Ever seen or had an encounter with a Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch?

Ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot?

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    Votes: 10 15.2%
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    Votes: 13 19.7%
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    Votes: 43 65.2%

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Buffalo Bob - thank you for the links; have to agree with you that shooting a Bigfoot would be a BAD IDEA. Look at what just recently happened in OK, one bigfoot hunter shot another hunter, thinking he was a bigfoot. Luckily he did not kill him. Even if he had killed a Bigfoot - the DNA tests show that it is a type of human being, tentatively scientifically named homo sapiens cognatus (meaning our blood relations) it would be homicide under the law. Also, in those incidents in which someone has shot a bigfoot, things did not end well. Example, the 1924 Ape Canyon encounter:
1924 - Ape Canyon

I have heard the roar/yell of a bigfoot in northern California a few years back, and can tell you that it sent shivers up my back. Had another encounter in a canyon in the Black Hills north of where we live, some twenty years or so ago too; we were camped in a pretty wooded canyon doing some prospecting, and early in the morning the dog went ballistic, as if a bear was in camp. We got up expecting to have to drive off a pest looking for a free lunch only to hear a whole pack of coyotes screaming as if something was killing them, and running our way. The bigfoot was making horrifying sounds while "driving" a pack of coyotes ahead of it. The coyotes were scared so bad they did not even notice us or our dog and ran right past us. The 38 revolver I had in my hand felt very inadequate to the situation. I don't care to get that close to one, but would like to get a really good look, more than a glimpse which is all I got that time.

I have also heard and read of the supposed psychic powers attributed to bigfoot, but can't really say whether that is something I believe or not. I won't say it is impossible, but am not convinced it is fact either. :dontknow: (Yet!)

Thanks again, I hope you have a great day! :icon_thumleft:

A couple of years ago my youngest daughter lived in Yakima Washington and worked for the State of Washington wildlife biology type stuff that had to do with endangered trout. This work took her and her teams into deep remote areas. Sometimes these teams would be 40 miles into the wilderness. She said there were tracks everywhere. She took lots of pictures of the tracks. She sent me some. These teams all agreed the tracks could be nothing else but a bigfoot type animal. End of story. There you go. 40 miles into the wilderness with NO ROADS.

A couple of years ago my youngest daughter lived in Yakima Washington and worked for the State of Washington wildlife biology type stuff that had to do with endangered trout. This work took her and her teams into deep remote areas. Sometimes these teams would be 40 miles into the wilderness. She said there were tracks everywhere. She took lots of pictures of the tracks. She sent me some. These teams all agreed the tracks could be nothing else but a bigfoot type animal. End of story. There you go. 40 miles into the wilderness with NO ROADS.

That kind of makes the idea of a hoax pretty silly doesn't it?

Austin - thank you for sharing that - can you recall that smell, I mean do you think you could say it smelled like "_____" (your word, I don't want to suggest anything)? Do you think your buddy hit it? Thank you in advance,

Sorry to be so late answering. It was like a mix of sweat, vomit and maybe rotting meat. A sour pigpen smell is what others have said, but I had never smelled anything that bad. Yeah, my friend Alex hit it. He had a .270 magnum rifle and when it came up on the road, Roland shined the spotlight in it's eyes. We had gained a little speed, I saw him raise the rifle and fire. The creature turned it's upper body sideways, then straightened out. We figured later that the bullet hit it in the shoulder and passed through. We found blood the next morning when we went back, but never thought to take a sample. The next night we went back and parked in that area. There were a dozen of us in a pickup, 2-3 with lights, the rest with guns. We caught that smell faintly in the breeze, but no creature. I still have chills(like right now) when I discuss it. It stopped me from hunting, fishing, hiking or camping from then on, although I have revisited the spot many times(day and night) to prove I can. What was it? I have no idea. But it changed all our lives. Roland's parents sent him to a shrink who tried to persuade him that he saw nothing, Rudy's old grandpa(owned the ranch where we shot the deer earlier that day) listened to us and then told about his neighbor whose son was in a tree blind 10 months earlier looking through binoculars for deer when he claimed he saw hairy big legs and followed the body up. When he got to the eyes, they were staring right at him. He left his rifle and ran home. Daddy went back for the gun. I quit my job soon after, sold auto parts for two years and went back to college, Rudy had been driving and didn't see much. He believed us, but wasn't concerned. Felix, guy who almost fell out, had a breakdown of sorts and refused to go back. The story I told Bobby was longer, but she condensed it to what is posted on her old site, bigfootencounters.com. Last thing I ever expected to see on a country road in Texas...

