Forrest Fenn s treasure

If a man in his 70's can get there, a child can get there.

My old man is 74 and in better condition than i am,He went through chemo in early 2002 to boot,Dont let the age of some ppl who led an active life fool you,We have hiked into places that most younger guys would fear to tread.

well keep in mind the 40 pounds.... cant be that death taking.....:dontknow:

On another note,Forest is currently being investigated by The FBI for grave robbing and other horrendous acts,He claims the investigation is over but who really knows,The feds also executed a raid on his home a year or two back,There is a very likely chance that what he claims is within the box is exactly what is in there,But be careful because if you do find it,Its likely it will become the property of the feds instead of the finder. There is alot of information about this mans legal issues that could in fact help narrow down some places he has visited admittedly and see if any of those would coincide with clues you may have worked out from the poem,Which is included below:

Where the Treasure Lies
By Forrest Fenn

As I have gone alone in there
And with my treasures bold,
I can keep my secret where,
And hint of riches new and old.

Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk,
Put in below the home of Brown.

From there it’s no place for the meek,
The end is ever drawing nigh;
There’ll be no paddle up your creek,
Just heavy loads and water high.

If you’ve been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace.

So why is it that I must go
And leave my trove for all to seek?
The answers I already know,
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak.

So hear me all and listen good,
Your effort will be worth the cold.
If you are brave and in the wood
I give you title to the gold.

Edit:This poem contains 9 clues,He gave the tenth clue in person on the TODAY show and you can view it here

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Originally Posted by cw0909
what, no clues,as in not yet maybe a clue later,does he want someone to find them? or its one of those
maybe someday they will get dug and yea,i found a bell
The bells are really well outlined in the book -- basically a random thing separate from the cache.

i thought markd might be talking about dif bells thanks

a clue a month, wonder why
New clue revealed in hunt for hidden treasure worth millions - TODAY News

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clue 5000 feet above sea level,includes santa fe

According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 37.4 square miles (96.9 km[SUP]2[/SUP]), of which, 37.3 square miles (96.7 km[SUP]2[/SUP]) of it is land and 0.1 square miles (0.2 km[SUP]2[/SUP]) of it (0.21%) is water.Santa Fe is located at 7,199 feet (2134 m) above sea level, making it the highest state capital in the United States.[SUP][18]
Santa Fe, New Mexico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/SUP]

My old man is 74 and in better condition than i am,He went through chemo in early 2002 to boot,Dont let the age of some ppl who led an active life fool you,We have hiked into places that most younger guys would fear to tread.

Fair enough :)

Last I heard he said the treasure is North of Santa Fe. And said not neccesarily in New Mexico, that Canada is North of Santa Fe.

Does anyone realize that within that poem there are at the least 16 clues? So of them 16 which ones are significant? And beginning where warm waters halt? Well if there is no water, warm water halts. If there is a spring that runs into a creek, warm waters halt. It does not say hot waters, so do not think he means hot springs. Hot is defined at above body temperature, warm is above 50 degrees, so that clue in itself is the biggest one to figure out for sure. Warm waters halt when there is none. So it also fits the no paddle up your creek.... No water... Home of Brown? Ya think he really meant home of Browne.... same meaning just spelled different. He is quite a clever man but I think I figured it out... Also the brave and in the woods.. Well figuratively and physically in the woods. So really he means" in the woods".. in the woods. I believe there are hundreds of people searching and none are even close to the real location..

Does anyone realize that within that poem there are at the least 16 clues? So of them 16 which ones are significant? And beginning where warm waters halt? Well if there is no water, warm water halts. If there is a spring that runs into a creek, warm waters halt. It does not say hot waters, so do not think he means hot springs. Hot is defined at above body temperature, warm is above 50 degrees, so that clue in itself is the biggest one to figure out for sure. Warm waters halt when there is none. So it also fits the no paddle up your creek.... No water... Home of Brown? Ya think he really meant home of Browne.... same meaning just spelled different. He is quite a clever man but I think I figured it out... Also the brave and in the woods.. Well figuratively and physically in the woods. So really he means" in the woods".. in the woods. I believe there are hundreds of people searching and none are even close to the real location..

Let me know if you find it ;)

Rough area where you think it is?

Santa Fe

Its in Santa Fe, with something to do with Agua Fria road and La Madera Street. Hope this helps...I found this after hours of researching and calculating.

Its in Santa Fe, with something to do with Agua Fria road and La Madera Street. Hope this helps

Brown House could also be Cassa Marron, just north of Sante Fe on Rising Moon.

I also took in agua fria...hmmm...i have some other ideas to. Water makes up 0.2 percent of that area.....worth a look

And take it in the canyon down,
Not far, but too far to walk

To me,that means a crevice /climbing downward. aka not to far but to far to walk

I always thought it meant far like 10 15 miles not far but too far to walk.....maybe

Maybe i can get a map of santa fe an have Tnet members dowse it ...........

If its where I think it may be its not a rough area. Pretty much in the middle of A town. Not Santa Fe. If someone finds its with my clues they better share... :) Its north of Santa Fe and a little west a town which is named kinda after " in the woods". There is no water in the canyon above and the heavy loads is a powerline overhead. And water high is three giant water tanks for the facility right across the way. Just an idea, but I am not ever going to get down that way and I have enough treasure to chase without this one. I had a very good dowser dowse this story already. He said Forrest Fenn was a lonley old man that wanted to get some attention and that the treasure was not hidden anywhere and it was a trumped up story to make people notice him. Might be true, but if not this is one place to look.

alot of good ideas,,, but did he not take a gun with him and plan on going out to die with his treasure ?

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