Finding Thomas Beale?

Here's something else for you to maul over;

A long time ago Reb presented the notion that perhaps it had been Jr. who had stayed with Morriss with no remuneration at all, this many of us quickly discareded, but should we have?

Thomas Beale relocates to New Orleans leaving his family behind. Shortly after Jr. joins him. During the estate battle we learn that Jr's mother wasn't exactly in love with her son. Just saying, perhaps Reb's notion hadn't been that far off base at all?

And as for the "old notion" that nobody knew Thomas Beale during his visits with Morriss, the narration claims quite the opposite when it concludes that he was a hit with the ladies and that his reputation/character was soon known. Back in the day men of only 17 were captains of their own ships, the conditions of the era providing that many men became men very early in life. Just saying.......

Here's something else for you to maul over;

A long time ago Reb presented the notion that perhaps it had been Jr. who had stayed with Morriss with no remuneration at all, this many of us quickly discareded, but should we have?

Thomas Beale relocates to New Orleans leaving his family behind. Shortly after Jr. joins him. During the estate battle we learn that Jr's mother wasn't exactly in love with her son. Just saying, perhaps Reb's notion hadn't been that far off base at all?

And as for the "old notion" that nobody knew Thomas Beale during his visits with Morriss, the narration claims quite the opposite when it concludes that he was a hit with the ladies and that his reputation/character was soon known. Back in the day men of only 17 were captains of their own ships, the conditions of the era providing that many men became men very early in life. Just saying.......
Well, I don't remember that... BUT! CONSIDER... Thomas Beale, Jr. died in 1823; 1823, the Beale Expedition of 1817-1822 DISAPPEARED (by 1823...?). Putting on Coffee; gonna be a LONNGGG night; "mulling it over" & pondering... :laughing7:

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If Thomas Beale Jr stayed at Buford's Tavern in Bedford county while constructing the treasure vault and filling all those iron pots with gold, silver, and jewels, would his mother, Chloe Delancey, have known her son was "back in town" ?
Someone would have recognized the boy who returned from New Orleans, even if he had become "swarthy".

If Thomas Beale Jr stayed at Buford's Tavern in Bedford county while constructing the treasure vault and filling all those iron pots with gold, silver, and jewels, would his mother, Chloe Delancey, have known her son was "back in town" ?
Someone would have recognized the boy who returned from New Orleans, even if he had become "swarthy".
Doubt it... think "Jr." was MORE "into" Louisiana, than Virginia... at THAT time.

"Fiction/True"......sometimes there's a fine line separating truth and fiction. A lot of stories have been told that weren't "exactly accurate" and yet they contained a certain measure of truth.
That includes quoting from John Laflin's forged Memoirs of Jean Lafitte as factual proof of anything in the Beale Papers dime novel job pamphlet.
Recently you, my fried, have have a difficult time with that "fine line".

That includes quoting from John Laflin's forged Memoirs of Jean Lafitte as factual proof of anything in the Beale Papers dime novel job pamphlet.
Recently you, my fried, have have a difficult time with that "fine line".
"Fine Line"...? THAT reminded me of the Neil Young song HEART OF GOLD... "Such a fine line".

That includes quoting from John Laflin's forged Memoirs of Jean Lafitte as factual proof of anything in the Beale Papers dime novel job pamphlet.
Recently you, my fried, have have a difficult time with that "fine line".

It seems all you have remaining to throw at me are the memoirs, a publication YOU haven't read and that information YOU haven't bothered to research for YOURSELF. :icon_scratch:

How have you come to that conclusion?
I'm not throwing anything at you, only stating that using a forged work, by a known master forger and con man, is NOT a reliable source of facts to prove any theory.
Why havn't you researched the works that Laflin used when creating this forgery that you are so fond of quoting?

On the other hand if the story was fiction it makes no difference if you check a hundred or even a thousand Thomas Beales.
...and that is a major point that most miss or choose to ignore.

On the other hand if the story was fiction it makes no difference if you check a hundred or even a thousand Thomas Beales.

Ah but the one Beale that eludes you perfect historians is the one that it portrays....and merely to convey his position on a "Tight Ship", so you would see his "purse", at the "Heart of the Confederacy" in Virginia.....I'm sure that even some Klan members in VA know exactly where this farm is located they held the orignal BURNING CROSS CEREMONIES they were acting as if they were carrying the Templar Order into battle.....they were cloaked in white, as if from the Jesuit order in Seville.....

it makes no difference if you check a hundred or even a thousand Thomas Beales
Unless.....and I have asserted this fact numerous times :laughing7:.......ringing a bell in my hand at the same time.....:hello: that this work of "Fiction" was made by James Reavis, a person who had an clerk's office job and real estate business in St. Louis.

