Forrest Fenn s treasure

jayackam,yes im ok with all that you asked about.the kids and the adults, did not come away with
any of those ideas,feelings,understanding,about the story,that you believe and have expressed.
when the kids were asked, (paraphrasing)what do you think,one said oh! oh! the shiny fish, knows
how to share now,and be nice, maybe T should watch this he could have more friends, and not
be alone.
i'll say that is some imagination you have, to get evil stuff out of that childrens story.
for those not familiar with the story,you tube search,ArtsPower presents The Rainbow Fish
and Rainbow Fish Puppet Show, tube search...
jayackam this will be my last reply to you,regarding spirits of any kind/type for treasure
hunting,JMO, it seems very counter productive to hunting the FF treasure, or any treasure.
jayackam, good luck in whatever your hunting
jayackam post

jayackam,yes im ok with all that you asked about.the kids and the adults, did not come away with
any of those ideas,feelings,understanding,about the story,that you believe and have expressed.
when the kids were asked, (paraphrasing)what do you think,one said oh! oh! the shiny fish, knows
how to share now,and be nice, maybe T should watch this he could have more friends, and not
be alone.
i'll say that is some imagination you have, to get evil stuff out of that childrens story.
for those not familiar with the story,you tube search,ArtsPower presents The Rainbow Fish
and Rainbow Fish Puppet Show, tube search...
jayackam this will be my last reply to you,regarding spirits of any kind/type for treasure
hunting,JMO, it seems very counter productive to hunting the FF treasure, or any treasure.
jayackam, good luck in whatever your hunting
jayackam post

No they did not, at least not that they are aware of. However their and your subconscious mind did.
And BTW I was not talking about any YouTube video or silly puppet show - and you know that!. I am specifically talking about the Artspower traveling theater presentation. If you went to the play, you know that no pictures, cameras, filming was allowed and all entrances were guarded. They used to have few clips on their site, but no more. If you saw the play, then you know that all of the elements I described were there - you just interpreted them your way, or the way they suggested for you to interpret it.

The real meaning of the whole shark scene is alchemy - swirling, stirring gold and silver and other elements, innocent fish being offered to satan, flash representing the explosion that occurs during the process of invoking Satan. There is much more..... I do not want you to say anything, I simply want you to consider!

No they did not, at least not that they are aware of. However their and your subconscious mind did.
And BTW I was not talking about any YouTube video or silly puppet show - and you know that!. I am specifically talking about the Artspower traveling theater presentation. If you went to the play, you know that no pictures, cameras, filming was allowed and all entrances were guarded. They used to have few clips on their site, but no more. If you saw the play, then you know that all of the elements I described were there - you just interpreted them your way, or the way they suggested for you to interpret it.

The real meaning of the whole shark scene is alchemy - swirling, stirring gold and silver and other elements, innocent fish being offered to satan, flash representing the explosion that occurs during the process of invoking Satan. There is much more..... I do not want you to say anything, I simply want you to consider!

Well you make a lot more sense than the silly goose chasers.

This Forrest Fenn "treasure" smells like a steaming pile of hoax. From what I can tell, he is an old man with relatively few years left and he desperately wants to be remembered. In his decades of ransacking Native American sites and deceiving people into selling rarities to him low so he could hype up the artifacts and sell high, he has made a bundle, but at heart he knows that he is a hack and hustler who would be forgotten soon after death provided he didn't devise this or some similar scheme to keep the gullible chasing the ghost of an idea of an ultimately nonexistent treasure, and thus keep him "alive" long after burial. For those out there who don't believe in an afterlife, and there are millions, the only way to continue living after death is to be remembered. He straight-up said that this is his goal, and for a man who spent years immersed in ancient and antique material remains of cultures or individuals long dead and vanished; leaving behind only the artifacts and stories and legends, this particular approach makes excellent sense.

