Looks like you need to hit the recorders office -
Reed, I've seen that before. It looks like the whole area is claimed by either placer or hard rock miners.
I don't even know anything about recorders office. I do know that those townships list, sometimes more than one claim. And some just one. So the whole area isn't completely taken. Just the spots with possible gold.
I'd like to obtain a map of our area with detailed claim boundaries, but I doubt such a thing exists.
I went out today to find our other claim. The directions given leave something to be desired. Took me two hours just to find the proper road number, and then, our claim apparently isn't marked so a driver can see it. Did find another claim, one about half a mile long along that same road, but not ours.
So I went back to the main claim, and metal detected the tailings bench just below a vertical mine shaft. I got lots of hits; nails, bullets, and rusty metal, but nothing else. o I figured I would tote home anything that eve raised a peep from the detector. I really thought I might have gotten something. But the pan came out empty as usual.
BTW, I finally figured out why I get those little peeps from the detector. It's the cable the keeps moving as it is swung back and forth. The Velcro doesn't do a proper job of immobilizing the cable. I need to use tape of some kind, and secure it from coil to processor hookup. I also need to tape the shaft sections so they quit unscrewing themselves, which also causes those peeps due vibration, once the shaft sections loosen.
I frankly think the manufacturer could have done a better job with this detector to ensure things can't move. I wish I'd never old my mid 70's Whites detector. It picked up everything from the normal junk to gold.
Another thing I think I may've had a problem with is panning the die=rt out of the material. I believe I was agitating the water so much, I was losing everything except the larger material. Today I panned the material three times, finally keeping the smallest material, other than the dirt. Though it didn't make a difference today. Skunked again.