Forrest Fenn s treasure

OK so this is a thought I came up with.

The end is drawing ever nigh= the night is coming=no place for the meek= your effort will be worth the cold= if you are brave and in the wood.

Do you suppose F has made this "BLAZE" visible at night only?

I will admit I did search at night and it was cold, a might scary in grizz country wandering the woods,and all the other clues that fit.

NOT to mention what your insides feel like when your flashlight picks up a set of eyes looking at you.

Remember he was diagnosed in 1988 with the cancer and I believe he hid the chest somewhere 2009-2010. So I would think he was in decent shape for an 79-80 year old guy.

I have driven that road up to the sub-alpine zone, there is a parking area which is where he probably
parked and hid the loot.

High and low

Hello.. I am a new treasure hunter. I am looking for the Fenn chest. I ave covered tons of ground. The does an line up in many places, but the exact directions once you finite blaze as me confounded. I have found a few interesting blazes, but am new enough I did not know what to do... I can and will travel...I am back to the books, but was told of a prophetic dream involving myself and another searcher. Looking for that person....:laughing7:

But he loved many places.... yellowstone was a family event, he went alone... Could be just that time was alone? He travels and explores ALL over and the territory is enormous. The various historical trails and riches do and new are all over. He says begin it where warm waters end.. S tat the wrong place to begin? Or do you end there? Well, let s see... There are countless options that fit... Which one though? Then? Home of Brown... Smokey? Browns park? Trout ? Bear? Beaver? Canyon down, they all have a canyon out here!!!! Nigh... Left? No paddle? Too fast? Upriver? Dry? Name of creek? Wise... Blaze? Then what? Don't ogle? Or only see it at a certain time? Well, what does the blaze mean? Is it right there or o you read more? I have decided I better know exactlynhathemeans.... Or I will just vtouring about, yes having fun, but I want that box.... And I will be right by it, or have been too!,,,, how sick would I feel to know I was silly enough to walk on by.... Hehehe.... I did find an awesome blaze/ wheel. In nm. But it was on a side trip, on private land I was given permission to go on and I would NEVER have touched it!,,,, if it was the treasure, then there it my instinct said SaCrED! I walked on edge, took no pics, not even a stone out....

Next time, take pictures so all of us can look.

Welcome Sunshine Hunter, YEP! tons of unknowns,guesses and thoughts.

I just recently found out about this treasure (about 2 or 3 days ago ) and have read most of the blogs and new stories avalible from googling them. I came to Treasurenet to see if a thread was here about it and yes! so excited.... I got to page 15 and had to stop. So much repeating of bad information so much negative crap its amazing. First off how is anyone looking going to find anything if they dont take the time to research? and I dont even mean the hard research I mean simple things like the box empty weights twenty pounds the contents weight twenty two totaling 42Lbs. he made two trips to carry the entire thing. Those are easily found facts among many others that are constantly repeated incorrectly. Also the time like of when he buried the box ect. mostly repeated incorrectly. I dont have the book I only have google but really get the facts straight. unless your intention is to mislead and confuse then your doing a wonderful job. If you dont think the treasure is out there dont spoil others fun by being a negative nelly and saying is a sham. why are you here at all if thats the case? Some part of you must believe alittle. :)

to those who have thought they had things figured out as to the first location Id love a PM with what you had in mind as well as reasons. Anyone who has any ideas that they would be willing to share and or confirmed correct clues Id love those aswell :)

the treasure is not in any of the more popular places that people have talked about and visited often, as there only seems to be one group known to Forrest that has visited the location of the first two clues (where warm waters halt and the canyon), and he seems pretty sure that they never returned.


though he knows of “more than a few people” who have searched within 500 feet of the site... Others have figured the first two clues and went right past the treasure and didn’t know it....

The fact that they went right past the other seven [clues] suggests that these later clues are within a relatively short distance of a road or the first two locations, otherwise Forrest could not be sure that they went “right past them” - assuming that he was talking literally rather than metaphorically.

Since most posters do not know the topography of Santa Fe there is a another road up a mountain to
the east. It's called Artist's Road. I worked helping the homeless in SF and this road leads to where
a lot of them camp at night. If Fenn hid it up there it's a good chance it has already been found. The
'hobos' come down to town in the morning and have all heard this legend. Fenn may not have known
it was their camping ground when he hid it.
Anyways that's my theory.

Good theory, Lastlet. I hope you find the treasure.

this could be taken to mean ( my oppinion only, possibly others will agree) that the starting point holds not only the key to everything, but also the treasure itself all within 500'.

Forrest has lived a large life. Dont fool yourself into thinking that one or two clues get you within 500 feet. Think big. He gives you a starting point, but can you see it.

suggests...seems pretty sure,seems to be,relatively,assuming,literally,metaphorically....all your words KGC..... welcome to our world!!!

New poster here, but not new to the game. I like the approach that the poster Frankn takes to this chase game.

Fenn is launching an effort to sell his soon to be released book, titled Too Far To Walk, I believe. Those who are wise and cunning might want to familiarize themselves with the original book of that title if they wish to extract a clue or two relative to Fenn's Chase Thrill. The author was John Hershey and the book was released in 1966. Just a couple of years before Fenn made his career change from active military to art gallery owner with his then equity business partner NICHOLAS WOLOSHUK, (1924-2004). Among many other things, Nick was a WWII marine vet. and earned the Sliver Star for heroic action in the 82 day Battle of Okinawa in 1945,and established the Santa Fe, NM arts and craft mall in the late 50's, early 1960's.

Forrest has lived a large life. Don't fool yourself into thinking that one or two clues get you within 500 feet. Think big. He gives you a starting point, but can you see it.

Thanks for the warm words Frankn. Fenn's poem map without a doubt employs a rhetorical
strategy of extending metaphors through the entire narrative of the word map so that
objects, persons, and actions in the text are equated with meanings that lie outside the
poem map. But Fenn confounds the reader further by having the familiar meaning (to many)
in the poem map refer to unfamiliar meaning (to many) outside the poem map. It is my
opinion that searchers thus far are looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong
reasons and enjoying looking in all the wrong places for all the wrong reasons. A never
ending loop that leads nowhere other than to where the searcher just happens to be at the
time. But of course, as in life in general, everyone is free to choose what they think
and how they think in this game.

the simple long and short is he wanted to at one point bury himself with the box so the space has to be large enough to fit his body as well and not something that would easily wash away his bones. so not likely under water. he suggest it being in the same place in a thousand years which means most likely rock its also got to be in a place well known and one that will be recognizable in a thousand years. its big and long term and eternal. combine those with the clues and bam. im still working on it..... regardless I have a thousand years to figure it out right? Also I heard they are working on technology that will enable us to download our conciousness into a robot so, maybe even longer than a thousand years. Ha!

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