Ever seen or had an encounter with a Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch?

Ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot?

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I thought you, of all people would pick up on what I was saying! I must have been close to a juvenile or female or something. I firmly believe that the woodpecker I heard was no woodpecker. I think it was something imitating a woodpecker to draw my attention away from something I was close to or looking at. Now, with that in mind reread my post. It will take on an entirely new meaning. There are a lot of animals that, if you get close to their nests, they will make a lot of noise, play like they are injured, and do all kinds of things to draw you away from their nests. At first, it sounded EXACTLY like a woodpecker hacking away at a tree, but when I didn't look at it, it kept getting louder and louder, until it became a caricature of what it was supposed to be.

If I am correct, then I am close to either a cave, or someplace they spend a lot of time in the Winter. When I go there during the Summer Months, I haven't seen or heard anything. I can almost get some reaction at will during the Winter Months. My goal is to see one. I don't care if I get a picture, or if the one I see kills me. I just want to see one up close. If I can do that, I could die a happy man! LOL Treasurebedamned!

Best - Mike

Howdy Mike,

Maybe it's a lost gold mine where they are holed up. Imagine that, finding a lost gold mine, and getting thrown over a cliff by a Bigfoot. Wonder if it's happened already to someone else? ???


YO ORO! Yeah. it IS fun, in the mountains; and YES, there is GOLD in the hills... BUT! MOST of it is owned by the FEDS... I am convinced that a DANG US Forest Service Ranger is dressing up as a BIGFOOT to keep ppl "in line". AND! The "Indians" had legends of "STRANGENESS" from SNP to the PEAKED MOUNTAIN (Massanutten); the ppl ("Indians") fed the "Strange Ones" BASKETS OF NUTS, hence the word... MASSANUTTEN. I have seen lights (pre-resort days) from my home town of Shenandoah, Va. flying & hovering around that mountain range, and when I rented a place with another guy in the resort area, later... you could "feel" spooky eyes watching, as you drove up to "the Lodge" at night... for coffee, HA!

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Howdy Mike,

Maybe it's a lost gold mine where they are holed up. Imagine that, finding a lost gold mine, and getting thrown over a cliff by a Bigfoot. Wonder if it's happened already to someone else? ???


I wish, but probably not. I have panned the creek that runs along one side of this mt. Very little color. If ya gotta go, at least go in an interesting way! LOL

I have to say that the whole woodpecker thing was kind of freaky. I was standing just a bit uphill from the middle picture. To think that something was watching me, and trying to draw me away from from something by imitating another animal. Shows some intelligence.


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I guess you could say I don't believe, I need scientific evidence, not stories

Mike - I kind of thought that might be a female trying to draw your attention away from a 'nest' but you would know better than I, being on the spot - if the imitation were perfect or not quite etc. Anyway even if it were a woodpecker, the behavior would tell me that something else is present that is not in your sight, perhaps very close! How would you feel if you learned that you had been say, four feet away from an infant bigfoot, with an eight foot mother behind a tree near by trying to draw you away? Be careful going back up there amigo, I know that most say that bigfoot are non-aggressive but any critter can be dangerous if they feel their young are in danger.

Reb - man it just keeps getting better and better! Mysterious lights at night, and you have gotten the distinct impression that an effort is being made to keep people OUT, etc. Definitely worth investigating further IMHO. I hope you will keep us posted? Side note but I am fairly certain that some of the land grabbing in VA was aimed at known gold deposits - just check out a map of all the state prisons, then compare it with the known gold mines of VA. One or two could be coincidence but...?

Roy ~ Oroblanco

wow, you even know how a female squatch acts? you remind me of an article I read decades ago. From no more that a footprint in solidified mud, some scientist knew the size and habits of a pre human in africa. Knew what it ate and everything. truly amazing

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JDDDL8-221009-143435.webpThe piliated are a foot plus tall as adults and are loud for sure.
However like their smaller cousins when close you can here scratching of tail feathers being used to grip bark, and piliated I notice more, will make a couple three kind of squack/screech and then listen for insect or larva movement in the tree they,re on,between some poundings as well..No, not a sound confused with a mammal to me.

View attachment 896032The piliated are a foot plus tall as adults and are loud for sure.
However like their smaller cousins when close you can here scratching of tail feathers being used to grip bark, and piliated I notice more, will make a couple three kind of squack/screech and then listen for insect or larva movement in the tree they,re on,between some poundings as well..No, not a sound confused with a mammal to me.


