Foolish Men and The BealeTreasure

Interesting you would make such statements when your entire unsupported belief that the story is true is based on pure speculation. And that is what the entire scope of this mystery is still lacking, the evidence of truth in the tale. This lack of evidence has caused hundreds of true believers to produce all sorts of "fictional" solutions that have been manufactured around the assumed events in the tale. Applying this same logic and practice then one could easily claim that the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy are also true since dollar bills have shown up under pillows and Easter eggs do in fact get hidden each year. One would think we would first want to establish that the tale and events are true before we go about looking for potentially fictional characters and manufacturing false solutions that are based solely on the events and characters in the potential fairytale.

So again, how is possible to arrive at a real/accurate solution to a mystery that can't even be proven to exist? Hence, this is why so many different solutions to this mystery have been produced over the years. Given that you can't even establish any truth in the tale then how is it possible that you can claim accurate solution to the "published" mystery? This is where you have placed yourself and this conundrum should be quite obvious and apparent to you by now. Perhaps you should focus on trying to establish some measure of truth in the tale first before you claim solution to something that you can't even prove to exist. To do otherwise is simply adding your name to the long list of true believers and failed claimants who have come and gone over the years. :thumbsup:

Time will tell!

Time, exhaustive research by numbers of qualified individuals, and advanced computer technology has already built some pretty strong conclusions. When we add the inaccuracies/errors in the story itself to all of this other "supporting evidence" things start to become quite apparent. I sincerely wish things were different but they are what they are. :thumbsup:

Time, exhaustive research by numbers of qualified individuals, and advanced computer technology has already built some pretty strong conclusions. When we add the inaccuracies/errors in the story itself to all of this other "supporting evidence" things start to become quite apparent. I sincerely wish things were different but they are what they are. :thumbsup:

Same old BS

Same old BS
Same old "facts" that many on this forum have tried to direct you to and make you aware of. Your continued denial of these facts is no way to establish that illusive reality you're seeking. :thumbsup:

If you are referring to Captain Thomas Beale, I have yet to see proof that he is not the guy we are looking for no matter how bad people want that to be. I am not even looking at my work on the cipher. All this talk and no one but me showing proof in documents makes me wonder why are a few of these people even on this board. Nice company but if you do not have proof that Captain Beale died in 1820 why bring it up. A good one was the Celeste Beale diary that dose not exist. Why lie about info that will make you look like a pathetic jerk later on. As for the Captain I am only holding this name on my list till I can prove he is not the person I am looking for. Sounds like you guys need your own Forum about the Ward Papers. This is the Beale Papers Forum. You guys have been nothing but Negative about everything on here that has to do with Thomas Beale writing the Beale Papers. Get over it! And get with the program. If I told you I have Wards diary and it has Thomas Beale of NO in it I would expect you guys to have me prove it. If I can not prove it, it is not real and is counted fiction.

Same old "facts" that many on this forum have tried to direct you to and make you aware of. Your continued denial of these facts is no way to establish that illusive reality you're seeking. :thumbsup:

Wow, what a dunb ass this guy is. He must have voted for Obama 2 times. They are just sucking info out of you for there new book. This one is just a freak of some kind that gets off on thinking he is a know it all. He works at Walmart.:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

Wow, what a dunb ass this guy is. He must have voted for Obama 2 times. They are just sucking info out of you for there new book. This one is just a freak of some kind that gets off on thinking he is a know it all. He works at Walmart.:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:'d be surprised at what I know about this mystery, and the ciphers. And, no doubt, you'd be stunned to learn of the people that I have been in contact with over the years regarding this mystery. I always find it interesting how those who lack the same background and knowledge often resort to attacks from frustration in the face of constructive and strong debate to the contrary. I also find it interesting how some people fail to realize how their lack of knowledge quickly becomes obvious in what they post. You'll learn that those who possess the knowledge don't become unglued or rattled or frustrated in the face of constructive debates and criticism. So please, continue to show your frustration and lack of knowledge. All it is doing for you is the further discrediting of any level of professionalism or knowledge on your part, which is the whole point in these debates in the first place. If you have done any real analysis of the remaining ciphers in question, especially true of C1, then you would understand why it is impossible to produce a 100% grammatically correct solution in the ciphers presented without using replacement or otherwise altered values. Whoever penned them understood this. Clearly you and others don't.

