Forrest Fenn s treasure

I am real interested in this cache and I think that as the man is over 80 he did not go too far from his car to plant a 40 lb box. Clues not withstanding its close to an isolated parking area. Also I bet he did not want to be out at night so he put is somewhere within one days driving there and back from his home. Now to check the clues after narrowing that down.

We arent dealing with your "run of the mill" 80 year old. He's a former badass fighter pilot not likely to be scared of the dark.

Well he does say 'below the home of the brown' so maybe downstream? on the beach of a waterfall perhaps? I do think he was referring to the fish.

You guys crack me up sometimes with this below the home of brown? If you were going to put something on the bottom of a lake, river, stream, etc.. IT would be below the home of BROWN. Trout do not waller into the mud like catfish, they cruise along the bottom so if it was on the very bottom it would be below the home of BROWN. So I sure hope that clue is suppose to be interpreted differently.. Fished Brown trout all my life and they usually sit near the bottom but most the time suspended...

Since i first thought of it. I have been getting tired of hearing all this crap on oh a 80 y/o man 40lb and everything else.
You might find this amusing.

He is a smart old man I wouldn't doubt if he took the dam box there first and the put the BOOTY in a backpack came back to his car and and grabbed it (viceversa)--- OR TOOK A BACKPACK WITH HIM AND CARRIED THE 10LB BOX <----(Guesstimation). ITS A LOT EASIER TO CARRY IT UP A MOUNTAIN THAT WAY.....COME ON GUYS USE YOUR NOODLE! SO ALL THIS ITS NEAR YOUR CAR 500 FT CRAP IS BOLOGNA TO ME. Put that in your pipe and smoke it! I hope this is helpful to others as it is to I.

pm me if you want to hunt this down with me!

40-45lbs of gold really isn't very much size wise...
That box I bet is probably the size of a shoe box or smaller...
Easy enough to put in a good backpack and not hard to carry...

I think it's time to retire the idea of Forrest not going far to hide this thing. As someone mentioned before, he's an ex pilot, owned a plane himself, camped, hiked, fished, and treasure hunted the majority of his life. I highly doubt he is going to drive his car, up to a carpool lot 5 miles from his house, and throw it in the bushes. That is a lazy idea. Forrest isn't lazy.

Through my research, I've discovered a gentleman that has been hunting this for 2 solid years. He has good research. If it could have been found so easily, he would have found it.

Why we need to abandon the idea of it being easy:

1.He wanted to leave behind a legacy. This could mean hundreds of years, which tells me it's not going to be easy to find.
2.He's been hunting treasure his whole life, so he understands how to talk in riddle.

I think it's time to retire the idea of Forrest not going far to hide this thing. As someone mentioned before, he's an ex pilot, owned a plane himself, camped, hiked, fished, and treasure hunted the majority of his life. I highly doubt he is going to drive his car, up to a carpool lot 5 miles from his house, and throw it in the bushes. That is a lazy idea. Forrest isn't lazy.

Through my research, I've discovered a gentleman that has been hunting this for 2 solid years. He has good research. If it could have been found so easily, he would have found it.

Why we need to abandon the idea of it being easy:

1.He wanted to leave behind a legacy. This could mean hundreds of years, which tells me it's not going to be easy to find.
2.He's been hunting treasure his whole life, so he understands how to talk in riddle.


I've gone back and forth on parts of my research. "Oh, that's too easy. Or, that can't be right." However, I have nailed down one solid clue of the puzzle. This I'm almost certain about.

"BLAZE" - This is a mark on a tree. This is not the sun, nor a location, nor a fire pit, or Firehole river.....etc....
How To Blaze A Tree

Knowing this, the treasure is certainly not buried. Why do I think that? In the poem he states "If you found the blaze." "Look quickly down." He doesn't write "If you found the blaze, dig 10 ft."

I've gotta get back to work. No, my actual job. hahaha

I've gone back and forth on parts of my research. "Oh, that's too easy. Or, that can't be right." However, I have nailed down one solid clue of the puzzle. This I'm almost certain about.

"BLAZE" - This is a mark on a tree. This is not the sun, nor a location, nor a fire pit, or Firehole river.....etc....
How To Blaze A Tree

Knowing this, the treasure is certainly not buried. Why do I think that? In the poem he states "If you found the blaze." "Look quickly down." He doesn't write "If you found the blaze, dig 10 ft."