Even if it is real, it's only a 1,000,000 dollar "treasure", and there is only one. Every single one of you wild-goose-chasers would be way better off hunting for a Rembrandt or Van Gough at a yard sale or junk auction; items worth many times more than the likely-nonexistent Fenn treasure. If you'd be happy with less than 8 figures, go looking for copies of the Declaration of Independence tucked in the pages or binding of an old family bible, or Mafia gold, or forgotten catacombs with ancient biblical texts, or what have you. Hunting for Fenn's fabrication is an asinine waste of time, money, and resources. Nonsense in its quintuple-distilled, most purified form. That man will be laughing in his grave for centuries while generations upon generations of idiots descended from an ancient line of gullible idiots go questing for his fiction. Might as well hunt for the Philosopher's Stone as well while you're at it, as finding the latter is guaranteed to be equally likely! :BangHead:

This Forrest Fenn "treasure" smells like a steaming pile of hoax. From what I can tell, he is an old man with relatively few years left and he desperately wants to be remembered. In his decades of ransacking Native American sites and deceiving people into selling rarities to him low so he could hype up the artifacts and sell high, he has made a bundle, but at heart he knows that he is a hack and hustler who would be forgotten soon after death provided he didn't devise this or some similar scheme to keep the gullible chasing the ghost of an idea of an ultimately nonexistent treasure, and thus keep him "alive" long after burial. For those out there who don't believe in an afterlife, and there are millions, the only way to continue living after death is to be remembered. He straight-up said that this is his goal, and for a man who spent years immersed in ancient and antique material remains of cultures or individuals long dead and vanished; leaving behind only the artifacts and stories and legends, this particular approach makes excellent sense.

Even if it is real, it's only a 1,000,000 dollar "treasure", and there is only one. Every single one of you wild-goose-chasers would be way better off hunting for a Rembrandt or Van Gough at a yard sale or junk auction; items worth many times more than the likely-nonexistent Fenn treasure. If you'd be happy with less than 8 figures, go looking for copies of the Declaration of Independence tucked in the pages or binding of an old family bible, or Mafia gold, or forgotten catacombs with ancient biblical texts, or what have you. Hunting for Fenn's fabrication is an asinine waste of time, money, and resources. Nonsense in its quintuple-distilled, most purified form. That man will be laughing in his grave for centuries while generations upon generations of idiots descended from an ancient line of gullible idiots go questing for his fiction. Might as well hunt for the Philosopher's Stone as well while you're at it, as finding the latter is guaranteed to be equally likely! :BangHead:

Good post. Can you tell us more about the stones?

Alchemy,.. what a crock of ****.

And as far as "an old man wanting to be remembered"??!! That cracks me up. He has done more that 99.9 percent of anyone with a year less than him or more. You ought to be ashamed to be calling him classless in that regard. If he was the same age as anyone posting here, he could kick your azz blindfolded.

That said, I just returned from trip out number eight.

Yes, no box, no cigar.

But I experienced something you all will never ever experience, today.

I enjoyed myself. Like you cant imagine.

And I saw things, like you never will see in real life.

Next stop,.... trip 9,... number 9,...number 9,... number 9 ,.....

I hear that a small shard of the Philosopher's stone is in Forrest Fenn's treasure chest. It will turn everything it touches into 40% silver Kennedy halves.

I hear that a small shard of the Philosopher's stone is in Forrest Fenn's treasure chest. It will turn everything it touches into 40% silver Kennedy halves.


This Forrest Fenn "treasure" smells like a steaming pile of hoax. From what I can tell, he is an old man with relatively few years left and he desperately wants to be remembered. In his decades of ransacking Native American sites and deceiving people into selling rarities to him low so he could hype up the artifacts and sell high, he has made a bundle, but at heart he knows that he is a hack and hustler who would be forgotten soon after death provided he didn't devise this or some similar scheme to keep the gullible chasing the ghost of an idea of an ultimately nonexistent treasure, and thus keep him "alive" long after burial. For those out there who don't believe in an afterlife, and there are millions, the only way to continue living after death is to be remembered. He straight-up said that this is his goal, and for a man who spent years immersed in ancient and antique material remains of cultures or individuals long dead and vanished; leaving behind only the artifacts and stories and legends, this particular approach makes excellent sense.

Even if it is real, it's only a 1,000,000 dollar "treasure", and there is only one. Every single one of you wild-goose-chasers would be way better off hunting for a Rembrandt or Van Gough at a yard sale or junk auction; items worth many times more than the likely-nonexistent Fenn treasure. If you'd be happy with less than 8 figures, go looking for copies of the Declaration of Independence tucked in the pages or binding of an old family bible, or Mafia gold, or forgotten catacombs with ancient biblical texts, or what have you. Hunting for Fenn's fabrication is an asinine waste of time, money, and resources. Nonsense in its quintuple-distilled, most purified form. That man will be laughing in his grave for centuries while generations upon generations of idiots descended from an ancient line of gullible idiots go questing for his fiction. Might as well hunt for the Philosopher's Stone as well while you're at it, as finding the latter is guaranteed to be equally likely! :BangHead:

