Forrest Fenn s treasure

forrest's new clue given out on good morning america today. it was, hope your sitting down for this, "it's not in a graveyard" really's not?.... then he commented when asked, is it buried? he answered, " i said i "hid" it, it doesn't mean it's not buried....

my comment, " it's not up your ass either, is it?"......these so called clues are so vague nobody is going to be closer at finding it if it's ever found. makes me wonder if it's even out there at all. hey forrest, how about some realistic clues.

forrest's new clue given out on good morning america today. it was, hope your sitting down for this, "it's not in a graveyard" really's not?.... then he commented when asked, is it buried? he answered, " i said i "hid" it, it doesn't mean it's not buried....

my comment, " it's not up your ass either, is it?"......these so called clues are so vague nobody is going to be closer at finding it if it's ever found. makes me wonder if it's even out there at all. hey forrest, how about some realistic clues.

It was sad when I was out there, the graves in the cemetery were all covered with cages. I guess the had theft issues? !? Terrible. Almost as bad as the new clue!

danno the tree message could mean this

Feature Name: Bullfrog (historical)
Category: Arizona physical, cultural and historic features
Feature Type: Physical
Class: Summit
County: Maricopa County
Latitude: 33.6667118
Longitude: -111.4506884
Feature ID: 40494
NOTE: This map shows the HISTORICAL LOCATION of a feature that is no longer visible!
Bullfrog (historical) (in Maricopa County, AZ)

But I intend to remain positive. There is a lot of reading left to do. And a lot of places left to look.

danno the tree message could mean this

Feature Name: Bullfrog (historical)
Category: Arizona physical, cultural and historic features
Feature Type: Physical
Class: Summit
County: Maricopa County
Latitude: 33.6667118
Longitude: -111.4506884
Feature ID: 40494
NOTE: This map shows the HISTORICAL LOCATION of a feature that is no longer visible!
Bullfrog (historical) (in Maricopa County, AZ)

Awesome! ! Much appreciated!

why would anybody be looking in graveyards anyway? that would be the least area of consideration. but to use it as a clue not to look there is even more ridiculous. what a waste of time waiting a whole hour for a live on air clue only to be be no better off then before. oh, and to use the getting out out in the great outdoors with your family and leaving all your television watching and video games at home for quality time is even more of a farce. the people looking for and wanting to find the treasure could care less and the only thing on thier mind is just that....the treasure. $$$$$$
i like riddles just as much as the next person, so how about a more thought out and constructive clue. or should i of bought his book?

why would anybody be looking in graveyards anyway? that would be the least area of consideration. but to use it as a clue not to look there is even more ridiculous. what a waste of time waiting a whole hour for a live on air clue only to be be no better off then before. oh, and to use the getting out out in the great outdoors with your family and leaving all your television watching and video games at home for quality time is even more of a farce. the people looking for and wanting to find the treasure could care less and the only thing on thier mind is just that....the treasure. $$$$$$
i like riddles just as much as the next person, so how about a more thought out and constructive clue. or should i of bought his book?

Agreed. If you look at his last clue he says it's above a certain elevation, where, the majority of the rocky mountains are above that elevation. But if you recall, there was that dummy arrested digging under porto potties. Guess he took home of brown a completely different direction. Hahaaaa.

Ya didn't notice it was posted already. That's what you get for living in Washington State.... lol.. But ya not much to it, pretty much worthless...

Do you mine stating where you say I called another poster a liar, because I think you made a mistake. If you are referring to Forrest, lets jest say he is a good fiction writer!
There's an old saying you might have missed, "Experience is the best teacher".
Just out of curiosity, how many lifetimes do you think it would take you to search the entire Rocky Mountain chain? By the way, I don't remember seeing the Rockys in the poem!
I think you missed something in your schooling, You can't prove a negative. and after 700+ posts, no one has come even close to proving a positive, not even finding a starting point! Have a good day Danno. Frank...<img src=""/>

Clearly you have done very little research into anything you say.

