Some fish pics as promised, Bart.
First up: I never posted about Belize. I only went out one day. Mr WD caught the most, but I caught the biggest for the day. I don't remember the weight or length.
Second: Saturday we participated in a Fish Donkey Derby. It was a first for me. It is all done on an app. You can put in any where you want on the lake. When you catch a fish, you take a photo holding the fish, one of the fish on the bump board (making sure to get clear shot of the length), and then a video of releasing the fish or cutting the fin if you are keeping them. We released ours. The app keeps a record and upgrades your five best in length fish. It started at 7:00 am and ran until 3:00pm. But you could fish anytime in between. To start you had to take pics of your live well for a boat check. We were driving down the highway, on the phone with a friend who was also heading to fish. All of the sudden we started hearing this, "HE HAW HE HAW." Cracked us up! That was the app notifications for the boat check entries.
It was foggy all day.
And we were attacked by the midges. You can't do anything with these. They are very fragile and smear all over, so it is best to just let them rule.
We pretty much stayed in second place al day, with a brief stint in third. At 2:55 pm, we landed an upgrade. I managed to take all the pics and video and entered it at 2:58 pm. But, alas, it wasn't a big enough upgrade. We came in second with 131.5" and the winner had 132". Talk about close. It was fun, and I would do it again. We had 2 @ 28.5", a 26+, 25+ and 24+. Our friend did the math and I guess I won $195.00. Why me and not us? LOL. It's my paypal account.

MR WD said I could use it to buy my own fishing clothes and stop wearing his.
Then, back at camp, MR WD tried out magnet fishing for the first time. He found that there is a steel plate at the ramp.
While we were away for the weekend, my son and his family held down the home front. The first pic are his three little ones playing in the water. I marked where the old barn used to be and the general area where I found that piece of crotal bell (last year I believe). The second pic is his girlfriend with their bluegill catch.
All in all, a fun weekend for us.