Now's your chance to really voice your intelligence by presenting credible debate. Bet you can't do it. In fact, I'm betting you can only muster more insult and name calling. In fact, I'm sure of it. At best you'll only come back with some lame reason why you won't do it. :thumbsup:

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If you are referring to Captain Thomas Beale,... you do not have proof that Captain Beale died in 1820 why bring it up. A good one was the Celeste Beale diary that dose not exist... This is the Beale Papers Forum. You guys have been nothing but Negative about everything on here that has to do with Thomas Beale writing the Beale Papers. Get over it! And get with the program. If I told you I have Wards diary and it has Thomas Beale of NO in it I would expect you guys to have me prove it. If I can not prove it, it is not real and is counted fiction.
Thomas Beale wrote the 1885 Beale Papers?
What about the "unknown author" who Morriss contacted during the 2nd year of the Confederate War?
Incidentally, Franklin had a lead on James Beverly Ward's diary which does exist.
...and if you were able to solve a simple cipher I created, you would be directed to the collection name that contains the diary you claim doesn't exist.
As for one's credibility being low, yours doesn't rank very high, except in your mind.

Cryptography, Glad you joined the debate and I'm looking forward to your professional insight. So let me ask the following. Given your user name and the expertise that it exhibits, then perhaps you can explain how you can be so certain which cipher is C1 and which one is C3? Is it because the unknown author simply numbered them according to their length and then continues to lead readers into believing that he has them numbered correctly, or, do you base your findings on some other source of scientific/professional information/analysis? In fact, allow me to ask this same thing of Jean Laf. Given all of your focus on C1 and it's certain solution I'm sure one of you can straighten this little conundrum out.

Thomas Beale wrote the 1885 Beale Papers?
What about the "unknown author" who Morriss contacted during the 2nd year of the Confederate War?
Incidentally, Franklin had a lead on James Beverly Ward's diary which does exist.
...and if you were able to solve a simple cipher I created, you would be directed to the collection name that contains the diary you claim doesn't exist.
As for one's credibility being low, yours doesn't rank very high, except in your mind.

1. I think that's why we call them the Beale Papers and not the Ward Papers.
2. And you have a lead on the Celeste Beale Diary which does NOT exist.
3. As for the cipher, that seems to be your only "credibility" that you have any proof that this exist. I gain no benefit from playing your "Alpha Male" game. I have no interest in deciphering your petty attempt at a goose chase. If there was such a thing, it would most likely be within the Evelyn Thom Papers that i had found a year ago.
4. Credibility lies within the proof you can provide, not hide.

(Obviously your information has been distorted to fit your own agenda.)

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Wow, what a dunb ass this guy is. He must have voted for Obama 2 times. They are just sucking info out of you for there new book. This one is just a freak of some kind that gets off on thinking he is a know it all. He works at Walmart.:laughing7::laughing7::laughing7:

This guy (Cryptography) needs to be banned. I voted for Obama twice and don't regret it at all. If all he can do is insult people, there is no place for him on this site.

Reminds me of that old joke where depending on who you voted for you're either dumb, stupid, or a complete idiot. :laughing7:

My new book, "Lost Diary of Thomas J. Beall" contains everything that was in my 1990 copyright book, "Mystery of Beale's Treasure Solved," and it is on Ebay.

I hope you gave us all the proper credit for all the post of ours you put in your book. Seems someone once accused me of make money on the Beale Papers. :laughing7:

Thanks, Rebel-KGC, That is what Jean Laf is doing if anyone does not believe it go to his blogsite and read everything we are talking about on this forum. He is simply copying it over there on his blogsite. MODERATORS where are you when you are needed.

Wow. The only thing I have on my website is the Simpson Papers that Mr Simpson gave me permission to post there. It came from Wikipedia. All other items are from my research. Were you get stuff for your books?:laughing7::laughing7::icon_thumleft:

Copyright protection is basically individual rights that protect an author’s ownership status. Most web contents including blogs are protected under the law of copyright. Copying the contents of a blog post and using them for other posts is as bad as copying contents from copyright printed books and using them for one’s own purpose.

Gentlemen, if you keep sniping at each other I will put BOTH on timeout!

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