real. It reminds me of a while back on another forum. An individual posted a rare coin, (REAL RARE). They endured all kinds of rath, their find and all finds they posted were deleted by the moderator, who claimed, "no newbie is going to come on here and post finds i can only dream about". The end result the rare coin turned up in Western and eastern treasure magazine. Big finds are still out there.

Re: Found a RECORD silver dime "Cache"!!!!!!!!

The only person I saw that requested a picture of the container didn't sound AT ALL like they were skeptical. I think it would be better to read posts for what they are before jumping to conclusions.

No offense, it just seems like people that need controversy will tend to create it.

Great find xXx! *JEALOUS*
I actually wouldn't mind seeing the box either, like Cap'n Ahab all I've ever got from a metal container was dirt, and some insects *blech* Just curious.

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