Unless the work of "Fiction" was a legitimate Persher Coded pamphlet, that was made by a master forger who used names and terms very "Farmiliar" to their way of coding.

And Unless of Course the Persher Code leads to a man named GEORGE Beale......who was a Purser.....on a ship....

AND UNLESS of Course that forger had used measurements masked as "Authentic Statements" on the "Cover Story", and under the guise of an actual Surveyor and Cartographer's Mileage Chart gave the EXACT measurements.....

AND UNLESS OF Course the person responsible WAS found to have made numerous drops of files into record halls ACROSS the country, and filed erroneous claims in the attempt to rob the entire valley of Phoenix from the Apache and rape the land of its resources for their banking Cabal....

You do know what the KGC stood for right......?

Would you believe Franklin wrote this ?

Its Authentic.

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Originally Posted by franklin

Would you believe Franklin wrote this ?

Its Authentic.

Eldo, quote above is not Franklin's quote, do not manipulate another members quotes again.

Ah but the one Beale that eludes you perfect historians is the one that it portrays....and merely to convey his position on a "Tight Ship", so you would see his "purse", at the "Heart of the Confederacy" in Virginia.....I'm sure that even some Klan members in VA know exactly where this farm is located they held the orignal BURNING CROSS CEREMONIES they were acting as if they were carrying the Templar Order into battle.....they were cloaked in white, as if from the Jesuit order in Seville.....

Unless.....and I have asserted this fact numerous times :laughing7:.......ringing a bell in my hand at the same time.....:hello: that this work of "Fiction" was made by James Reavis, a person who had an clerk's office job and real estate business in St. Louis.

Unless the work of "Fiction" was a legitimate Persher Coded pamphlet, that was made by a master forger who used names and terms very "Farmiliar" to their way of coding.

And Unless of Course the Persher Code leads to a man named GEORGE Beale......who was a Purser.....on a ship....

AND UNLESS of Course that forger had used measurements masked as "Authentic Statements" on the "Cover Story", and under the guise of an actual Surveyor and Cartographer's Mileage Chart gave the EXACT measurements.....

AND UNLESS OF Course the person responsible WAS found to have made numerous drops of files into record halls ACROSS the country, and filed erroneous claims in the attempt to rob the entire valley of Phoenix from the Apache and rape the land of its resources for their banking Cabal....

You do know what the KGC stood for right......?

Its Authentic.
Where do you come up with this stuff?

Eldo, quote above is not Franklin's quote, do not manipulate another members quotes again.

I was merely making a point about the way the written can easily be overlooked having been altered, as in the works in the Beale that are out of place.

I wont do it again....It was done out of example of a "Forgery" being influential in literary record of the history that is overlooked.....

Where do you come up with this stuff?

Its called American History......look it up....:laughing7:

1st......they called it a LAND GRAB, and because they claimed the land as their "territory"( remember the "Trail of Tears" and "Manifest Destiny" of the ???"Mormon Promised Land of Zion"???) .....they drive the natives out of the south, and fool settlers to leave out west under a Biblical Guise of a Hidden Treasure.

2nd.....they decided that they would form a Federal Regulatory Commission called the Federal Reserve, that would allow you now to have to "buy land" from them, and pay the rent to a Land'lord' in a KGC "Castle", and finance your homes from the very banks who robbed these lands, through Native American Genocide, banks acting as 'Middle Men' of the "Landowner", called the United States of America....

You listening yet?.....62 million was THEIR SHARE ALONE.......and you don't even wanna know where their mines are at? :icon_scratch:

Not one of these posts has tried to assert a physical location of the mines coming from the Pamphlet....well I did all that from following a THIEF.

Now that the Confederate Flag Ain't Flying Nomore, we can just say the next step of things to come after MY investigation into the Beale makes a little more "Cents" for all of us than yours ECS.

As in the Native Lands will be returned to them, and our plots granted to us once again, as it once was know, our agreement to settle here and follow the Great Law of Peace.

Now where do you get by feeding me and everyone here this "Textbook" reasoning that I should just forget about it. :laughing7:$:laughing7:$:laughing7:$:laughing7:$:laughing7:$:laughing7:

Of course you probably think... "Why would anyone hide their mines AND their treasure maps in the same place" ???