Austin - thank you for enlarging on the details! I would like to ask you - do you think that was someone in a gorilla suit with carved fake wooden feet? I don't, but would like to hear your opinion as you were there, thank you in advance.
Roy ~ Oroblanco

It towered above the two guys standing on the tailgate of the station wagon. We figured it between 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall. It was no gorilla or orang . The eyes reflected red, they were large, it had 2-3 inch fur everywhere except the face, domed head, hairless face and inside hands, dark skin on face, incisors like we do, but it was HUGE. She didn't print it, but when it ran to the side of the road, it reached up, grabbed those strands of barbed wire and SNAPPED them. I saw it happen and couldn't believe it. Incredible strength. Was told others saw it over time, but can't confirm this. 1973 was a long time ago . Our sighting was on Toutant Beauregard Rd. off Boerne Stage Rd. about 3 miles or so down the road. Again, don't know what we shot, but it didn't do more than grunt, pursue us for 20 yards or so then snap those wires and go away. Roland(guy with spotlight) always said that the thing was reaching out to grab him when he shined the light in it's eyes and startled it. Haven't seen the guys(except Felix) for 35 years or so...

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Looking through the BFRO website, their data base must not be complete. It claims no sighting in the county where I had my strange experience. I know for a fact that they did a show near here in my county, near my location. Evidently it must not be updated very often. The show I am referring to is the one where they coined the phrase (wood bugger). According to the data base, all other counties surrounding us has had confirmed sightings. Two adjoining counties has had multiple sightings, one with 3 and one with 4. If these things migrate or travel, the it is possible that it was only moving through the area. Another thing that I should mention is that not far from where I was hunting is a primitive campground, so possibly it was searching for or had smelled food and was coming to investigate. If they are curios as other animals are, then it would stand to reason that it was watching this campground or the people there. There are quite a few tents set up during the fall bow season as hunters camp out and hunt during the mild fall season. Anyway just another piece of the puzzle I suppose. Good Luck. rockhound

THANK YOU guys, for sharing your encounters and the details as well. As you said, these pieces of information, which may seem small by themselves, really are presenting us parts of the answer to the mystery. if we can fit them together, perhaps we can get at the truth.

To all - keep em coming! :icon_thumright::hello2:

To encourage more reports - I can tell you another incident which involved my brother. He was dating a young lady in the little village of Kingsley, PA at the time, and they had gone out for ice cream and a drive. He brought her home and as it was dusk (the sun had set) but during summers it remains well lit until 9 PM, they were in the young lady's yard chatting before he left to go home. As they were talking, a huge hairy man-like thing came up from the woods along the creek, and "trotted" across the grassy lawn in front of the church across the road from her home. The doors of the church are eight feet tall, and he said that its head was taller than the top of those doors. He also said that it seemed like its arms were a bit longer than they should be for a man, with the hands about even with the knees, and that it took strides over six feet apart. They looked for tracks but only found marks in the lawn like someone had scratched it with knives. I have always found my brother to be truthful so do not have reason to doubt the incident, and Kingsley sits in a valley surrounded by a lot of forested hills, with a large swamp to the north of town that stretches for seven or eight miles. Also, there were other sightings in Kingsley and around it in the same time period, including several dogs getting killed and tossed into the tops of trees. I can not vouch for those other reports however. The same brother also had another encounter north of the same town a year or so later, directly adjacent to the swamp and early in the morning, but did not get a good look at it that time.

