I am reposting my previous post, so the real intend does not get missed.
BE WARNED! the box is booby trapped with evil spirit, designed to trap you.
Box/gold is a bait - you are the catch!!!
Here is the real meaning of the poem, the sinister version - as he intended:
As I have gone alone in there - went there alone
And with my treasures bold, - treasures bold - incomplete/no spirit
I can keep my secret where, - he will keep his secret there
And hint of riches new and old. - and hint of ancient and new secrects
Begin it where warm waters halt - at this point pleasant nature ends
And take it in the canyon down, - down - representing descent towards hell
Not far, but too far to walk. - doesn't not take long - happens quickly
Put in below the home of Brown. - you be will be dead - in spirit
From there it’s no place for the meek, - there, it is no place for good people
The end is ever drawing nigh; - your end is nearing
There’ll be no paddle up your creek, - you will be stuck up the creek without a paddle
Just heavy loads and water high. - only heavy burden and a sense of drowning
If you’ve been wise and found the blaze, - if you discovered blaze/dark/gold mirrors
Look quickly down, your quest to cease, - and looked in, opened the box - you are done for
But tarry scant with marvel gaze, - you will be blinded shortly
Just take the chest and go in peace. - take the spirit and rest in peace
So why is it that I must go - he has to do it - has no choice
And leave my trove for all to seek? - law of the chase
The answers I already know, - he knows that now, but it is too late
I’ve done it tired, and now I’m weak - he is now weak and tired of the chase"
So hear me all and listen good, - everybody hears, but the good ones listen
Your effort will be worth the cold. - warning - you will be out cold,
If you are brave and in the wood - evil, and dead as a wood
I give you title to the gold. - he left you there contract with the devil
Read my earlier post on this forum! This is for real!