He who laughs last, laughs best.
He who was Laf didn't last.He who laughs last, laughs best.
FANCY FARM was owned by Issac Otey, but during the 2nd year of the Confederate War , Fancy Farm was owned by the Kelso family, and US Gen "Black" David Hunter used Fancy Farm as his headquarters during the Valley Campaign and his attacks on Lynchburg.Heh... the "problem" as I see it is... MOST folks pay TOO much attention to the 1st part of the "Beale Story"; I focus on the 2nd part ("CONFEDERATE WAR +"). See MORE info & HISTORY "coming together"... 1865-1885 has it ALL! FORGET TJB, Thomas Beale, Sr./Jr., War of 1812, Buford's Tavern, etc. Focus on Buford's Depot/Fancy Farm, & CONFEDERATE WAR "history"! HH! Good Luck!
1st part of the "Beale Story" was/is a DECOY!Heh... the "problem" as I see it is... MOST folks pay TOO much attention to the 1st part of the "Beale Story"; I focus on the 2nd part ("CONFEDERATE WAR +"). See MORE info & HISTORY "coming together"... 1865-1885 has it ALL! FORGET TJB, Thomas Beale, Sr./Jr., War of 1812, Buford's Tavern, etc. Focus on Buford's Depot/Fancy Farm, & CONFEDERATE WAR "history"! HH! Good Luck!
WHY?... I'd like to know what Masterpoe thinks on this?
Disney, as you all probably know, is well into the treasure hunting genre... Disney is a very important research vector. This study will help you understand the end game.
It appears that someone's candle has burned out while playing it to the end.... you must first understand the "game" that the fictional story is. Unless you understand this, you will not understand the "solution". Unfortunately, I cannot divulge the "solution" yet (or anything else that relates to this solution). What I can say is that the Beale mystery is solved via a unique path from its inherent game that is within the story. I realize that not enough has been said to sway anyone from pursuing their own method of solution, nor would I want to cause disappointment in their pursuit...however, know that the solution is at hand. When I can say more (all) ...I will. Finally, the Beale Papers story is fiction with some factual points contained within... It is within this fictional tale that a game is housed. This game will lead to ... the wait will be at least 6 months. I have not divulged any more or less than I am supposed to and as I have posted in the past, there are at least seven locations that are associated with the "game" contained within the story...just know that something big is at hand.
I don't believe any of us are holding our breathes while Beale passes GO and collects $200.00.... ECS, you must first understand the "game" that the fictional story is... It is within this fictional tale that a game is housed. This game will lead to ... at least seven locations that are associated with the "game" contained within the story...just know that something big is at hand.
With Laf's various "proxys" crawling out from of the internet hinterland to resurrecting old threads, it is a harbinger of something big is at hand from Laf.... Unfortunately, I cannot divulge the "solution" yet (or anything else that relates to this solution). What I can say is that the Beale mystery is solved via a unique path from its inherent game that is within the story ... I will. Finally, the Beale Papers story is fiction with some factual points contained within... It is within this fictional tale that a game is housed. This game will lead to ... at least seven locations that are associated with the "game" contained within the story...just know that something big is at hand.
With Laf's various "proxys" crawling out from of the internet hinterland to resurrecting old threads, it is a harbinger of something big is at hand from Laf.
...a word to the wise, Legrand...![]()
Is that so...M Poe?Is that so....