Forrest Fenn s treasure

What if you read the poem like an old man from Texas would talk?

I went in there all by my self; just carrying my treasure chest.
Yep, that's the only way I could keep my secret and give people hints as to where its at.

Just a thought

Begin it where warm waters halt
That makes me think old faithful or even where the park stops or West Yellowstone driving down canyon street

No place for the meek.
The end is drawing nigh;
Yea the end is drawing nigh for everyone
and we'll end up in a cemetery or somewhere.
You will be up sh-t creek without a paddle if they catch you digging round there.
Just heavy loads and water high.
You will have heavy loads of guilt if you dig in there and a lot of trouble.

If you've been wise and found the blaze, look quickly down, your quest to cease


Don't just look at it after you dig it up
You best pick it up and get out of there.

I've done it tired, and now I'm weak.

So here me all and listen good, your effort will be worth the cold.
I was listening to every sound, it's best done at night in the cold.
If you brave enough to dig into the grave and open up the wooden coffin.
I will give you title to the gold.

Just one of many interpretations
Don't try this one


Meek was a fur trapper in the Rockies years back. Just an FYI.

Originally Posted by jayackam
I am not trying to scare anybody off. I am completely serious

and looks like private property, following jayackam dirs could be a problem, i suppose you could
always knock on door and ask to look around......36.136468 -106.104452 - Google Maps

wow just ran across this,wish i was closer,wonder if they will do a podcast

Forrest Fenn in Conversation with Michael McGarrity and Douglas Preston
Start: 04/17/2013 6:00 pm
Street: 202 Galisteo Street
City: Santa Fe
Province: New Mexico
Postal Code: 87501-6415
Country: United States
Events | Collected Works Bookstore & Coffeehouse


wow just ran across this,wish i was closer,wonder if they will do a podcast

Forrest Fenn in Conversation with Michael McGarrity and Douglas Preston
Start: 04/17/2013 6:00 pm
Street: 202 Galisteo Street
City: Santa Fe
Province: New Mexico
Postal Code: 87501-6415
Country: United States
Events | Collected Works Bookstore & Coffeehouse


Fenn and Preston are good friends.

So your logic seems sound...when do you plan on heading out for a search?

Well thats the tough part. I am in the middle of working 13 days in a row trying to make my new auction company work. 14 hr days and very VERY little profit right now. I am hoping that within 6 months I will be able to generate enough money to be able to afford the trip. The thing is If it is there I doubt that it wont be found prior to that. If it is found I will be glad I was able to help someone. If not, If nobody writes of searching the area then I will be going as soon as I am financially able.

Sell something to make it happen, if your so confident that you know it, you would risk 500 bucks to go get 1-3 million.. But the fact that you post on here shows you don't know jack..

Already sold EVERYTHING to start my company back in December before I heard of Fenns treasure. I dont own a home I dont own a car, all my antiques are gone, all my collectibles are gone. Oh and $500.00 to get from Florida to Arizona in the mountains all the while paying for food, room, snowmobile because the mountain is CLOSED? Really $500.00. I guess if you LIVE in Arizona thats possible, not so much if you live in Florida and you have to keep a NEW business running by paying new employees to run the business because you are not there. $4,000.00 per month rent doesnt get paid by itself. Plus electric plus insurance plus advertising plus web site fees plus the cost of consignment sheets, consignment stickers, printer ink, checks, paper, pens & markers, employees, fuel, Shelving, tables, castor wheels @ $28.00 EACH ( and I needed 44 wheels ) if you want quality wheels that wont fail in the middle of an auction in 6 months, etc etc etc. The list of COSTS is endless. Since December 28th I have worked 6 days per week MINIMUM and 10 hrs per day MINIMUM and have paid myself a TOTAL OF $350.00 for that entire time. Sell something? I already have! CENTRAL FLORIDA AUCTION BLOCK - Central Florida Auction Block

Sell something to make it happen, if your so confident that you know it, you would risk 500 bucks to go get 1-3 million.. But the fact that you post on here shows you don't know jack..