Do you mine stating where you say I called another poster a liar, because I think you made a mistake. If you are referring to Forrest, lets jest say he is a good fiction writer!
There's an old saying you might have missed, "Experience is the best teacher".
Just out of curiosity, how many lifetimes do you think it would take you to search the entire Rocky Mountain chain? By the way, I don't remember seeing the Rockys in the poem!
I think you missed something in your schooling, You can't prove a negative. and after 700+ posts, no one has come even close to proving a positive, not even finding a starting point! Have a good day Danno. Frank...<img src=""/>

You know, just because it isn't in the poem, doesn't mean it hasn't been documented as a clue. And people have proven where the treasure isn't. Which narrows it down. And who cares about how long it's going to take to search? That's part of it. People have spent lifetimes searching for other treasures with less information only to never find it. You're just a hatful old coot that probably spouts more fiction through your forum posts than anything in Forrest's writing. Go back to your medicine cabinet old man. I hope when I'm your age I am able to inspire future hunters and not crap on their dreams like you. Way to go.

I think you need a visit to the eye doctor. In about 2 weeks I leave for a field search for a cache that would make Forrests look like a piggy bank. Like all cache hunting, it is about a 1 in 10 chance. That is about my find average. But I have spent a year in research on this one. My partner, who has just passed away also spent a year on research and we both interviewed many descendents to get to the actual 5ac lot it is on. If some other TH or the GOV. hasn't claimed it already, it is mine, that is mine, the land owners and my partners widow's spoils. You see, my arm chair gets aired out from time to time.
You didn't give a location where You said I called some one a liar so I assume you "missread it". Best of luck on your phantasy search. Frank...

<img src=""/>

You repeatedly say Forrest's story is fiction, fantasy (Spelled properly, which I guess says something about your schooling) it's quite obvious you don't believe he is telling the truth. Why should I have to spell that out to you? You "superior" intellect should have made the connection. As far as your quest, I'm not going to bash you about it if that's honestly what you're up to. I'm happy you're still at it. I still think your attitude towards others is crap though.

So Forrest Fenn's newest clue is
"the Treasure is not in a graveyard"

another one of those after the fact clues,remember someone dug at a indian grave in a park
just like the outhouse clue after the fact,what do they call that CYA

another one of those after the fact clues,remember someone dug at a indian grave in a park
just like the outhouse clue after the fact,what do they call that CYA

Hahaaaahaha I hadn't heard about that one but it makes sense.

frankn, google forrest fenn,not treasure of or treasure poem,and read up on FFs interviews
he is a character, when you read see his vids,youll know he has a big ego, i think he hid
the Tbox, because his ego wants him to go down in history as treasure hunter and a guy
that secrets treasure away,and that he made a tough hunt
so far he has said north of santa fe in the mountains then he said in the rockies, and a few
after the fact clues, good luck with your hunt,im sure poorhunter is looking out for ya

Hay Danno, I would not deny you your opinion no matter how wrong it is. Yes my spelling is bad. I am mostly a technical person. I went to U of MD.
I am not the guy that goes along with the crowd to get nice comments, but rather the guy that calls it as I see it. I might kidd around a bit, but I don't candy coat the facts. Yes I have some friends, check my listing. Frank...<img src=""/>

You mention facts but are really only espousing opinions.

GEE Wally are you giving me the BUSINESS?????????????

I'm new on here and never posted here before but you've drawn me out-please quit wasting my time. Either you are 1. trying to protect us naive beginners from our own foolishness (much like our gov't often tries to do) in which case I say Thanks for the warning now quit wasting my time-you can come back in fall and say I told you so, or 2. you are trolling for a starting point to the puzzle and we're not stupid enough to bite, I will say however, this treasure hunt is much different than the caches you are probably used to finding and just because you don't know where to start doesn't mean I don't. I have a very viable starting point and finishing point and all 7 points between, so all your arguments and opinions are laughable at best. I'm here to check up on Mark seeing as he has idled his blog, while waiting for snow to melt from my spot in case you were going to ask.

I'm new on here and never posted here before but you've drawn me out-please quit wasting my time. Either you are 1. trying to protect us naive beginners from our own foolishness (much like our gov't often tries to do) in which case I say Thanks for the warning now quit wasting my time-you can come back in fall and say I told you so, or 2. you are trolling for a starting point to the puzzle and we're not stupid enough to bite, I will say however, this treasure hunt is much different than the caches you are probably used to finding and just because you don't know where to start doesn't mean I don't. I have a very viable starting point and finishing point and all 7 points between, so all your arguments and opinions are laughable at best. I'm here to check up on Mark seeing as he has idled his blog, while waiting for snow to melt from my spot in case you were going to ask.

Exconsinite, What is Mark's blog? I suppose I should have asked him myself. Like you I have a viable starting poing and ending point, all points in between, and new BIG things that came to light that through my research that have prompted me to want to re-search an area. Fingers crossed, I am on to something.

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