And naturally we find the maps in ANOTHER PART of the country........surrounded by another shrouded legend......

2 = 3 + Mine Symbol + 18 = 7 etched in the stone, along with the 8-n-P cattle brand and all the 'Stampeding' out West that you could ever want.

What was your point.....where I get this information from?

Some of it comes from the NSA if you really want to know.....can learn a lot from an artist's point......

Old Map Forrest.webp

anyone want to share what they know of these Beales'

1801B-001 1801 Beale, Ann White Female Beale, Joseph White Male Guardian Orphan of Thomas Beale
1801B-001 1801 Beale, Thomas White Male Beale, Joseph White Male Guardian Orphan of Thomas Beale

Mother Father DOB Child
Beal, Ann Smith, Jesse 1809 M

RO1834-001 Beal, Robert
Leesburg Road near Lee Silcott's blacksmith
shop to Janney's Mill (now Thomas Matthews's
factory) 14
RO1801-001 Beale, Joseph
Rankin's Road from the gap in the Short Hill to
the top of the Blue Ridge 14

Collection Location Year Name1 Race Sex Age Trade Name 3 Race Sex Relationship Notes 1 Judgment Notes 2 Misc. Names
Slave Issues 1811-34 1810 Philip Male Slave Lovett, David White Male Slave Owner
Beale vs. Lovett bond for return of slave
seized by Sheriff Judgment Beale, Joseph

Collection Location Year Name 1 Race Sex Name 3 Race Sex Relationship Notes 1 Judgment Sentence Notes 2
Criminal 1820-012 1820 Beale, Uriah White Male Rioting Commonwealth Nolle Prosequi
Criminal 1819-005 1819 Beale, Uriah White Male Rioting Commonwealth Grand Jury Presentment Aug 1819

odd a, Goose Creek Historic District

Hey Guys ,
I was sitting at the doc's today while the wife was having a procedure done so i did a little reading on this topic... yeah i know it's a little late to get in a very long game. One thing bugged me from the beginning. It was referenced that Thomas Beale gave Morris the box and just vanished to never be seen again . Is this actually true ? Could Beale and Morris be the same guy ? And do you think that if the treasure was real it was moved since nobody saw Beale ever again ? Then an hour later after i start reading i find a website with video claiming to have found the site from the 3 " ciphered " codes. Yet the place was empty of treasure. So my mind flashed back to my earlier thought about Beale having all those years to move it again. Am i out of my mind ?

Then there is this "unknown author" who Robert Morriss told the story during "the 2nd year of the Confederate War" and after 20 years of being unable to solve C1 & C3, contacted James Beverly Ward with a finished manuscript for Ward to act as copyright agent and publisher for "this affair that was confined to a limited circle-to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend".

Now consider that this "unknown author" was told this story by Morriss while was staying at James Beverly Ward's house, where Morriss died months after his encounter with this "unknown author".
"Like every one else, he (Ward) was ignorant of this episode in Mr Morriss' career, until the manuscript was placed into his hands".

So who was this "unknown author" and why did Morriss trust him with this Beale treasure story and NOT his nephew Ward at whose house he lived?
...and How did this "unknown author" come to visit an ailing Morriss at Ward's house?
...and who were the "unknown author's" immediate family and old valued fried that knew this Beale story years before Ward?

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Then there is this "unknown author" who Robert Morriss told the story during "the 2nd year of the Confederate War" and after 20 years of being unable to solve C1 & C3, contacted James Beverly Ward with a finished manuscript for Ward to act as copyright agent and publisher for "this affair that was confined to a limited circle-to the writer's immediate family, and to one old and valued friend".

Now consider that this "unknown author" was told this story by Morriss while was staying at James Beverly Ward's house, where Morriss died months after his encounter with this "unknown author".
"Like every one else, he (Ward) was ignorant of this episode in Mr Morriss' career, until the manuscript was placed into his hands".

So who was this "unknown author" and why did Morriss trust him with this Beale treasure story and NOT his nephew Ward at whose house he lived?
...and How did this "unknown author" come to visit an ailing Morriss at Ward's house?
...and who were the "unknown author's" immediate family and old valued fried that knew this Beale story years before Ward?

You do know that your post is not all correct?

Please feel free to illuminate with corrections.

"The gentleman whom I selected as my agent, to publish and circulate these papers was well known to Mr Morriss, it was at his house that Mrs Morriss died, and he would have been one of the beneficiaries in the event of my success".

James Beverly Ward became a character in the Beale Papers with this statement by the "unknown author".

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