Mike - I kind of thought that might be a female trying to draw your attention away from a 'nest' but you would know better than I, being on the spot - if the imitation were perfect or not quite etc. Anyway even if it were a woodpecker, the behavior would tell me that something else is present that is not in your sight, perhaps very close! How would you feel if you learned that you had been say, four feet away from an infant bigfoot, with an eight foot mother behind a tree near by trying to draw you away? Be careful going back up there amigo, I know that most say that bigfoot are non-aggressive but any critter can be dangerous if they feel their young are in danger.

Reb - man it just keeps getting better and better! Mysterious lights at night, and you have gotten the distinct impression that an effort is being made to keep people OUT, etc. Definitely worth investigating further IMHO. I hope you will keep us posted? Side note but I am fairly certain that some of the land grabbing in VA was aimed at known gold deposits - just check out a map of all the state prisons, then compare it with the known gold mines of VA. One or two could be coincidence but...?

Roy ~ Oroblanco

Roy/Oro, think you are correct; was Administrator at Buckingham Corrections (MAX Prison) in Va. STATE owned land on GOLD MINE ROAD... LOL!


I grew up in New Orleans, and my family has a cabin on the Spring River in North Central Arkansas that we went to every Summer. I am very familiar with the Pileated Woodpecker. Unfortunately those monsters don't range this far South in California. We do get the smaller Acorn Woodpecker (yes, I did have to look that up because I am not a birder). I have spent many a night under the stars and days in the woods listening to Woodpeckers. The first few times did sound exactly like a Woodpecker. As the raps kept getting progressively louder, it became very obvious that it was something imitating a woodpecker. That I can guarantee. What it was, I couldn't say for 100% because I didn't see it.


It's not that he knows how a female Sasquatch acts. As I stated before, MANY animals put on a big show to draw a predator's attention away from their nests. I remember seeing a video of some bird that when a predator came near its' nest, it would bend its wing so it looked broken, then limp around making all kinds of racket to draw the predator away from its' young. It is common in nature.

The big difference between that and what happened to me was not a mother putting on a show, it was something imitating another creature to get my attention. Very different acts.


After the whole incident was over, I wondered what might have happened if I had decided not to turn around that last time, and moved forward uphill. Gave me chills the first time I thought about the possibilities.


Rebel-KGC wrote
was Administrator at Buckingham Corrections (MAX Prison) in Va. STATE owned land on GOLD MINE ROAD..

Reb - Wow again amigo, heck now I KNOW we have crossed paths before! I did not work at Buckingham but did go there on a prison-wide shakedown search once, in fact I liked it so well there that I put in for a transfer. (Didn't get that unfortunately) At the time I was working at Powhatan (Max security) which you probably know well, Beautiful country though, and FULL of mysteries!

Jeff - I see that our mutual amigo Mike has already explained it, but just so you don't get the idea that we are pretending we KNOW a book full of facts on bigfoot, here it is:

We do not KNOW very much at all about Bigfoot.

What we have are mainly observations by witnesses, which if you read through the reports, you can find common patterns of behavior. As we can also compare this with known animal behavior of other animals, we can make logical reasoning about bigfoot behavior. It is a safe bet that (assuming they are real, and when you see one you don't have to assume any more) they must eat, they must drink, they must rest, defecate, breed and raise young. As to what they eat, it is logical that they would be omnivores, eating what ever foods are available when found and where found. It is what our ancestors did before we started using fire and hunting for meat, and as far as I know, no one has ever seen a bigfoot using fire so it may be safe to assume that they do not use fire.

If you read that DNA study and agree with the findings (that they are a type of humans, which Dr Ketchum termed as "Forest people") which would explain for a lot of observed behavior as well as being so expert at escape and evasion, avoiding detection by us and so on.

