First Big 2008 Fall Post. 15 Pics To Looks At.


Gold Member
Feb 28, 2005
Three Rivers
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
Minelab Etrac ,Xp Deus, Ctx 3030, Vanquish 440 X 2, Equinox 600, Equinox 800
Hey everyone,

It's a rarity I'm posting on a weekend. I've been sick with a bad cold and didn't go out today. Did go out yesterday though. Yes, I am crazy. Thought I could give it a go. As soon as I got out of the car the detector felt like it weighed 25 lbs the whole hunt.

Energy level is down a ton. But I hung in there for about 2 hrs not even that long. Found a few neat items and it was nice to actually dig in some soil that wasn't like powder. About 15 minutes into the hunt I found this really great cameo made in west germany on the surface. Started to feal a little better at that point.

Most of the stuff has been found over the past few weekends at a nice old park. However though I met up with my brother out his way out of the city where there are more farm fields and older dwellings. We had permission to hunt some nice old early 1800's sites.

But we soon realized they had already been hunted really hard. We still pulled a few tids and bits though. My 2 younge boys scored a neat old good for 25 cents in merchandise token. My brother pulled a nice barber dime and I got a nice old pewter crotal bell and a cool pewter item with a flag and a heart cut of the center of it. Could it be a civil war era piece.

I'm still waiting for things to die out a little more here. Give it a few more weeks here in P.a and some nice sites should open up for some finds. Can't wait to be well again and get back out there next weekend.

Thanks for looking,

HH Jer


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Wow Jeremy, still hauling in lot's of good stuff. You always have such a great variety. Sweet Barber dime, nice looking V's, IH's, and those cameos. Very Sweet stuff. :icon_sunny:

Too bad about being sick and the Steelers loosing :wink: Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Thanks alot guys,

Yes, I still spend alot of time cleaning up items found. I've developed alot of diff ways and strategies to get certain items and alloys to look better.

That barber looked horrible before I lightly cleaned it up scratch free. I left it with some nice black patina around the edges. I know cleaning items devalues them. I don't care though. Just a hobby meant for fun.

Mirage, The steelers threw that game away. They were dominating then fell apart in the 4th quarter. Injuries really kill a team. And they are beat up. Still think they are playoff material. Hey cleveland got a tough win over the weekend also.

But atleast I can feal good about the phillies right. I love baseball and it's nice to see a Pa team win it. Also Penn state is up there this yr. They may win it all to.

HH Jer

Yes, I still spend alot of time cleaning up items found.

Hey, Jer, how about cleaning up my Jeep when you get to Cali? It's real dirty! ;D ;D :D

Very nice looking finds. The before and after photos are like night and day! :o

Hope you're feeling better!!


Thanks alot guys.

Capt, I am a expert car detailer also wouldn't you beleive it lol. I have a true passion for V8 cars. I drive one myself and everyone tells me it's so clean. I could do the job. Sucks were gonna be so far from one another.

Dan, nice to hear from you again man. I've seen you have still been out hunting. I know you got a pyle of goodies built up. It's looking free man. I got a nice old park we could hunt for the day. If you got a large coil bring it.

I love hunting with you guys. It's alot of fun having the boys out and enjoying the day. This will be a good time of yr for finds at these sites. Lance pulled a standing lib last week when I took him there. I got some indians and some other neat items. Just let me know through a pm or phone call.

HH Jer

I was more thinking of a trip to an old spot that Mirage and I have only hit a few times (produced a piar of seated half dimes last year and we haven't been back yet)
Near East Liverpool far is that of a drive for you?
Check it out and get back to me by PM. It was a stagecoach stop. There was also a tavern nearby that we haven't located yet (dense woods).

Of driving to Pittsburgh would work too.

Great finds and pics, looking at your cameo makes me think the piece I found over the weekend was a cameo, no stone in mine though :( Good luck at the spot, get well soon.

Variety Jer....And you alway's have it,make's it that much more "Funner" to find. Like Bryce said...."I can't stop looking at that Barber".....Beautiful Dig's and Keep em Coming !!! :thumbsup:

Thanks alot guys,

Yes, Dan I could probably make that trip. I'd like to come over and see if I could help locate that tavern. With maybe 4 or 5 of us we could probably do it. Sounds like a nice early site to hunt. I sent you a pm. I'll bring the large coil lol.

