Try this link. In an 1810 census (may be wrong on the actual year as this is all from memory) there was a Thomas Beale of Kentucky, I believe, who only registered himself as being from China. There is some speculation that it was this Thomas Beale and that he actually never died in China? What is interesting in all of this is that this Thomas Beale had amassed a huge fortune only to lose it all on what can only be called one of the biggest, and most obvious, blunders in history. This blunder has caused some to question weather he actually did it on purpose or not, this wealth possibly then being funneled back into the United States? Another proposed theory is that Steven Girard had played a hand in the financial demise and ruin of this Thomas Beale and that he actually funneled all of this swindled wealth back into the United States? But this is all speculation, mind you.