I hear what you are saying and I fully agree, but I do not think that we completely understand their condition or situation. From my understanding, there is actually a modification of their DNA to accommodate the host, the external emotional and sensory aspects of the persons are taken over and control by the host, the soul is imprisoned etc.... I know they found a way to pass the messages pass their host to us, to warn us of what is coming - even as they continue to commit evil acts. But no one can hear or see that as far as I know of. I am positive tha church does not see it, or they would take at least some minimal actions. My eyes were opened, and I was shown many things, but very few will believe when it is shown to them, because of their own fear and their minds' quick rationalization. I have tried different avenues, but the stuff is so insane for a normal person to comprehend, that it is simply dismissed as imagination or total quackery, even though I have supporting evidence if one was willing to listen and review it. I have spoken about the world turning dark , for the last 15 years, and my friends who heard me can see it now, but still, everybody just goes on the same way....[/QUOTT
I agree that the times are much darker throughout the world. The worldly attempt to remove God and the attack on Christians is evident. As far as DNA modification belief-that's just another degree in the selling of the soul belief. These people think that they are condemned. They despair of their salvation and that is the reason that it's so dangerous to sell the soul because you will be perfectly convinced that you are condemned. But in reality you are not condemned, at confession you can destroy everything but it's not so easy to convince the people that were in satanic cults.