Tell you what. I'll make you a deal, but I want it in writing completely legal. Come down to my auction, meet me but dont tell me who you are. If you think I am intelligent then agree to this deal. YOU pay the auction bills for 2 weeks. YOU pay for the labor to replace me while I am not there. YOU pay ALL expenses for me to go find it where I believe it is. If I am correct YOU GET 90% I get 10%. If I dont find it you give me 18 months to repay ALL of your costs. Are you willing or are you all talk?

1236 8th Street Daytona Beach Florida 32117.

Oh I will even throw this in, a 20% discount on ANYTHING that you should decide to buy at my auction. I dont even get that.

The ball is in your court. Put up or quit telling people they dont know jack. You attitude isnt welcome if you havent the cojones to put up. And now??????

Sounds like you don't believe it's in the Rocky Mountains ? :dontknow: :BangHead:

Even if we never find the destination we started out for, it's been a fun, sometimes scary and interesting ride anyway!

Your solution is creative and well thought out. However FF said the treasure is north of Santa Fe. He then clarified that it was northerly of Santa Fe. Northerly means between NE and NW.
Your solution is westerly of Santa Fe. I dont think anyone is going to accept your offer to pay to search a site outside of the area FF has stated.
Good luck

NOTE! The first 6 pics are at the bottom of the page, sorry.

DAY 2- Out the door at 9am, a cool 30 degrees F. Sugarcoated mountains greet me.
pic 1 below
My destination is Mamby Springs. Been to Blackrock Springs by Dunns bridge, time to check this one out.
(Begin it where warm waters halt
And take it in the canyon down)
Both these locations fit here. Take 64 to Tune Rd., first road past the airport. At least 4.5 miles of bad road, stay to the left at questionable forks in the rd. You'll find it.
pic 2 below
Steep and rocky path (From there it's no place for the meek). This part fits the poem kinda. It's a long way to the bottom. Trying to picture FF dragging a chest down. Cant see it, but I'm checking the rocks for signs of, well, something!
pic 3 below
Half way down looking back North to Dunns Bridge area. (Not far, but too far to walk).
This trail is definetly NOT FOR THE MEEK. And going down it is easier? I dont think so.....
So I'm getting closer to the water and can see some structure of old buildings by the river. As I get closer I can see NAKED PEOPLE! :headbang: A man and a woman.

pic 4 below
You can see both pools in this pic, one in the middle (with naked folk), the other in the top left corner.
As I came around the other side I announced my arrival so I wouldn't scare them to the point of "messin up the water", lol.
pic 5 below
Always weird meeting naked people, but we talked for about 1/2 hour. They are recent transplants from San Diego and know nothing of the treasure. I tell em all about it. So I go explore the area some more, not too far downstream, where there are some trails, but if this is where the warm waters halt, I can see why it's too far to walk. I return to the spring and the naked people have their clothes on now and are leaving. I got the place to myself. No wind, suns a shining. I'm goin for it!:headbang:
pic 6 below
About 1/2 hr later I get out and air dry before putting my clothes back on. At least I had my pants on before 2 dudes and a chick come around the corner. Talked for a long time, they never heard of the treasure either.
The walk out takes a little while and some energy, but I finelly made it back to the truck for a much needed break.
I take the long, bumpy road back out to 64 and turn west, going to the Rio Grand Bridge. Haven't been very far over the other side, so I take it.
LONG DRIVE! but saw some really ingenious designs for mothership houses. No pics, sorry.
Make it to 285 and turn south. I thought I had a good map of that area, but if I did, I lost it. So my plans are kinda shot. Not like really HAVE a plan. I'm just making this up as I go, lol.
So the poem is running through my head, and I come across 578. Looking at the land and it got BIG Pine trees. Not the pinion pines, these ones look like Spruce Trees.