ok you think the fenn treasure isnt real, all good thats your opinion, but calling the folks that do think its real
idiots is not, i just dont get why people want to name call others, because they dont think or beleve like you
yep im offended, guess im going to have to stop reading this thread/topic, as its not going anywhere, just
bogging down, chit now im adding to the bog, ......peace out HH

ok you think the fenn treasure isnt real, all good thats your opinion, but calling the folks that do think its real
idiots is not, i just dont get why people want to name call others, because they dont think or beleve like you
yep im offended, guess im going to have to stop reading this thread/topic, as its not going anywhere, just
bogging down, chit now im adding to the bog, ......peace out HH

Real or not. It is no diff than scoping out a wooden nickel on a tree stump with a metal detector.

This thread is going nowhere,...but here only.

Real treasure hunters take a thread like this with a grain of salt.

Over my shoulder,... and a grain of sand,...

I will find it nonetheless.

Alchemy,.. what a crock of ****.

And as far as "an old man wanting to be remembered"??!! That cracks me up. He has done more that 99.9 percent of anyone with a year less than him or more. You ought to be ashamed to be calling him classless in that regard. If he was the same age as anyone posting here, he could kick your azz blindfolded.

That said, I just returned from trip out number eight.

Yes, no box, no cigar.

But I experienced something you all will never ever experience, today.

I enjoyed myself. Like you cant imagine.

And I saw things, like you never will see in real life.

Next stop,.... trip 9,... number 9,...number 9,... number 9 ,.....

Cracks you up? So the psychology behind him burying/hiding a half dozen or more cast bells stuffed with his autobiography means nothing to you? You honestly don't see the red flags? Seriously? And hell no I'm not ashamed; I stand by every word until someone "finds" the "treasure!" Regardless of the irrelevant "what-ifs", he is a washed-up old man now, and as a strong fellow in his mid 20s I could kick his ass into the grave blindfolded.

Regarding your claims about things I will "never experience", you may be correct. A bona-fide genius doesn't suffer the repetition of a fool's errand 8 times. Have fun on the 9th. Enjoyment I can't imagine? LOL please, give me a break! You sayin' you were high on hard drugs the whole time? And you seeing things I'll never see in real life? Unless your natural eyesight is better than 20/10 (or on hangover days 20/12), I believe that makes it 3 strikes... so you're out!

Now that we've resolved this inane tit-for-tat foolishness, I honestly do believe that you've had a blast searching for the treasure. The dreamer in me hopes it is real and that you or some other intrepid searcher finds it, but I've observed enough in these years to read between the lines and maintain skepticism. To reduce it to the bare bones, when one encounters such a tale, especially one such as this where the "benefactor" is still with us to observe it all (huge red flag), one must ask: who benefits and who gains power? The way I see it, this guy is both benefited and empowered, at present and also after death, by spinning a tale which will keep his memory alive far longer than any men of comparable accomplishment. He said that he hopes it won't be found for a thousand years, or at least that he doesn't expect it to be found before death anyway. Expressing concern that it might be found while still alive is an absolutely elementary manipulation taken right from the psychopath's toolkit; used to encourage the gullible and manipulable masses. Not to say he is one, but I know the tools of that nefarious trade when I see them. Guaranteed this man is better versed in treasure legends, as well as their construction/fabrication, than anyone else here. He is obviously a suave manipulator and salesman with decades of experience, so it seems overwhelmingly likely that he made everything up in order to provide the desired attention and excitement which he is no longer physically able to procure in his twilight years. It may seem cynical to the starry-eyed, but I call it realistic. Humans are humans, so if you understand them well enough you'd likely see this as I do. I hope it is real, just as I hope that I'll find 100 pounds of gold randomly somewhere, but for the sake of being realistic I wouldn't even try to look for it even if my residence was in his backyard. I've got far better things to do.

vor - Yeah man, it's only a small piece of the stone, so 40% clad silver Kennedys (80%/20.9%/80%) are actually pretty respectable; all things considered.

And yeah cw0909, I was being way too harsh and don't honestly think anyone (well, not the majority anyway) who has looked for it are idiots. It was more of an illustrative mechanism meant to express frustration with what appears to be a hoax implemented at the expense of perfectly good folk purely for the enjoyment of some old man who really doesn't give an owl's hoot about any of us. If I dissuade people from spending their money on this and instead they go get scuba gear and find a 100% legit old wreck, or prospect a valuable mineral claim, or dig or discover piles of 4-figure antiques then my job is done. All that is guaranteed to be out there. Fenn's "fortune" is highly unlikely at best. Sure as heck is helping the economy of the southwest though, what with all the people going there and spending their money in the area.

