Forrest Fenn s treasure

Most (if not all) players of this chase game attempt to solve the word map (poem) under the assumption that the word map clues lead to physical points in nature. This most likely is a dubious assumption and the location will never be identified under such assumption. For example, does the starting point (warm waters halt) refer to warm water as in a lake,stream, river, or is this a metaphor for something else outside the word map? I think Fenn probably calls his word map a poem because it allows him to get away with a hell of a lot more misleading and misdirection by calling it a poem.

LOL!!! Frankn..... bud ya have to read some. There is a starting point.:thumbsup:

Frankn, I appreciate the Pragmatism you bring to the game.I just have this Rumpelstiltskin
gene in me that from time to time bangs at the door of my mind demanding to be let in.
However I also have a Sherlock Holmes and a Machiavelli gene that demand equal time.
The trick is not to let more than one in at the same time.

My cow had died, so I do not need your bull.

I think the simplicity and the fact that the clues can fit many places is part of the devilish plan. It can fit many places but none fit exactly besides the exact ones needed to find the treasure. So if you don't believe or you haven't found it don't be so rude as to say its a farce or its not even hidden or whatever negative comments some of you care to make. We those who are still searching are having fun doing so and that's the point, don't be mad you haven't figured it out or found it or gave up because you spent to long looking and gave up. this thread isn't about what not hidden or about people who have given up. its about the treasure and people looking for it.

Yes frankn we have heard your views on this many times and thats totally fine with me. I do however wonder why you continue to comment and follow on something you believe is a farce. THIS is a big ol red flag to me and probly many others on here. Just sayin. I have done much research,thinking and analyzing for ME to find this chest, not to give it away to someone else by spilling my clues . Did you give away any clues to anyone where your treasure was hidden? I think not. Same thing here. You do say things once in a while that make me think so please do keep posting...... YOU may be the one to give me the thought that makes me rich!! :laughing7:

Upon further reflection, I am in agreement with Frankn regarding NO Starting Point being given by Fenn. Fenn simply says that "one can find the location of the chest IF one knows where to start" the search. One must discover for himself/herself the location of "Begin it where warm waters halt". So begin with a search for the starting point "where warm waters halt". Ergo, start in your own mind. Now, where you go from there is to a canyon down, not far but Too Far To Walk. But wait!! Does Fenn use the word canyon as in a metaphor for some other word outside the word map (poem)?

"Education is not preparation for life: Education is life itself." - John Dewey (1859-1952)

frankin,Thats the obvious and F knows most will go for the obvious and easiest interpretation of the poem. Won't work. He said he "crafted" the poem. He is no dummy I'm sure all agree. Being a pilot you really have to have a bear trap mind I believe. Of course Im hoarding and fishing!!!! I want it all for myself as does everyone else. That's a realist speaking. I don't want ANY competition, but I do say something once in a while just to see if anyone comments further...yes fishing, but it's not a useless blurb. How about this... begin it where cold waters start... nah to simple. There are many interpretations to it so we keep thinking and analyzing, if the chest doesn't come home with you after your search you sit down and rethink and analyze a new way.

UFO!!??? umm , err,ahh, what UFO??? who have you been talking to???

frankin,Thats the obvious and F knows most will go for the obvious and easiest interpretation of the poem. Won't work. He said he "crafted" the poem. He is no dummy I'm sure all agree. Being a pilot you really have to have a bear trap mind I believe. Of course Im hoarding and fishing!!!! I want it all for myself as does everyone else. That's a realist speaking. I don't want ANY competition, but I do say something once in a while just to see if anyone comments further...yes fishing, but it's not a useless blurb. How about this... begin it where cold waters start... nah to simple. There are many interpretations to it so we keep thinking and analyzing, if the chest doesn't come home with you after your search you sit down and rethink and analyze a new way.

UFO!!??? umm , err,ahh, what UFO??? who have you been talking to???
Keep in mind, Fenn said a child could figure it out...I assume from the IMHO that means the poem means what it word games, no codes, none of that stuff. If you can find the starting point, you can follow the clues to the treasure. That still leaves hundreds, if not thousands, of potential starting points in the Rockies.

Yep, it's very confusing. I believe a person will have to search quite a few times to find it.I've been 3 and getting ready for 4. I knew I would find it each time too. LOL!