I've gotta get back to work. No, my actual job. hahaha

I think we can all agree this is a marking of some sort. I can't be certain it's on a tree, but with the numerous pictures I've seen of Forrest's trees in his front yard (Aspens), I would almost be ready to bet money on it...still skeptical until I find it.

I sure hope all of you who are searching for the treasure are taking pictures and documenting your hunt...if you do come across the treasure it would be nice to see the evidence Forrest left behind for us. :) I know I am.


Just heavy loads and water high
water tower?

Put in below the home of Brown
place?,i dont think the fish

A few thoughts...

1. Forrest wants his riddle to pass the test of time. He also has little appreciation for man's encroachment on nature and is trying to get people off their duffs to go outside. This excludes from the search; man-made structures like power lines, buildings with the name "Brown", and areas even remotely capable of being developed for civilization.
2. He blabbed to The Daily Beast that the chest is exposed to rain, snow, and even forest fires. This would mean it is not DEEP in water, buried in the ground, or in the middle of the dessert. It could still be in a tree stump or something else that obscures viewing.
3. "Where warm water halts" is a big clue. Water can change temperature because of latitude, altitude, seasonal change, or geographic reasons (e.g. warm water meets cold water where two rivers come together). "Warm" could also be a play on a name or the historical significance of a body of water.

more to come...

One thing you all are not listening to is everything they say the chest weigh 42 lbs. EMPTY!!!!!!!. Then whatever he put in it. The chest is right at 16 inches square by about 6 inches deep. They said alone it weighed 42 lbs. Its solid bronze... Then whatever else he put in the box. IF and I really am leaning towards IF he did hide it, its on a precipice that is to be looked off of. The blaze is NOT on a tree. If it is all suspectible to forest fires, wind, tornados, whatever he would not use a tree as a blaze... RIGHT? It is something which will stand the test of time.. A legacy like you all keep saying. The more I think about it the more I think it might be just a load of crap for an old man to get attention.... Hell I would do it if people would believe me.. :) Like someone said.. PT Barnum did the same crap and it was a joke, I am going to go after Butch Cassidy loot.... At least I know its real and its there....

The blaze is NOT on a tree. If it is all suspectible to forest fires, wind, tornados, whatever he would not use a tree as a blaze... RIGHT?

Nice point, hadnt thought of that...and yes if it were meant to be hidden for an eon then the markers\clues would also have to last that long

what if it isnt hidden *yet* since he kicked the cancer...and it will be buried with him in his final resting place. Im sure he's already purchased a plot somewhere right?

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Pretty sure he hid it several years ago, assuming he isn't lying. Several news sources quote him talking about returning to his vehicle afterwards. He also mentioned his regret over one piece he put in the chest and how he would like it back.

I would like to partner up with one or more people... team up and share info.
Only if you believe the treasure is in Yellowstone.

It's a pretty logical place given his child hood connection.

I would like to partner up with one or more people... team up and share info.
Only if you believe the treasure is in Yellowstone.

I live 120 miles from Yellowstone. I have thought it was there and went with the clues and got stumped their at home of Brown. I know he does not mean the fish cause the whole coutry here is full of Brown trout so it has to be something else. Which I got to thinking and come up with another clue about the home of Brown that is quite ingenious. :) But then where the hell is that blaze.... Thinking he is talking about the Blaze King stove in his house... lol...

One other thing... He said that when I got back to MY car... Not when I got back to the car... Difference.??? Yes.. If it is a rental or someone elses I will say the car, but if it is your personal car you say my car. He does say that more than once. If he was sick he would not be 1300 miles from home...unless he went there to actually die and decided he had something to live for all of a sudden. He has not hid it yet I really believe that.....Also if he had originally went there to die his car would have been found and someone would have figured out the location of the cache right away.

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This whole thread is so divergent...shows how good the riddle is :)

could the letters be turned into numbers, like a code? a-1 b-2 kinda thing.. there has to be some trickery in the pome, hidden message or something.

After reading much more regarding Fenn's life and about the treasure/poem, I think the area it is probably hidden is not too far from the Montana and Wyoming border, close to the north entrance of Yellowstone which is the only entrance that is open year round. Whether it is actually in Yellowstone, not sure, According to some things that I have read, he really likes the areas he spent in Yellowstone as a child, fishing in certain spots.
I also think the "home of Brown" is about bears, not trout. There is a brown bear sanctuary in Montana(I forget the name of it)

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