Forrest Fenn s treasure

Hi all this is a good one . I am very curious about. There is a lot on the web but like all treasures you have to believe inwhat ever yourself discerns the public may say. Anyway Ihave read the book and the poem.... still working it out ..

Welcome barbarosaandrews..... it's a tale with many twists!

I would think it was close to him ..watchful eye. I have seen too many posts that say it has been found soooo i am not sure how much attention or time i wold want to take lookin.. In colorado a lot and close to Nm so i have no problem in the travelin. I bet he is a character though. Would be interesting i think to meet.

Thanks Frankn. Have I ever said how much I 'like' your 'avatar' before?

Give my regards to MZ:-) LOL

A 'Fenn' you are not:-P

You do realizerampuffpuff that without stating who,what,when,where and why you are doing the same as he is..... back it up brother!

You are 100% correct NV. But I won't harp on it like Chad. It is all hearsay and I still dream the dream same as all treasure hunters. Hh all.

Thanks Frankn. Have I ever said how much I 'like' your 'avatar' before?

Give my regards to MZ:-) LOL

A 'Fenn' you are not:-P

The avatar is a picture of me with most of the subject left out. lol Frank...
thumb up 700 copy.webp

Ok to the " people" who are claming they found the treasure or its been moved or whatever, how about you try offering some proof? If I found a treasure I would at least take PHOTOS as PROOF especially if I was going to CLAIM i had found it. You know because of course there is a lot of WACKOS who claim they found treasure but are NEVER believed without PROOF. so yeh waiting on photos not just your WORD or any excuses to reasons why you cannot show PROOF. To people how think its a hoax again I'm telling you with no PROOF the people who are choosing to search will not believe just your word. SHOW PROOF or perhaps spend your time getting proof because your words are falling on def ears. but in both cases apparently your time being wasted is no big deal. However filling the thread with useless junk and here say is a waste of people who are interested in real ideas and research and thoughts about the treasure. As your words fall on def ears im sure this post intended audiance will also be def but the effort had to be made as I was sufficently annoyed and would have been remiss to not at least have made an attempt at convincing you of your error.

No worries puff just thought I would try.

KGC don't let it get to's on all sites. Some more than others. :laughing7:

Ok to the " people" who are claming they found the treasure or its been moved or whatever, how about you try offering some proof? If I found a treasure I would at least take PHOTOS as PROOF especially if I was going to CLAIM i had found it. You know because of course there is a lot of WACKOS who claim they found treasure but are NEVER believed without PROOF. so yeh waiting on photos not just your WORD or any excuses to reasons why you cannot show PROOF. To people how think its a hoax again I'm telling you with no PROOF the people who are choosing to search will not believe just your word. SHOW PROOF or perhaps spend your time getting proof because your words are falling on def ears. but in both cases apparently your time being wasted is no big deal. However filling the thread with useless junk and here say is a waste of people who are interested in real ideas and research and thoughts about the treasure. As your words fall on def ears im sure this post intended audiance will also be def but the effort had to be made as I was sufficently annoyed and would have been remiss to not at least have made an attempt at convincing you of your error.

If I found a true valuable treasure no one would know it and I sure as heck wouldn't post about it on a web site.

A few members might receive an email from me as I layed in a hammock in a south seas island somewhere.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!


Well, at last someone agrees with me. As I posted way back, it is in his bathroom, or rather the vault next to his bathroom. Perhaps, his house is brown, or at least the roof is. Frank...
<img src=""/>

House isn't brown. More a yellowish tan.

Getting some food for my body at the grocery store lead me to some food for thought....
In the frozen burgers section I picked up a box of 'State Fair' corn dogs (a dozen in the box). When I got home I thought the box looked really close in size to Fenn's 10"x10"x"5 treasure box and a quick roll with the tape measure confirmed this within a few inches. It gave me a 3-D image of the dimensions of the "quest box". The first thought I had was how SMALL Fenn's box really is. I mean all the photos of it filled with gold make it seem much larger! I know gold has almost the same density as lead, but my immediate second thought was could something this small really hold 42 pounds of gold...? Or maybe he was including the weight of the box itself in the 42 pound number...? Something that is geometrically that small obviously lends itself to more potential hiding places like in the crook of a tree, near a large similarly colored rock etc. etc. Maybe someone out there knows whether the antique box is made of bronze or possibly iron....

I thought it was bronze or at least partly bronze. I have a article about it somewhere. Ill find out.

Yes it's a bronze chest, the total weight is with the chest and gold. The gold is said by FF to weigh approximately 22 lbs.

Yes it's a bronze chest, the total weight is with the chest and gold. The gold is said by FF to weigh approximately 22 lbs.

Actually it weights 42 with the rock it is in. You don't think that the box weights 20 lb alone?

You are a little late to the news, thank JeffofPa for locking me out, for discussing religion ( in his opinion), while I was discussing the treasure, and simply answering another poster's question . See the rock it was in:
Discuss The Thrill of the Chase | » Chat about the Chase » The Nine Clues » Enough is EnoughForrest Fenn Chase ChatDiscuss The Thrill of the Chase | » Chat about the Chase » The Nine Clues » Enough is EnoughForrest Fenn Chase Chat

Actually it weights 42 with the rock it is in. You don't think that the box weights 20 lb alone?

It's a 10" x 10" x 5" chest.

Made of bronze, which is an alloy, but I'll use 8.5g/cm3 as a rough estimate of its density.

I'll also assume .20" thick walls of the chest, which looks approximately correct from the pictures.

Now, to measure the total volume of bronze.

Top + Bottom:

10" x 10" x .20" x 2 (top + bottom) = 40in3

"Long sides"

10" x 4.6" x .20" x 2 (left + right) = 18.4in3

"Short sides"

9.6" x 4.6" x .20" x 2 (front + back) = 17.7in3

Total = 76.1in3 = 1247cm3.

1247cm3 * 8.5g/cm3 = ~10600g.

10600g / 28.3g/oz = 374.6oz.

374.6oz / 16oz/lb = 23.41lb.

Answer: yes.

It's a 10" x 10" x 5" chest.

Made of bronze, which is an alloy, but I'll use 8.5g/cm3 as a rough estimate of its density.

I'll also assume .20" thick walls of the chest, which looks approximately correct from the pictures.

Now, to measure the total volume of bronze.

Top + Bottom:

10" x 10" x .20" x 2 (top + bottom) = 40in3

"Long sides"

10" x 4.6" x .20" x 2 (left + right) = 18.4in3

"Short sides"

9.6" x 4.6" x .20" x 2 (front + back) = 17.7in3

Total = 76.1in3 = 1247cm3.

1247cm3 * 8.5g/cm3 = ~10600g.

10600g / 28.3g/oz = 374.6oz.

374.6oz / 16oz/lb = 23.41lb.

Answer: yes.

It's a wooden box with a thin, hammered brass cladding

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