I suppose just about everyone who's been detecting for awhile has been approached to find something for someone. I've found a set of keys in the snow also manage to find a water cutoff valve buried under the sod by someone having some landscaping done.
Only once was I able to find something for someone that involved some decent value. Here's the background I hear the doorbell ring early New Years Eve 2016 and a neighbour from further up the street asks me if I could help his brother find a lost ring in their parents driveway. I said no problem I'd give it a shot.
New Years Day midmorning his brother shows up I grab my gear and we head off to his parents house in a ritzy part of town. Ironic as his dad was a VP at the CNR railway at competitor since I had worked at the CPR...

Well he showed me where he thought he had lost the ring in the snow in the driveway while cleaning off the snow from his car. I probably spent about 1/2 hour with no success and wondering if I could pull a rabbit out of the hat to save the day.
I took a break and looked around and saw there was a row of shrubs further away from the driveway along the edge of the walkway towards the curb. Figuring maybe the ring flew a bit further than he thought I started to scan that ared. Sure enough within 10 minutes I get a solid hit clear the snow away and there it was.
The brother was pacing nervously along the sidewalk wondering if I could find his ring or not. I called over and asked him "is this what you're looking for?" tossed him the ring. He gave me a bear hug that I thought would break my back....

Approx 1 oz of 14k white gold with the faceplate encrusted in diamonds custom made with a cost of $26,000.
Nice to see a happy ending!