Thank you Bill, for starting this great thread. So much fun to see and share our finds with one another. That's what it's all about. A find is great, but you gotta show it to somebody. That's where the real fun is. Otherwise, you're like some weirdo mumbling miser, holed up talking to himself. Like a dear old friend of mine said, "I know I can't have everything, I just want to see it!" Although I'll eventually run outta stuff to show everybody, I hope this goes on forever!
Now, with that drivel out of the way, my son and i were walking a creek out in the middle of nowhere, looking for arrowheads. I was about 20 feet ahead of him when he asked, "Did you see this?" I turned around and he was pointing at what, at first, looked like a algae covered Clorox jug. As I got closer, it was like "Holy crap!" I had been so focused on the bottom that I walked right by it, one of the prettiest, mintest Crawford County jugs I'd ever seen. Although I felt like a doofus, I was so glad that I did miss it, so he could find something to fuel his fire for old stuff. The dirt road back up a ways had washed out in winter floods, which is all that could explain it setting there like it was.
A couple of weeks later, while he was in Savannah with his gal, I walked another creek and spotted this. I knew what it looked like, but figured from past experience that it would be broke, missing the top or handle, or have a hole in it. I stuck my hands in the sand and started feeling around, getting a little more excited now. I got my hands up under it and lifted it out (another lesson that I had learned the hard way is to never pick a jug up by the handle, especially when it's full of sand and gravel). Two perfect jugs in two weeks. I couldn't believe it and couldn't wait to show my son.
Here they are side by side, and being the selfless young man that he is, he put his in the cabinet with my junk.
Thanks for looking and listening!