Yes Treasure I think you did find a cameo. I love these kind of finds. This one wasn't of a lady but has a nice non cracked stone in it. With a really nice wired setting to hold it in. Back is stamped west germany. Three prongs were bent back on it and the stone was trying to get out. I fixed her up and overall I am happy with the results.

HH Jer

B|lker said:
rmptr said:
VERY interesting group of digs, Jer!

Is that a treasure map inscribed upon that jigsaw puzzle-cut piece? ;D

What is up with that?

Hope you get to feeling better.

Come on ??? what is that thing with the A stamped on it.
Cool digs

i think that may be a tool used for forming plaster mouldings(cornice), going by the shape!

The flag thing is probably a bell. I found the same one about six months ago on a farm that dates 1840 ish. When I balance it on a finger and strike it with a pen it has a nice sound. My grandparents had a similar type of early door bell with a crank mechanism beside it. Not too sure on the date though. I believe someone told me maybe a few years after the turn of the century. How many stars does your flag have?


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Sweet collection of stuff favorites are the awesome barber (heh, even though yall cleaned it i think ::) ) and the thing with the heart carved out. I think that's really neat...and yea who knows how old that could be. Keep up the good hunts, I know this is your prime season to shine with detecting! :wink: HH

Thanks alot guys,

That strange item with all the design on it still got me wondering. It fits in your hand just like a tool. Like a hammer but way thinner. It's obviously old. It was so black when I found it it almost got pitched into a large tub of what's it's.

I decided to tumble it. When it came out and I seen all the markings on it I knew it was something. The other side of it has a bird and a arrow with a bunch of neat lines and stuff.

The bell type thing is the second one I have found. This one is different than the other one I got. This one is older and made of pewter. It also has a nice line bordering it. The site we were hunting was a burnt down house circa civil war period or older. Had square nails laying all around a spring house and a sandstone foundation. It was a nice old house on some farm land. Got a crotal bell pewter not far from it.

Yes Nate, this is the season I love. I really try to hunt hard and push through the brush at sites. I'm fealing better now and hope to get a nice solid weekend of hunting in. Hey maybe I'll see you guys in a few weeks for a hunt.

Thanks again guys,

HH Jer

sorry don't know how to do links yet :tard:

Decorative Plaster Forms
Cornices, Medallions, Coffers. Three decorative plaster forms in particular--the cornice, the ceiling medallion, and the coffered ceiling--historically comprised much of the ornamental plasterers' business. These forms appear individually or in combination from the 18th to 20th century, irrespective of stylistic changes.

For example, an elaborate parlor cornice consisted of plain moldings made of gypsum and lime run atop temporary lattice strips around the room.Tooling for plain-run moldings called for a sheet metal template of the molding profile mounted on a wooden "horse" . Mitering was accomplished using a plaster and lime putty gauge (mix) tooled with miter rods at the joints. Decorative "enrichments" such as leaves, egg and dart moldings, and bead and reel units were cast in the shop and applied to the plain runs using plaster as an adhesive. Painting, glazing, and even gilding followed. Large houses often had plain run cornices on the upper floors which were not used for entertaining; modest houses also boasted cornice work without cast enrichment.

Thanks alot shaun,

Makes alot of sence. The area I found this item in has some beautiful old homes with decorative outsides as well as insides. They are really huge homes. But the area is one of the worst. I would love to own one of those big old mansions.

HH Jer

JerDfx said:
Thanks alot shaun,

Makes alot of sence. The area I found this item in has some beautiful old homes with decorative outsides as well as insides. They are really huge homes. But the area is one of the worst. I would love to own one of those big old mansions.

HH Jer

your welcome jer, of course im no expert in finds so don't take my word for it! i am a plasterer though and have seen these tools made on site! nowadays i think they use zinc.
i am only going by the profile, maybe the markings were for the craftsmans mitres???

That's fine man. I am always open for suggestions. This item is made of copper or bronze. Would have made a neat pattern. Has like a bird and arrow on one side. The other just has a intricate design. Also it seems to be hand done.

Crude in some manner. Like it was carved out with the tip of a pocket knife or something like that. Looks like it was cut out on a jigsaw to. But it fits man hand like a tool does also.

Thanks again,


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