Forest Fenn and his treasure start on Canyon road near art gallery.

I heard about the Fenn treasure a couple years ago, but today is the first time I am taking a good look at the man, his history and have watched several interviews of Fenn.
The book itself contains clues about the location (treasure, could be) not just the poem. I look at this like a Geo-cash type thing.
Lots of fun.:hello2:
There maybe a treasure there or just a box with a note saying Hi.:hello:

Thoughts on location.
It's walking distance for a healthy person, less than a mile of a road. Its buried and will be no further than 18". These conclusion are based on his age and physical condition at the time he hid it. It's weight, (40 pounds) He's said he made two trips from his car. (20 pounds each trip).
I have a few more thoughts of where in the Rockey's but I need to look in a few more details into the mans travels at the age he was at the time when he may have hid his treasure.
It's some where in the Rocky Mountains.:thumbsup:

I don't think treasures are bold. I think he went boldly with his treasures.

I think he went off the trail alone, and with Bold intentions

I also think he left it in a BOLD location to go to

I think he went off the trail alone, and with Bold intentions

I also think he left it in a BOLD location to go to


I have a guess where it might be, it fits perfectly with the text match, does fit in each word in the poem.
Only there I don't want there needs man overcoming
It is not buried, right, but I think with time already, but rather said deposed...
Well just a guess, I'm pretty sure is! : P

If you can't find the correct where warm waters halt then you are wasting your time. He has said it over and over again.

It has to be hidden in the poem somehow.

f.Fenn, his clues and hints in his TTOTC.

If you will, think about Fenn's creative use of words in his poem map and his statements related to

his thrill of the chase game.

1) Consider the word CLUE.

Late Middle English: variant of CLEW. The original sense was ‘a ball of thread’; hence one used to

guide a person out of a labyrinth (literally or figuratively). See The myth of Theseus and the

Minotaur, " some say, one of the most tragic and fascinating myths of the Greek Mythology".
The noun, clew, dates from the early 17th century.

Now think Fenn's yarn (in ttotc book) about the huge ball of string he collected as a youngster.

The one that, (he wrote in TTOTC, just vanished on day) and he now wondered if that big ball of

string ever existed.
Now think how (in your search for the chest) you always end up back where you started, sans the

chest and any contents thereof.

The word Clew also was and still is used regarding sailing boats. Part of the rigging that assists

the crew in keeping the sailing vessle moving forward on course, even if the course that you, the

captain of your ship, have charted is 180 degrees more or less in error.

2) Now consider, if you will, the word HINT.

Early 17th century (in the sense ‘occasion, opportunity’): apparently from obsolete hent ‘grasp, get

hold of,’ from Old English hentan, of Germanic origin; related to hunt. The basic notion is

‘something that may be taken advantage of.’
Which begs the question, who is taking advantage of who with Fenn and his hints.
After all, Fenn has stated clearly that only hints found in his book TTOTC will help the searcher

find his treasure chest. Fenn made the above mentioned statement in 2013 around the time he started

giving hints on network TV from time to time. I saw that as a Fenn attempt to reassure those

searchers (who had been at it since the year 2011) that the new guys and gals brought in (by the

increased promotion/ marketing strategy) were not being given a "leg up" in the chase by the new

hint policy. Oh what a tangled web we contrive, when such a confounding game we devise.

To quote the RAVEN, NEVERMORE. If you change the way you see things, the things you see will change.
Exit stage left, taking care to not step on the shadow.

The well seasoned mariner (just a touch more salt please), on his voyage on the sea of life, does
not embark on a difficult voyage ill prepared. Consider a journey thru the realm of the mind if you
will. I for one find it fascinating and highly entertaining. I call now upon that well known
Philosopher/ physicist , Albert Einstein. “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For
knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” f. Fenn is fond of quoting only the first few words in the complete quote. Did YOU ever wonder why? Well, I wonder as I wander on the great broadband highway in the sky.

Sometimes I even wonder as I wander--- what happened to my former Tnet/ ttotc sparring partner Frankn.

That WWWH webpage is just too loopy.

This post was inspired by post #2073 Mar 10, 2015 on another thread by poster MrWoodchip.
Concerning the Where Warm Waters Halt website. I have copied/pasted the post of MrWoodchip at the end of my post for convenience only.

That WWWH webpage is just too loopy.

This is the way I see/hear it.
f.Fenn is said to have the reputation of being a Coyote, Trickster, Joker (and a Charmer) when it is to his benefit to be the Charmer. I hear the question (from the audio (when one clicks on the Frog symbol) as CHARMER and not SHAMEN. "Child's voice: Old Charmer, what can you tell me of the shadow? Does the shadow know?" So then, the child-like voice is asking a Snake Charmer rather than a wise man if The Shadow knows. The Snake Charmer interpretation (in my analysis) is strengthened by audio of the background music (playing on the website) sounding exactly like the woodwind instrument, the pungi, played by the men who pretend to hypnoitize snakes in India.