Sounds like Ignorance Denied has had 8 good times enjoying the thrill of the chase which is intoxicating. Being out doors in great scenery is good in itself.
Next year I'll get to probably enjoy my one and only because of the distance from here near Toronto. It will be fun for me and my family because I've worked it in with going to the Grand Canyon and then out to the LA and San Fran areas to visit relatives.

How many people have trekked many times looking for other more famous treasures? Some have spent a life time looking for them. Imo it sounds better than getting up, sitting in traffic to work some 9-5 job over and over.

So satans in the box?? Well hell I'm even more excited to find it now. I love evil spirits. Forgrt the treasure I just want the evil inside. Lol

Personally I don't really care if the riches are real or not. The real treasure is the quality time I spend with my daughter researching, searching for and fantisizing over it. The real treasure is the thrill of the chase. No amount of gold can beat that and whether its there or not we are still gonna have fun searching. Since we discovered this story it has brought me and her closer and have had a lot of fun so to me I've already found the treasure.

While I was not on any drugs,... ;) ... I was actually quite sober and lucid....

But yesterday was a twelve hour trip. I didnt help the southwest economy much though. Unless you count a tank of gas and a burger on the way home.

As it was about 4 or so in the evening, (I had been out since 9am), I found myself within spittin distance of my hotspot.

Unfortunatly I also found myself in my 4x4, mired in trenches of mud up to the spindles and going nowhere. I pushed the door open just enough to squeeze out and crawl onto the truck bed to get a look around. (both sides were encased in 6 foot tall sagebrush). And I stood in awe at viewing my hotspot from about a hundred feet away. I could see the spot right there. The spot I had tried twice to get to.

And now, I was as close as I could get.

I crawled back in the window of my truck from the bed and sat for a moment. Pondering that I am at least a hundred miles from anyone in all directions. Pondering that it was getting close to dusk. Looking at my quarter of a tank of gas while my cell phone was searching for a tower. Realizing that I was out of snaks and water, and it was cold. It would be a good couple hours walk to get phone reception, and who would I call anyway? I knew my wife was going to kill me if I survived this.

It took about an hour of practicing what I had learned as a kid when trying to get my car with bad tires out of a snowdrift. A foot forwards, a foot and a half back. For an hour I made little progress as all four silt-mud covered tires spun around slinging it everywhere. And then one tire finally bit ground and I was able to inch back slowly but steadily to a spot that wasnt a dense thicket and dry.

For the last remaining light I stood on my pickup bed and knowing there were no other ways to my hotspot, just stared and enjoyed the absalute deaf quiet that allowed the breeze to be felt and heard as it meandered through the trees.

I felt the sadness that my spot was un-attainable, but the assurance that I felt with reasonable calm that the chest was not here. It just is not likely in my mind that Mr. Fenn was able to traverse this terrain no better than I, and if he did and this was the spot, then the treasure will never be found or taken from there.

As the sun finally set, I got back in the truck and cranked up the heater, and backed it to a turn around spot, and proceeded home quite satisfied that I really enjoyed all of this adventure.

And my truck, parked out front, now is sporting about 500 pounds of mud.

Now, bout next year,.....

(the one time I overrode the Ignore feature, to say,...)

Defeat is for losers. I lost nothing.

Ignorance Denied

Keep searching . Once , an older and wiser friend told me : " The try is the half of the success " .

100'? Duh...just get out and walk. Don't be so dramatic.
Oh very well could have proved you wrong. Better to feel better about yourself, tuck your tail and run to momma.

Your time is worth nothing?

Coming from someone with 6363 posts in a treasure forum but posting nothing exept but what grumpy old men post about,...

I truly enjoyed myself. Nuff said. ;)

(Ignore feature turned back on,..) :)

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100'? Duh...just get out and walk. Don't be so dramatic.
Oh very well could have proved you wrong. Better to feel better about yourself, tuck your tail and run to momma.

I hear ya, and that crossed my mind.

But my first order of biz was to get unstuck. That took an hour, and then there wasnt enough time or daylight.

Maybe I shoulda brought a sandwich and a flashlight. ;)

But thanks for the advice. (anti-dramatic, my 'momma' passed almost 30 years ago,... thanks for the memory :thumbsup: )

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