Foolish Men and The BealeTreasure

I think, given the true number of people who would of had to of been involved at both ends in the secure transferring of such wealth, that it is quite the stretch of the imagination to assume that such a wealthy stash, if in fact it ever existed as such, was allowed to "remain tucked away" for too long, let alone being left behind. We're not talking about sunken ships that remained inaccessible or ancient kingdoms where ruling factions resided on ceremony.

Until one gives up the notion that the Beale story is factual, they will never understand the solution. The story is fiction. How has studying the literal story ever gotten you anywhere, Franklin...I mean, you said yourself, you've been on several dead end hunts? Everything about the story is part of the conclusion of decipherment. There is no dual money stash...there is no travel of money over the country landscape...yet, there is a treasure. The story itself is the cryptogram which must be untied to lead to the site. Do you all understand me? With that said, the "Beale" is solved and there is another unrelated treasure that I've been working on. There are two great discoveries. There will be an announcement when the time comes and it's right to do so. Your work is not in vain, will know this discovery(ies) like everyone else, soon enough.

Until one gives up the notion that the Beale story is factual, they will never understand the solution. The story is fiction. How has studying the literal story ever gotten you anywhere, Franklin...I mean, you said yourself, you've been on several dead end hunts? Everything about the story is part of the conclusion of decipherment. There is no dual money stash...there is no travel of money over the country landscape...yet, there is a treasure. The story itself is the cryptogram which must be untied to lead to the site. Do you all understand me? With that said, the "Beale" is solved and there is another unrelated treasure that I've been working on. There are two great discoveries. There will be an announcement when the time comes and it's right to do so. Your work is not in vain, will know this discovery(ies) like everyone else, soon enough.

I have heard these claims before. I have seen them come and go after the deadlines set by the posters that say they have deciphered the codes. You have not deciphered anything. Just one of many chasing geese up Goose Creek.

Franklin, you live in a cruel world to think there is no treasure. Telling me such will not elicit more information now as I will not divulge more at this time. I'm afraid, for you, that there is a treasure. How will you feel if you are wrong, Franklin? All is good.

No my world quite serene no cruelty here. I and others do not want any information from you as it would do none of us any good. To find a large treasure now many on this forum would be interested. I know when you do find a treasure you will keep it secret. Did you know that if you go public with a treasure as Mel Fisher did it will make the treasure worth at least ten times more than if you secret it away. I always go public. To keep it secret everyone will think you just found nothing and went to hide.

"I and others do not want any information from you as it would do none of us any good."



You're right..."would do none of you any good." Brilliant, Franklin.

You're right..."would do none of you any good." Brilliant, Franklin.


Bigscoop, ECS, Rebel-KGC and I as well as a host of others are seeking a definitive answer to the Beale Treasure Mystery. The treasure means nothing compared to the satisfaction of proving whether the story actually happened or not.

When I searched for the CSA Gold my mind was saying it was there, no it is here. With more research the search area would move not only from location to location but town to town and then state to state. Same as you and all the others that claim you have deciphered the codes---------WHY ARE YOU ALL SEARCHING IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS WITH A DIFFERENT DECIPHERMENT??????????

When I finally found the research information I was looking for on the CSA GOLD-------I now know exactly where some of it is located and I know how to find out where all the rest of the CSA GOLD is located. In other words I do not have to search in different locations wondering whether it is here or is it there. I KNOW.

That is the reason why I said your information will do none of us any good. Because you do not KNOW YET and you may never will.


Bigscoop, ECS, Rebel-KGC and I as well as a host of others are seeking a definitive answer to the Beale Treasure Mystery. The treasure means nothing compared to the satisfaction of proving whether the story actually happened or not.

When I searched for the CSA Gold my mind was saying it was there, no it is here. With more research the search area would move not only from location to location but town to town and then state to state. Same as you and all the others that claim you have deciphered the codes---------WHY ARE YOU ALL SEARCHING IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS WITH A DIFFERENT DECIPHERMENT??????????

When I finally found the research information I was looking for on the CSA GOLD-------I now know exactly where some of it is located and I know how to find out where all the rest of the CSA GOLD is located. In other words I do not have to search in different locations wondering whether it is here or is it there. I KNOW.

That is the reason why I said your information will do none of us any good. Because you do not KNOW YET and you may never will.

What is CSA? 1817?

What is CSA? 1817?

You are confusing facts that is the reason you post erratically and most of the time do not know what you post. Where does my post mention 1817?


The answer is in the "why" of your question. Complex is the answer.

Good post, Franklin !! You asked a good question there.

And, "I KNOW" like you know.

Let's wait for the announcement.

Where have you been Masterpoe....sent you a PM.

Cryptography, any more personal info of another member posted will mean a LONG time out, I'm not talking weeks either, a min of 12 months at the very least.
Posting of another member's personal info is a major rule infraction and will he treated as such!
Just a reminder to Crypto and Poe. :icon_thumright:

The internet is a dangerous yet wonderful tool. Sure, anything we put out here pretty much becomes public domain, to a point. Yes folks can copy and paste and use much of what is encountered in this typically free space, such as these forums......that is until they attempt to profit from said usages. This is where the rules change.

In all of this internet space one has to remember that it also creates and stores things like first dates of known publish, access from IP addresses, etc. So really, why fear putting details of discovery out here? There really is no reason to fear it, and in fact, there's often even good reason to do it. Just clearing up some of the concerns and issues often commented on in these forums.

The internet is a dangerous yet wonderful tool. Sure, anything we put out here pretty much becomes public domain, to a point. Yes folks can copy and paste and use much of what is encountered in this typically free space, such as these forums......that is until they attempt to profit from said usages. This is where the rules change.

In all of this internet space one has to remember that it also creates and stores things like first dates of known publish, access from IP addresses, etc. So really, why fear putting details of discovery out here? There really is no reason to fear it, and in fact, there's often even good reason to do it. Just clearing up some of the concerns and issues often commented on in these forums.

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