6b 578.webp
"If you are brave and in the wood"
Well I am definetly in the woods now, and this road sucks Not for a meek car, lol. I wouldn't even try it with my Subaru Outback. Gonna need some high ground clearance vehicles. Glad it wasn't muddy, cause judging by the ruts it would have been really bad. A little ways down you start seeing where a forest fire had claimed the right side (north side) but the brave firefighters stopped it cold at the road. This went on for a long time before I was out of the burn area.
Somehow I came out on 222 and turned south. Never saw any kind of mark, unless you count the burnt trees as "The Blaze". Could this be it? Pretty wide area. The burn went for a few miles. Just my opinion here, I dont think this is it because the view isn't much, you see the forest and not much more.
"But tarry scant with marvel gaze,"
So I 'm now southbound on 222 and it seems to be downhill for a long ways. Noticeing a dry creek running to my left.
"There'll be no paddle up your creek"
Hmmm. Keep looking for trailheads, parking area, something with a view but find nothing.
I think 222 turned into 111. One of my maps I got from Ranger Seth showes 557 is up ahead and I can take that to the south end of the Rio Grand Gorge.
I passed 551 to my left, wondering if I should take it. Couple miles down the road I can see a ravene growing to my left. Hmmmm, dry creek with a view, so I turn around and take 551

7 551.webp
It's one of them fenced ones, but it is a state forest rd. Just make sure you close the gate.
Saw 2 road markers, then I was quickly lost. Spent about 1 hour trying to find the ravene, found I cant get to it cause I'm passed it somehow

7a lost.webp
So I follow my tracks back and find the ravene. The BEGINNING of it, which aint to much. No trails going that way, just the one back out to 557.
Folks, dont bother with 551, cross it off your list (just my opinion)
So I continue on 557, nice gorge growing to my left. Thinking it's one of the tributaries to the Rio Grand. Working my way down to the Taos Juction Bridge. Gets interesting here. Right before the bridge, I see this sign
8 trout sign.webp
Special Trout Waters. THE HOME OF BROWN??????
I still dont think the treasure is under a bridge, but I check where I could. Nothing

8a bridge.webp

On the other side is a boat ramp
8b put in.webp
"Put in below the home of Brown"
I'm just 100 feet downstream of the trout sign and theres a boat ramp, like "Put in" your boat? Am I seeing signs here? I look all over the place but Ranger Rick tells me I have to pay to stay (day user fee) so I move on. Looks pretty here in the canyon at riverside
"Just heavy loads and water high"
This line buggs me cause I haven't found any "Water High" I've asked about waterfalls, and looked some through pamphlets, but nothing yet. Till I saw this a couple few miles downstream.

9 waterfall.webp
For what it's worth, it IS water high. Least it's above my head, lol. Right across from this is "The Rio Bravo Campground. Might have to check this place in the morning. It fits in the slots of the poem in places. Kinda.
This poem is driving me nuts.:BangHead:


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Fenn and Preston are good friends.

yep those guys saw the Tbox,and one is looking for it too
im just hoping there is a podcast,should be an interesting convo

"But tarry scant with marvel gaze," ............your just amazed you found it

Ifyou've been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease
,.............FF says not in a dangerous place,so what type
of area object (blaze ),could hide the Tbox until you look down

Just take the chest and go in peace .........sounds like no digging,just pick it up and go

If you've been wise and found the blaze,
Look quickly down, your quest to cease,
But tarry scant with marvel gaze,
Just take the chest and go in peace


maybe sunlight trough a hole in a rock?

Day 3
Todays plan is to hit all the trailheads along 570, from Pilar to the Taos Juction bridge.

