Forrest Fenn s treasure

I must say any opinions on ANY subject are welcome in my world. Mine are no better than anyone else and vice versa. BUT when you get talked down to right out of the gate, that attitude only makes things go straight down hill from there. I suppose it's human nature to strike back.

I'm an(fill in) for my opinion?:icon_scratch: ERRR I mean..... My (fill in) has an opinion?:icon_scratch: ERRRRR, Everyone has an (fill in)? :icon_scratch: My opinion has an(fill in)?:icon_scratch:

Ohhh forget it! I don't have an opinion today....... yet :laughing7:

Back to Fenn, I still don't think I've found the first interview. slicknickel told me where to look and I still couldn't find it.I'm sure it is where he told me, after spending time I got frustrated.

Can anyone give me a date or direction?

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Consider this if you will...

Slick did not solve the poem. He realizes he has errors and is looking for debate, an outside opinion. Scrutinize his solve, show him where he went wrong...

Then he can fix it and go get the treasure!

Slick, very slick Slick!

I have a very real and honest OPINION as to why he didn't find the chest. After the may lay that has ensued I'm not so sure I would want to divulge any helpful info to him. To me it's very obvious of slicks error. But like I said it's my opinion.

Does anyone have any idea what the significance of the postage stamp pic in the book TTOTC is.

Has anyone even noticed the postage stamp, it's so well hidden l think it may have sme significance.

Hobo are you saying a postage stamp or the "stamping"?

nnnnnope, just one picture that is photoshopped.

That is a tough find! hmmm?

I have one theory...I am not sure whether it has been raised before. It has been some months for me since I made up my mind on my ideal solve ...just waiting for time and space (I am outside USA) to put boots on the ground to check my solve.But the point I want to make today is not about my solve but about some possibility about Fenn's poem being a double treasure map.
Let me explain.I am wondering whether we might be dealing with a poem that has two layers of treasure clues or two abstractions of treasure clues.Fenn had a chest of treasure and wrote the poem containing 9 clues to lead us there,,,that is one layer,or the outer layer,,,,could there be a possibility that there could be an inner layer of treasure clues which Fenn has deeply hidden?....another bigger treasure ?..and one has to find the chest first in order to find the second bigger prize? I know it may sound far fetched. Here are some strange things in the poem in this direction.

In the first stanza he says
"my treasures bold" meaning his chest and then he says
"And hint of riches new and old",,, the new being his chest treasure while the old could be another ancient treasure that he wants to give hint about besides his chest...then with this introduction the rest of the poem goes on to give clues on how to find his chest treasue and culminates that quest by saying "Just take the chest and go in peace".But strangely enough the poem does not end there,,,the outer message about the chest treasure might have been communicated but he wants to hint of another treasure which is ancient...and this inner treasure clue is more subtle than the first...he puts stanza 5 to tell us he knows what he is doing,he wants us to search as he did ,,but what are we searching for ?....his chest? Yes but more than the chest ...he advises us to "hear him and listen good" and then he says "your efforts are worth the cold" and " if you are brave and in the wood",,,then comes finally " l will give you title to the GOLD",,,why on earth does he speak about giving title to the gold as he already said go in peace taking the chest? Could it be he is referring to anothrr treasure entirely of gold? You see the chest is not only of gold.The chest treasure has gold and other valuables but he says "the gold" at the end..could it be another treasure of gold(entirely gold)?...The chest belonged to him..he put it somewhere,he gave clue and if someone finds it he says "just take it and go in peace"...but on the possible other inner treasure he can only give "title" to the "gold" ,,maybe because he is referring of a huge gold catche (or gold mine) of some sort which he knew and may have benefited from it in the past and now wants others to find it...hence as this "gold" is not his own he can only bestow "title" as the finder files claim to his find to the authorities..this is in contrast to "take and go in peace" that he ascribes for his own treasure chest...I hope you grasp what I am trying to say.
Hence in this alternative "Fenn poem treasure view" the chest treasure of Fenn has two roles..It is a treasure in its own but also a "marker" of some kind to lead the clever one to a more grand treasure.The outer layer of the poem leads to the chest but once one finds the chest in that vicinity or somehow related to that find one can decode the inner and more large treasure of gold (specifically gold).Hence the poem like modern softwares may he acting as a " basic" map to lead to the chest,but can also be used to decode another gold hoard if used in "advanced mode".Hence the chest treasure may not be the end but acts like a marker to be a means to an end in finding some larger hoard of gold....

If this theory is correct,I may have some impression on the nature of this "ancient treasure" of "gold" that Fenn is communicating in his poem.... but I can not say at the moment...But I hope I have given you one theory to consider as you crack this mysterious treasure poem.If you think it is a stupid and crazy idea just ignore it.What I say does not derail anyone from getting the chest but rather I am offering some ideas that may go beyond the chest find...ofcourse all I write is my humble opinion and I may be wrong.

Tintin Treasure

Anything is possible Tintin, I believe the the "new and old" is the gold in the chest. Coins vs ancient gold figures. I believe as well that he gives "Title" for legal reasons. I don't know for sure what legalities are involved with this "contest" to find the gold. That might be a way of wording it so the filthy government doesn't get there hands on it. I am thinking simple. imo.

Tintin treasure.......

I'm curious!!!! I have a few thoughts along the same lines, not exact. But was thinking something other than a treasure chest. One thought was it could lead you in two possible directions that Fenn intended. I know, it could be deciphered in a million directions, but maybe there are two possible directions in his plan. maybe? Who knows and anything is possible!

Anything is possible Tintin, I believe the the "new and old" is the gold in the chest. Coins vs ancient gold figures. I believe as well that he gives "Title" for legal reasons. I don't know for sure what legalities are involved with this "contest" to find the gold. That might be a way of wording it so the filthy government doesn't get there hands on it. I am thinking simple. imo.

I agree,l think it would be difficult for anyone other than the finder or FF to claim it, and that includes tbe govt. He could alwaye prove it had belonged to him.
I also think it.s in the water. In his last interview he said it was wet.

Yes he did say it was wet. Could mean rain,snow,waterfall mist,sprinklers,bear piss!lol! etc.. and yes he could have put it in a lake.

He was asked about that very question in a interview...about ownership. He said I spent a lot of money on a lawyer. He said again, " I thought of everything".

Yes he did say it was wet. Could mean rain,snow,waterfall mist,sprinklers,bear piss!lol! etc.. and yes he could have put it in a lake.

I hope its not pee! That treasure is mine when I figure out how to copy the poem without skipping and leaving out whole sections! And I don't want pee on my treasure! :laughing7:

Better pee than scat!

Thanks nvradar.Your "new and old" explanation is a good one.I used to think in that line before until I observed the final statement of "I will give you title to the gold". Why only gold as the chest is gold plus other non gold treasures?..that is why I gave the wild suggestion of another potential ancient treasure entirely of gold besides the chest ....of course it is just a wild suggestion and in my IMO.

" if you've been brave and in the cold, i give you title to the gold" and gem stone and silver braclett and pre Columbian artifacts ,dosen't rhyme.

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