I've come to the conclusion that picking up ore at our claim is a useless pastime. I believe that most of the claim has been metal detected. Also, the benches of material pulled out of the mine have not yielded any noise from my detector. I do wonder if the surface trenches where the old timers dug might have anything in the walls? Of course, these have also been metal detected to death.
I can only think that most of the accessible mines have been picked over just the same.
I am wondering if I should go through areas the look untouched by humans, and detect those. Yes, the Old Timers didn't mine for gold in those areas, and supposedly, a new source is a very rare occurrence. But I wonder if Mother nature has eroded some sources, and the material moved downhill.
I need to try some other angle at finding gold ore, other than at the mines. One reason is there is so much manmade metallic waste, trying to detect there is discouraging. You can go for hours, and about every step you take brings up another bullet or casing, or buckshot, or rusted metal, or hardware, and the list could go on.
I know that if that if this trend continues, Mr. Crusher is getting sold, as well as my metal detector.
My foray into the riverbed yesterday gave me two pieces of rusted metal, a bullet, a cartridge, and two inch single fixed blade box cutter (rusted), as well as two bb's. I can use a detector, but get tired of just finding Human metallic waste.
Tomorrow I'll wander around metal detecting in hopefully more pristine ground, though I'm beginning to think there isn't such a thing in the mining district out there.
Oh, I did crush 40 more rocks over the past two days, and basically got skunked. I think there might have been four sub 200 specks of gold, though it was too difficult to tell. I save those in a plastic container for the possibility I just might luck out, and get another rock with gold in it.
Any suggestions on where I should look, other than established old timer mines?