I know that the crew on some of these TV shows on hunting bigfoot, makes all kinds of statements about how we "know" that bigfoot are hunting deer, and eating fish, etc well I must respectfully disagree with these kinds of statements, there are danged few eyewitness accounts of seeing bigfoot hunting deer or catching fish, most often the bigfoot is seen looking at the witness or crossing a road etc; the bigfoot detects the human presence before we see them so any behavior seen may not be what they normally do to stay alive or look for food, shelter etc. As an example of the point I am trying to get at (mainly to refute our TV bigfoot "experts") when a human encounters a gorilla in the jungle, the gorilla may beat on the bushes and trees, pound his chest etc - this is not behavior the animal was doing to get his daily lunch, it was a reaction to the human present. To me, it seems quite logical that a bigfoot very well might imitate another animal or bird, to try to somehow distract aa human that had ventured too close to its young, and might even become dangerously aggressive if it thought you were trying to hurt its offspring just as most any animal will. Heck I had a female pronghorn pretend it had a broken leg (or injured) and ran in circles one day out in a large pasture, as it had a baby fawn hiding in a clump of grass and I had gotten too close to it. (I think I have photos of that baby, when I say close I mean close enough to have grabbed it) Anyway to sum it up, we don't KNOW much about bigfoot behavior at all, but ARE trying to learn!

Thank you again to everyone for your posts and sharing the experiences - keep 'em coming! :thumbsup:

Rebel-KGC wrote

Reb - Wow again amigo, heck now I KNOW we have crossed paths before! I did not work at Buckingham but did go there on a prison-wide shakedown search once, in fact I liked it so well there that I put in for a transfer. (Didn't get that unfortunately) At the time I was working at Powhatan (Max security) which you probably know well, Beautiful country though, and FULL of mysteries!

Jeff - I see that our mutual amigo Mike has already explained it, but just so you don't get the idea that we are pretending we KNOW a book full of facts on bigfoot, here it is:

We do not KNOW very much at all about Bigfoot.

What we have are mainly observations by witnesses, which if you read through the reports, you can find common patterns of behavior. As we can also compare this with known animal behavior of other animals, we can make logical reasoning about bigfoot behavior. It is a safe bet that (assuming they are real, and when you see one you don't have to assume any more) they must eat, they must drink, they must rest, defecate, breed and raise young. As to what they eat, it is logical that they would be omnivores, eating what ever foods are available when found and where found. It is what our ancestors did before we started using fire and hunting for meat, and as far as I know, no one has ever seen a bigfoot using fire so it may be safe to assume that they do not use fire.

If you read that DNA study and agree with the findings (that they are a type of humans, which Dr Ketchum termed as "Forest people") which would explain for a lot of observed behavior as well as being so expert at escape and evasion, avoiding detection by us and so on.

I know that the crew on some of these TV shows on hunting bigfoot, makes all kinds of statements about how we "know" that bigfoot are hunting deer, and eating fish, etc well I must respectfully disagree with these kinds of statements, there are danged few eyewitness accounts of seeing bigfoot hunting deer or catching fish, most often the bigfoot is seen looking at the witness or crossing a road etc; the bigfoot detects the human presence before we see them so any behavior seen may not be what they normally do to stay alive or look for food, shelter etc. As an example of the point I am trying to get at (mainly to refute our TV bigfoot "experts") when a human encounters a gorilla in the jungle, the gorilla may beat on the bushes and trees, pound his chest etc - this is not behavior the animal was doing to get his daily lunch, it was a reaction to the human present. To me, it seems quite logical that a bigfoot very well might imitate another animal or bird, to try to somehow distract aa human that had ventured too close to its young, and might even become dangerously aggressive if it thought you were trying to hurt its offspring just as most any animal will. Heck I had a female pronghorn pretend it had a broken leg (or injured) and ran in circles one day out in a large pasture, as it had a baby fawn hiding in a clump of grass and I had gotten too close to it. (I think I have photos of that baby, when I say close I mean close enough to have grabbed it) Anyway to sum it up, we don't KNOW much about bigfoot behavior at all, but ARE trying to learn!

Thank you again to everyone for your posts and sharing the experiences - keep 'em coming! :thumbsup:

YEP, Oro... I knew you were at PCC. I was at BuCC (MAX. Sec. PRIS.) 1989-1992; WONDERFUL life, it was. As TPS/TOD, carried a 5 shot sub-nose 38. Had training, etc. in Waynesboro (Academy) & at Bucc (firing range); AR-15 was my "fave"... did very well with it. We DID have "Shake-Downs" & "Lock-Downs"; FUN, wasn't it! HA!

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REB - fun fun FUN amigo, why sometimes it was a downright RIOT! :laughing7: I did like your country there though buddy, just couldn't make it happen at the time. Can't disagree with you either, it really was a pretty good life despite being what it was.

