Bigscoop, ECS, Rebel-KGC and I as well as a host of others are seeking a definitive answer to the Beale Treasure Mystery. The treasure means nothing compared to the satisfaction of proving whether the story actually happened or not.
When I searched for the CSA Gold my mind was saying it was there, no it is here. With more research the search area would move not only from location to location but town to town and then state to state. Same as you and all the others that claim you have deciphered the codes---------WHY ARE YOU ALL SEARCHING IN DIFFERENT LOCATIONS WITH A DIFFERENT DECIPHERMENT

When I finally found the research information I was looking for on the CSA GOLD-------I now know exactly where some of it is located and I know how to find out where all the rest of the CSA GOLD is located. In other words I do not have to search in different locations wondering whether it is here or is it there. I KNOW.
That is the reason why I said your information will do none of us any good. Because you do not KNOW YET and you may never will.