I now call upon Wikipedia....

"Snake charming is the practice of pretending to hypnotise a snake by playing an instrument called pungi. A typical performance may also include handling the snakes or performing other seemingly dangerous acts, as well as other street performance staples, like juggling and sleight of hand. The practice is most common in India, though other Asian nations such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Malaysia are also home to performers, as are the North African countries of Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia."

P.S: That Sispistoo thing is a bit of a mind bender. Remember, open minds solve problems (among other things), and "Who knows what evil lurks within the hearts of men? The Shadow KNOWS" So then, it may be The crime fighting Shadow of Comic Books and Radio programs of bygone days that may or may not point the way to whatever, wherever. I personally consider the site a marketing tool and nothing more. Just the way I see it. Just another red herring. "And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor Shall be lifted—nevermore!"
End of BTDT2 post.
----------------------------------------- ------------------------

Text below Copy and pasted from post #2073 Mar 10, 2015 by poster Mr.Woodchip

I realise that someone has said that Home Page - Where Warm Waters Halt is not associated with Mr. Fenn, but on the off-chance it is, and has been set up anonymously, I did a little poking around the source.

I found an audio file, accessed by clicking on a very easy to miss frog, it can be found here.

Child's voice: Old shaman, what can you tell me of the shadow? Does the shadow know?
Worn voice: The shadow may know, but does it point the way? Clever is the one who seeks guidance from Sispistoo.

I worked out the spelling of Sispistoo from the name of the background image, which is sispistoo1.jpg

By replacing 1 with 2 in the URL, I reached an error page, with blog type controls on the right, and some recent posts, all named after lines of the poem, in the categories. Clicking on the posts lead me to a page asking for a password. I tried "The Shadow", "Shadow", and "Sispistoo", as well as some verses from the poem with and without capitalisation, without success. That's as far as I've gotten.

The blog area can be found here.

Edit: I forgot to mention, in the meta section of the source, I found the phrases "Do you hear my signals...? Please acknowledge with receipt on . . .". These are the longhand meanings of 2 Q codes, QSK (I think) and QSL.
Q codes are frequently used in amateur radio.

End of copy/paste of MrWoodchip post.

Consider the word Blaze

Now Go Get Em Cowboy !

WWWH -more

As I see it, it is only fair that I state here that I am not suggesting that I believe that f. Fenn is the originator of the WWWH webpage. The content of the page is (in my judgement) not Fenn's style. Possible a female who sees f. Fenn as a very charming man tho. Maybe a writer of children's books or the such?

The audio file for the voice of the Charmer, who charmes snakes and sounds like his vocal cords are gravel:

CPstow: = "Welcome to our Club Penguin Book Codes page for the Secret Agent Handbook Codes!
CP Stoaway. Kids online computer learning book club, Pinguin Books."

Or, if you prefer: SISpistoo: Special Investigation Section, SIS .45 cal. automatic pistol.
The promo SISK made by Kimber, and the choice of many SWAT teams and SIS detectives.

In this totc mind game,either choice might be a fictional source for finding out if the fictional crime fighter, The Shadow, knows. To quote the slyfox. We report, YOU DECIDE. My SWAG is CPSTOW

One More Thing, Eldo

Consider the word Blaze

Now Go Get Em Cowboy !

I found MY BLAZE back in the dark ages of 2013. Since then I have been playing the part of
the fictional character, Don Quijote de La Mancha. The creation of the writer, Miguel de
Cervantes. For me, this chase is a bit like reading the funny papers backwards.
If you get my drift. QSY.

I found MY BLAZE back in the dark ages of 2013. Since then I have been playing the part of
the fictional character, Don Quijote de La Mancha. The creation of the writer, Miguel de
Cervantes. For me, this chase is a bit like reading the funny papers backwards.
If you get my drift. QSY.

Weather is getting better, feeling the urge....who wants to sidekick it on the next journey with me?

Weather is getting better, feeling the urge....who wants to sidekick it on the next journey with me?

You may need a few more winkles in your horn cow-boy.
I don't lead well and I don't follow well.
My partner walks beside me.

"Let me sleep on it
Baby, baby, let me sleep on it
Let me sleep on it
And I'll give you an answer in the morning"

But, if the truth be told, I am pretty much focused on Lucas Oil Stadium and the Blue and White right now. So don't hold me to that "in the morning" thing. QSB

Thanks Eldo

I find that I must pass on your gracious offer Eldo. I did however enjoy your Pacos Bill post on the "sister" thread. Hilarious. Good hunting to you cowboy.

Hay there Eldo

Hay Eldo. I was wandering again. Chew on this Poe poem a bit, if you will. I am presently in
tight focus on the mind game between the Blue and White and the Badgers at Lucas Oil Stadium
tomorrow evening. Good hunting to you Eldo-rado.


Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old—
This knight so bold—
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow—
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be—
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the Mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied—

By: Edgar Allan Poe
"If you seek for Eldorado!"