I am not sure whether I was being stalked or just that something or someone was curious about me. Anyway it did cause an uneasy feeling knowing something was imitating me by walking along side of me. I have heard similar stories of bigfoots walking alongside hikers or hunters, staying just out of sight. Several times in the woods I have had the strange feeling of being watched, but haven't seen who or what was watching me. Around here we have many bears, bobcats, coyotes, and occasionally a puma or panther, but these animals, although unpredictable, seem not to act like whatever that was that day. It is really a mystery why it didn't follow me all the way out, as I figured it would. I was prepared to shoot whatever it was when it appeared, but never got the chance. Good Luck. rockhound

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I am not sure whether I was being stalked or just that something or someone was curious about me. Anyway it did cause an uneasy feeling knowing something was imitating me by walking along side of me. I have heard similar stories of bigfoots walking alongside hikers or hunters, staying just out of sight. Several times in the woods I have had the strange feeling of being watched, but haven't seen who or what was watching me. Around here we have many bears, bobcats, coyotes, and occasionally a puma or panther, but these animals, although unpredictable, seem not to act like whatever that was that day. It is really a mystery why it didn't follow me all the way out, as I figured it would. I was prepared to shoot whatever it was when it appeared, but never got the chance. Good Luck. rockhound

It might have been just what you think - curious! There are a lot of reports that seem to indicate that bigfoot is a curious being, often watching humans in a camp, or even peering in through winddows, but not making any attempt to openly contact them at the same time. Perhaps it sensed that if it pressed you too closely, it would have been shot? Not trying to sound smug about it, but you know how some animals can sense what a human is intending, whether fear or friendliness, aggression etc; may be something like reading body language which is the language of the animal kingdom in general. You know what I mean? As in, it could see you giving ground or retreating, but not really fearful to the point of panic, perhaps you were showing a confidence that you could defend yourself. I can't think of a great way to explain this so I hope you know what I mean? It is tempting to speculate what might have happened had you not decided to let the thing have the ground, just to stand your ground so to speak, or even to display a friendly attitude? Would it have attacked, retreated itself, or maybe have made some attempt to communicate? Some primate researchers <like Jane Goodall***, Dian Fossey for examples> have had success with just acting non-aggressive, not looking directly into the eyes of a gorilla for instance, and a sing-song, pleasant voice like sometimes done to small children to make them smile and so on. It would take a LOT of nerve to do that with something as big and potentially dangerous as a bigfoot, not sure I could do it.

Thank you again amigo, I hope you ahve a very pleasant day! :thumbsup:

Roy ~ Oroblanco

***Almost forgot this, but for our skeptics willing to keep an open mind, Jane Goodall expressed her views in an interview supporting the existence of bigfoot in North America. A transcript is online at: Transcript of Dr. Jane Goodall's Comments on NPR Regarding Sasquatch here is an extract:
Dr. Goodall: Well now, you'll be amazed when I tell you that I'm sure that they exist.


Have you ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot or Sasquatch? I would like to hear any experiences, including even if you did not actually see it. Thank you in advance,

Oro... what I find hard to believe are the nitwits who are hunting for one. To kill it. My thoughts are a bit like the Links Beef Jerky ads where messing with Sasquatch is a bad idea. Hope the hunters get a taste of them. Just sayin'.......................

Many sightings in Colorado although I have not seen any. Here's a map with 99 of 112 BF sightings reported:

Report Locations for Colorado

PRF investigates also:
Bigfoot - Sasquatch | Paranormal Research Forum

Chuck at UFOlogy & Paranormal Field Investigation ? UFO Nut.com ? Unconventional Flying Objects Nonhuman Unidentifiable Technologies has been investigating BF, cattle mutilations, UFO and paranormal reports for many years. "The" expert on these matters in the Rocky Mountain areas.

but it's a bit amazing that no hunters with high powered rifles see any, yet I bet there are more of them in the wilds than detectors

Native Indian legends say in the early morning, while drinking water, the Female BF project a do-not-see-me thought to anyone around them. Both male & female BF are presumed to be telepathic and pick up human or dangerous intentions and hide. Believed to live underground and are vegetarians. They are said to smell really bad so maybe they can't smell humans? My first time in the mountains, before dawn, the scariest noise I heard were Elk bugles. Geez................... But the recorded BF screetches would cause me to change my pants.

Here's yer sign.............


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