Jim In Idaho:

Not to be argumentative here Jim, but I do not place any stock in Fenn saying that a child
could solve the word map. Although I have never seen where he made such a comment. I have
read were he said that a child could walk right up the treasure and touch it. Also that
the treasure was not in a place that would be of danger or risk to children. But not that
a child could derive the Fenn devised solution/ answer to the poem map. Of course Fenn
says many things in a way designed to misdirect or mislead. But if he did say what you
say he said, he probably was insulting searchers who complained that the word map was dumb or too hard. Or maybe just trying to tell Big Bad John that he has a chance of solving the word map. LOL

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he probably was insulting searchers who complained that the word map was dumb or too hard. Or maybe just trying to tell Big Bad John that he has a chance of solving the word map. LOL

You may get your jollies by insulting others but I find it humorous that it is you chasing a hoax derived from a childish "poem" and not John.

Jim In Idaho:

Not to be argumentative here Jim, but I do not place any stock in Fenn saying that a child
could solve the word map. Although I have never seen where he made such a comment. I have
read were he said that a child could walk right up the treasure and touch it. Also that
the treasure was not in a place that would be of danger or risk to children. But not that
a child could derive the Fenn devised solution/ answer to the poem map. Of course Fenn
says many things in a way designed to misdirect or mislead. But if he did say what you
say he said, he probably was insulting searchers who complained that the word map was dumb or too hard. Or maybe just trying to tell Big Bad John that he has a chance of solving the word map. LOL
That's OK....I'm not saying the treasure is there, nor am I saying I know where it is. I just think, for the serious searchers, it's ridiculous to suggest there may be hidden meanings in the poem. If there are, that makes the whole search a silly endeavor. That would make for mutliples of permutations to chase down, and would turn the thousands of potential spots into millions...basically it would make the whole thing unsolvable. In any case, I am not spending much of my time looking. I have two places in the Park where I think there is a chance...other than that, I'm not playing. And I won't get up there to look until a fall fishing trip.

You may get your jollies by insulting others but I find it humorous that it is you chasing a hoax derived from a childish "poem" and not John.

To my minds eye those vested in the belief that the Fenn Thrill is about a real world
physical treasure that they can touch, hold, worship and add to their material wealth are
floundering in a sea of misdirection, misleading and illusions they have created in their
own minds, aided by Fenn's tricks (as Fenn fans call it). Such players in this game seem
to think that Fenn is just pulling their legs at times. They fail to consider the fact
that Fenn has them in a full blown medieval torture rack. I just happen to belive that
the word map leads to a treasure illusion. It is the solving of the problem not the
collecting of a real physical treasure that interests me. My mind is my mind, your mind
is your mind. So stay the hell out of my mind Vor.

Sometimes the truth hurts. Truth lives in our mind unless we are in denial.
Good luck in your search. Hopefully it is for the truth and not in a goose chase to line a con man's pocket.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using TreasureNet

Big Bad John:
What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we have here now. Which is the way you want it. Well, you get it. And I don't like it any more than you appear to like it. Do I make myself clear? And by the way BBJ, what is this crap about bull and a pet rock? Insults maybe? Lets just both act our age.
I am 73, how about you?

The game is FINALLY over CT Sam, CT Dan & BBJ all one in the same. 3 Strikes & He's OUT! BANNED!


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You're back in the saddle. Don't get thrown off. vor is a good friend to have.

To all the disbelievers, I respect your opinion, but why the constant discouraging of those who choose to believe. Its a pleasant diversion, like playing the lottery we dont really expect to win, but we enjoy the game.

Mom used to say...if you dont have something nice to say...
You know the rest...

Back to the same old sXXX I see. People should be banned for discouraging other Treasure Seekers. Also for posting discouraging comments related to the fact to whether it exists or not. Just make a dam blog dedicated to the belief on whether (Fenn a wealthy man- who beat cancer- and makes nothing on his books- Is an amazing archaeologist- served for our country- ETC.......!!! Hid the treasure or not). No one wants to hear it. When it does come out send me the pictures of your foots in your mouth. :occasion18:

two sides of every coin

on whether (Fenn a wealthy man- who beat cancer- and makes nothing on his books- Is an amazing archaeologist- served for our country- ETC.......!!! Hid the treasure or not). No one wants to hear it.

Hello Pig
Or in the alternative; Fenn a man heavily burdened by debt, has the feds investigating him, makes most of his money off of selling books, is a grave robber, is a fast talking salesman- ECT.....!

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The truth is probably somewhere in between.


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