Hay Again Eldo-Rado

Hello Eldo, (to paraphrase Paul Simon) "I have come to talk to you again. The seeds that you planted in my brain still remain and split the sound of silence". Do we have a possible Harry Houdini here?
You remember Harry, right? The escape artist and illusionist who claimed to have been born in the Badger state of Wisconsin. I wonder as I wander. Could you give us your take on that idea Eldo?
Thanks in advance for you help Eldo.

NO clue what cactus you took, sorry?

But if you ask a direct question prolly get a true answer, unless of course you are asking me where i stashed the loot?

The poem sounds farmiliar, but Paul Simon took too much LSD and Mushrooms so lets say he got lost in the creative license of the whole idea.

El' D' Orado

He who is Golden, or Brilliantly Shining

There is no city of gold....but here's the best tale I remember

A few conquistadors were on the way to Florida and they grabbed a Native guide, as they left they demanded to be taken to the land of Eldorado.

What happened is they walked clear across the South East before they stopped and asked the guide, how much further?

The guide replied, "Just a little bit further."

They made it to the Rockies, and they asked him again, "Where's this Land Of Eldorado"

The Guide pointed at the distance and said "Just a little further."

Then they were walked all the way to the Pacific,

Enfuriated they yelled "Where is the Land of Eldorado, tell us or we'll kill you"

He said the same thing again, just a little bit further, and what happened....they killed him out of anger and then wandered before returning to Mexico to meet a ship home empty handed.

I dont know if this is a true story or the native version.....with the parable added for laughter, but the end result is that there is no Land of Eldorado......

more realistically they knew he would return in the future, so he led them to see if they could wander and find the legend himself......

The dieties in the southern Incan empire were gilded during their ceremonies, and one particular man was known to the natives as the priest who would give blessings to the lake there to bring a fertile harvest and other life bringing spirits to nature....

the real legend, the mystical land of Eldorado.....the Mirage, when everything around you turns to gold....

That's really the way this legend enraptures most hunters....

ask anyone in AZ.......there is a time when the light and the ambient heat make the rocks around you glimmer and it all appears golden.....

crazy but true, especially when dehydrated, as the mind will trip out hard when dehydrated, even if the person doesnt take something the body and mind do to instinct we've lost by becoming evolved with creature comforts over time.

Last edited:
Thanks again Eldo

Thank you for sharing Eldo. Ride on Cyclone cowboy. Ride boldly on. To be frank, I had hopes for more substance in your reply regarding Edgar Poe's poem and how it can be interpreted concerning f. Fenn and his personal search for HIS treasure and the TOTC true believers searching for His treasure. Give it a shot if you will Pecos Bill. Just asking here. QRP

NO clue what cactus you took, sorry?

But if you ask a direct question prolly get a true answer, unless of course you are asking me where i stashed the loot?

The poem sounds farmiliar, but Paul Simon took too much LSD and Mushrooms so lets say he got lost in the creative license of the whole idea.

El' D' Orado

He who is Golden, or Brilliantly Shining

There is no city of gold....but here's the best tale I remember

A few conquistadors were on the way to Florida and they grabbed a Native guide, as they left they demanded to be taken to the land of Eldorado.

What happened is they walked clear across the South East before they stopped and asked the guide, how much further?

The guide replied, "Just a little bit further."

They made it to the Rockies, and they asked him again, "Where's this Land Of Eldorado"

The Guide pointed at the distance and said "Just a little further."

Then they were walked all the way to the Pacific,

Enfuriated they yelled "Where is the Land of Eldorado, tell us or we'll kill you"

He said the same thing again, just a little bit further, and what happened....they killed him out of anger and then wandered before returning to Mexico to meet a ship home empty handed.

I dont know if this is a true story or the native version.....with the parable added for laughter, but the end result is that there is no Land of Eldorado......

more realistically they knew he would return in the future, so he led them to see if they could wander and find the legend himself......

The dieties in the southern Incan empire were gilded during their ceremonies, and one particular man was known to the natives as the priest who would give blessings to the lake there to bring a fertile harvest and other life bringing spirits to nature....

the real legend, the mystical land of Eldorado.....the Mirage, when everything around you turns to gold....

That's really the way this legend enraptures most hunters....

ask anyone in AZ.......there is a time when the light and the ambient heat make the rocks around you glimmer and it all appears golden.....

crazy but true, especially when dehydrated, as the mind will trip out hard when dehydrated, even if the person doesnt take something the body and mind do to instinct we've lost by becoming evolved with creature comforts over time.

I will just let your swipe (at the Paul Simon song) slide by like Clyde the Glide Drexler, Pecos
Bill. My take away is that you are (maybe baby) Standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona With
the Eldorado of Paradise, Nevada 89119 on you mind.
Take it easy man. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you loopy.

Credit where credit is due to The Eagles and "Take it Easy".

Possibly we can get back to Edgar Poe and the shadow on one of your better days? QRP

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