1 trailhead.webp
(Theres a bunch of them) Some of the clues fit upstream, thinking maybe I can get lucky. I think it was the Rio Bravo trail that I took back farther than the rest. Lots of places to hide a box. Big rocks! Big rocks with big openings in them.
2 rockholes.webp3 rockholes.webp4 rockholes.webp
Don't attempt this. It's rattlesnake country in the summertime for sure. It's off the path, some climbing involved, and loose rocks. Easy place to get hurt, or worse yet, STUCK! Some of these openings are straight down. These are not natural caves as we know them. Just a bunch of BIG rocks that fell down the hills and, seeing they dont fit very well, made these holes. I did see one big rock in the distance that had a pile of stones on it (blaze?). Had to check it out.
Not for the meek for sure. I should not have went there, but I was challanged. Checked out the whole area around and on top of this rock, nothing! So I made my own "Blaze"!
5 my blaze.webp
This shot from on top of the rock looking towards the trails.
6 blaze.webp
This is what it looks like from a little ways away, bout half way to the trail. If you see this marker, don't bother climbing up. Nothing here.
Now the last couple trails are by the bridge, one upstream side. Here I spoke with several elderly folks who were out for an outing. THEY knew who FF is! We had a nice chat and after wishing me good luck went on their way. I went in about 1/2 mile and found nothing. Just as I reached my truck, (thank you God) I was hit with a case of "Chimichanga Revenge", if ya know what I mean...............
7 trailheads, at least 4-5 miles of hiking and climbing, and now I have to GO!
I did manage to make it to a bathroom without to much embarrasment, ( I walk funny in them circumstances) took care of business, and called it a day.
A note to all who seek this treasure. Things you should have: Good boots, Flashlight, Water/Gatoraid and most importantly, get yourself a topographical map. Spend the 20 bucks. If you get all the papers from the ranger station, then you'll be fumbleing with a stack of papers all the time.
Get the map...........
I've spent 3 days now in the Rio Grand River Valley. Thought it was here someplace, and it still might be. Gonna change tactics tomorrow and check other places. Still having fun, but dont eat any gas station chimichaungas.:headbang:

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Day 3
Todays plan is to hit all the trailheads along 570, from Pilar to the Taos Juction bridge.

<img src=""/>
(Theres a bunch of them) Some of the clues fit upstream, thinking maybe I can get lucky. I think it was the Rio Bravo trail that I took back farther than the rest. Lots of places to hide a box. Big rocks! Big rocks with big openings in them.
<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>
Don't attempt this. It's rattlesnake country in the summertime for sure. It's off the path, some climbing involved, and loose rocks. Easy place to get hurt, or worse yet, STUCK! Some of these openings are straight down. These are not natural caves as we know them. Just a bunch of BIG rocks that fell down the hills and, seeing they dont fit very well, made these holes. I did see one big rock in the distance that had a pile of stones on it (blaze?). Had to check it out.
Not for the meek for sure. I should not have went there, but I was challanged. Checked out the whole area around and on top of this rock, nothing! So I made my own "Blaze"!
<img src=""/>
This shot from on top of the rock looking towards the trails.
<img src=""/>
This is what it looks like from a little ways away, bout half wat to the trail. If you see this marker, don't bother climbing up. Nothing here.
Now the last couple trails are by the bridge, one upstream side. Here I spoke with several elderly folks who were out for an outing. THEY knew who FF is! We had a nice chat and after wishing me good luck went on their way. I went in about 1/2 mile and found nothing. Just as I reached my truck, (thank you God) I was hit with a case of "Chimichanga Revenge", if ya know what I mean...............
7 trailheads, at least 4-5 miles of hiking and climbing, and now I have to GO!
I did manage to make it to a bathroom without to much embarresment, ( I walk funny in them cercumstances) took care of business, and called it a day.
A note to all who seek this treasure. Things you should have: Good boots, Flashlight, Water/Gatoraid and most importantly, get yourself a topographical map. Spend the 20 bucks. If you get all the papers from the ranger station, then you'll be fumbleing with a stack of papers all the time.
Get the map...........
I've spent 3 days now in the Rio Grand River Valley. Thought it was here someplace, and it still might be. Gonna change tactics tomorrow and check other places. Still having fun, but dont eat any gas station chimichaungas.:headbang:

One ? Did you get to check out that little waterfall??

The little waterfalling out of the pipe? Yep. Nothing there either. The journey continues. But I think I'll try another area away from the water tomorrow.

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