Day 4
Greetings from the land of space cows! (You'll see a lot of these stickers around here)

After yesterdays hikes, my lower back was pretty sore and I wanted to take it a little easy today. (yea, right). So I figured that I would check this place out.
(According to Emails from Random Guy) Fenn?s Buried Treasure Revealed, Will Steal Your Soul - Santa Fe - Live, Work, Play, Stay
Shows detailed discription of where this guy thinks it is.
So I'm driving all up and down 285 trying to find this little turn off. (I passed it twice). Getting frustrated, I remember something he said about a culveret/pipe/look for a cross.
So I'm checking every area where water could cross under the road.

It's really sandy here, don't get stuck.

Here's an unlocked gated road with no markings just as you pull over to check "wolf tits". I wanted to take it, but it doesn't seem to follow any of the clues, so I didn't.

After playing in the sand for an hour, I finelly found it the place I'm looking for.

Between mile markers 340 and 341 on 285. Nothing here, and you ain't getting in. So, see that house in the backround? That's my next target.
1693 B is the name of the road. REAL small sign. And you aint getting into this guys driveway unless it's unlocked or open, which it was neither. So I continue up this road to have a look see.

I still dont see no cross.

Then I see this bridge with this pipe laying there, had to check it out.

Filled solid with concrete, but there's a pile of dirt behind it. Hmm, why not? So I grabbed the stick you see and cut a trench through the sand pile, just checking, ya know? Nothing but dirt.
So over the bridge and up to the end of the road. All private property. I turn back and see the lake that was in the google earth photo, verifying I am in the right place. (I knew I was).

Look through the trees and you can see it. So I'm sitting on 1693B and 285, pondering my next move, when just right across the street is this ginormas (for around here) tree that has been zapped by lighting!!!
Can you say "Blaze? I gotta check it out.

Nothing near or around the tree, and unless FF used a ladder, it's not in the split. But there is a bunch of soft sandstone (more like freeze dried mud) surronding the area so I check it out too. Under a small ledge where it could have been, but wasn't, I left this note "NOT HERE".

So with tears in my eyes again, I drive back to Tawas. On the way the line "
Just heavy loads and water high" is banging my brain, remembering the "waterfall pipe" I saw yesterday, and how clues were starting to fit in that area when I remembered this place.

Can you say "Water High"? The clues are stacking up here. The hot springs, trout sign, boat dock, 2 different ways of looking at water high. I'm looking all over for a blaze/marker/SOMETHING!
Wondering if he used his initials FF, or 2 F's faceing each other, or back to back, or, or, AHHHHHHGGGG, drives me nuts. Wondering now if he put it in the water (
Your effort will be worth the cold.) More research..............