Forrest Fenn s treasure

I'm going in a few weeks . may need to wait till springtime there... Coyote, that was good tell me more... If I find it, I will go back and put some back or something so that others know its the right spot.

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After reading countless posts and forums and dribble drabble, I believe he will go die with him treasure. He may have been going to and then had a revelation about it and decided to just leave it and come home. Or he brought it with him and its in his basement. He posted the poem at the same time he hid the box is what I gather so maybe it was ooops... I didn't die so now I have to keep up with the story to make myself look good. I read a post where his own father committed russian roulette to himself. So maybe the apple didnt fall far from the tree and he was going to do the same??

North of Santa Fe in the Rockies. Could be as far a Yellow Stone. Look at what happen to the women who took 2 small sticks out. If it is there big time trouble to touch it. Also anyone ever look the word blaze up in the dictionary? May not be what you think.

Ok if i make someone a millionaire hook a botha up will ya :P
Im to far away to go for it but i have an idea where to start...
I looked up waterfalls, springs and canyons of NM and one stood out which is Bear Canyon Cascades...
I may be wrong BUT this is where i think it is...

As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.

Begin it where warm waters halt (Its a Spring)
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk.
Put in below the home of Brown. (I have no idea who or what hes referring to... im assuming its a local thing...)

From there it's no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There'll be no paddle up your creek, ( a rocky shallow creek your going to have to follow )
Just heavy loads and water high.( Waterfall )

If you've been wise and found the blaze, (He marked his spot probably notching on a tree or rock..)
Look quickly down, your quest to cease, (your there now find it... lol)
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I've done it tired and now I'm weak.

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold. ( maybe in the water or towards the top of a mtn...)
If you are brave and in the wood ( in a old tree or log maybe or maybe hes referring to his mark on a tree )
I give you title to the gold.

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After doing more intensive research, and writing what I wrote on page 7, here are some new ideas gang. Hope this can help.

1. He owned a plane and was quoted saying he loved to just go out without a destination.
2. He could have died at home amongst his family, but chose to make a big deal about "going out to die with his treasure."
3. I think he is very familiar with this location because he said in an interview "I can go get it right now," but if you pay attention to his directional knowledge, he later admits not knowing where the bells are located anymore, which tells me he did, in fact, use a very familiar place for the treasure.

With all that I said before and these new thoughts, here is more of a summary of where I think it is:

*It's in a very familiar location to Fenn, and that location has either a dam or waterfall, where the warm water turns into cold and is in a canyon. It's not buried but placed into either a cave, or big hollowed out wood. That cave or wood is in a place, where one must go through shallow cold water.

I have an interesting location in mind, and it just so happens that my location fits the "5000ft above sea level."

I've spent the great part of my life in the academic world, so I'm fairly good at tracking sources and doing research.

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After doing more intensive research, and writing what I wrote on page 7, here are some new ideas gang. Hope this can help.

1. He owned a plane and was quoted saying he loved to just go out without a destination.
2. He could have died at home amongst his family, but chose to make a big deal about "going out to die with his treasure."
3. I think he is very familiar with this location because he said in an interview "I can go get it right now," but if you pay attention to his directional knowledge, he later admits not knowing where the bells are located anymore, which tells me he did, in fact, use a very familiar place for the treasure.

With all that I said before and these new thoughts, here is more of a summary of where I think it is:

*It's in a very familiar location to Fenn, and that location has either a dam or waterfall, where the warm water turns into cold and is in a canyon. It's not buried but placed into either a cave, or big hollowed out wood. That cave or wood is in a place, where one must go through shallow cold water.

I have an interesting location in mind, and it just so happens that my location fits the "5000ft above sea level."

I've spent the great part of my life in the academic world, so I'm fairly good at tracking sources and doing research.

Another interesting bit of tid is the Santa Fe Trail. Forrests house is literally on it. He would often fly low enough to follow it into Kansas.

"Put in below the home of Brown. (I have no idea who or what hes referring to... im assuming its a local thing...)"

You might fish more. Brown is a species of trout. Its in a creek big enough for fish to live in. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. )

"Put in below the home of Brown. (I have no idea who or what hes referring to... im assuming its a local thing...)"

You might fish more. Brown is a species of trout. Its in a creek big enough for fish to live in. (That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. )

Yeah I was thinking about that too... but wasn't sure if they had browns there...

I thought about this as well!!!They have plenty of brown there....put it simply it would be so extreme to do that...water would constantly be passing or rushing by...makes it near impossible to bury...even in a steady pond, unless you have multiple hands.:hello:

Well he does say 'below the home of the brown' so maybe downstream? on the beach of a waterfall perhaps? I do think he was referring to the fish.

Well he does say 'below the home of the brown' so maybe downstream? on the beach of a waterfall perhaps? I do think he was referring to the fish.

What I mentioned earlier was, if it is at the bottom of a damn, then technically it is below the home of the brown trout. You should check out my thoughts on page 7 of this forum. Sounds like we are in agreement.

Wow- certainly lots of heads putting in their 2 cents worth. I think we have a buck 2 ninety eight already. 8-)

"No place for the meek" and "not far but too far to walk" ... ok- I'm leaning to a cave or mine on the meek issue especially since burying it leads to ownership complications but "not far but too far to walk"... is there a tram somewhere? Maybe a tourist attraction or ski lift?

Brown Street in Folsom NM about 1000FT north of the Dry Cimarron River, Also location of Folsom Man Archaeological site. And what do you know, 3 waterfalls north east of town several miles away...ironically called Folsom Falls..FF, like Forest Fenn. Located on the Dry Cimarron (no paddle up your creek), now what about this blaze??

forgot to mention the falls are straddling Fort Union Rd... 'Fortune Rd' lol, this research is starting to blur my brain cells together, time for a beer.

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I thought it was brown trout as well but I noticed something he does not say "the brown" just "home of Brown" could be that he was trying to keep with only using 8 syllables. Or something else, notice Brown is capitalized... could be improper grammar but too me it seems seems like a clue.

Hey lads! I literally just joined this forum and i am very excited to join this search! Now what are the chances that the treasure is simply in Satna Fe itself? and him saying its in the mountains is miss read some how? Has anyone actually read the book? if so could you tell me what it says about his old gallery?

Hey lads! I literally just joined this forum and i am very excited to join this search! Now what are the chances that the treasure is simply in Satna Fe itself? and him saying its in the mountains is miss read some how? Has anyone actually read the book? if so could you tell me what it says about his old gallery?

Ordered the book haven't read it yet, but as far as the mountains yes, its said to be located in the Rockies mountains north of Santa Fe also the 10th clue is the box is hidden 5000ft above elevation

I'm going in a few weeks . may need to wait till springtime there... Coyote, power lines, that was good for heavy loads tell me more...

if you do send it by PM

I am real interested in this cache and I think that as the man is over 80 he did not go too far from his car to plant a 40 lb box. Clues not withstanding its close to an isolated parking area. Also I bet he did not want to be out at night so he put is somewhere within one days driving there and back from his home. Now to check the clues after narrowing that down.

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