Thank you all again, I look forward to reading more! :thumbsup:

Hey All,

I have been talking to Roy about what was happening with me, and then to my absolute amazement, I found something on youtube that corroborates my last story. If you don't want to listen to the entire interview, just go to the 22 minute mark, and you will hear Scott Nelson talking about hearing bigfoots mimicking woodpeckers in the Sierra Nevada Mts. I almost fell out of my chair when I heard that.

Best - Mike

Thank you Mike for sharing that - I would only add that it makes perfect sense; American Indians were known to mimick coyotes, owls etc in communicating, it would be perfectly logical and natural for a bigfoot to do much the same thing, to mimic natural wildlife.
Roy ~ Oroblanco

"Google" Native Americans & Native Canadians Legends of BIGFOOT... INTERESTING!

Around 1962 I was camping with my Boy Scout troop on Spring Creek between Forest Hill and Glenmora, Louisiana at the old Boy Scout Camp ground. There were no permanent structures close to this place just a clear spring fed creek with very very cold water by Louisiana standards and trails leading in all directions. This area would have been what was called no-mans land after the Louisiana Purchase. We don't have a lot of hills South of Alexandria in Louisiana but this area is part of the hill country and rings Alexandria from the South and on to the West into Texas. This area would have contained some of the trails that folks used to travel to the North and West from New Orleans to Natchitoches, LA and then on to Nacodoches TX. Native Americans and outlaws, some pirates, and a mix of all combined along with run away slaves, the locals called Red Bones inhabited this neck of the woods.

I was around 12 years old and was a bit of a non-conformist compared with the other Boy Scout types that were camping that night. Our troop used a tee-pee type tent like none of the other troops used, most of their tents looked more military style. This whole area was used to train the US Troops that were sent to fight in WW II. General Patton's troops even trained here.

Me and my friend pitched our tee-pee a good distance away from the rest and even across a ravine maybe 200 feet away from the rest of the troop. The only fires were where the rest of the troop was camped. I wanted to be away from all the noise and smoke. It was a cold clear fall night with a full moon. Me and my buddy went to sleep and sometime in the middle of the night I woke up

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Oroblanco, I couldn't finish my story but got around half way though. Think I will stay away from treasure.net until I can post and not be deleted. Maybe there is something that I do not know in the workings of this website that keeps me from posting some posts that may be longer than others? I think you would be interested in what I had to say regarding my encounter with a person or a being that has made an impression on my life.

Scar - thank you, yes I would be interested in hearing about your encounter. I don't know what may be causing the problems for length of the post, have run into that myself, something about only so many characters/spaces etc? I hope you will find a way to share the whole story,, thanks again.

to those who have actually encountered a squatch, I wonder if you had a feeling of danger? or curiosity? Did you sense it was liable to do you harm?

Oroblanco, I couldn't finish my story but got around half way though. Think I will stay away from treasure.net until I can post and not be deleted. Maybe there is something that I do not know in the workings of this website that keeps me from posting some posts that may be longer than others? I think you would be interested in what I had to say regarding my encounter with a person or a being that has made an impression on my life.

I wonder if your login timed out. I've had that happen on some sites. I type slow and sometimes it takes a while to get the words just right. Maybe try Word or Notepad to type up the story and then paste it into the message box.

The Lakota have stories of the big hairy man. I can't remember what book I read this in, but it said he was only seen by drunkards and potheads. A friend of mine claims to have seen something here in Kansas. But he's not that much of a drinker or pothead!!

to those who have actually encountered a squatch, I wonder if you had a feeling of danger? or curiosity? Did you sense it was liable to do you harm?

Hellooo,its a gigantic furry creature that's not a muppet!

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