Ever seen or had an encounter with a Bigfoot, aka Sasquatch?

Ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot?

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    Votes: 10 15.2%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 13 19.7%
  • No

    Votes: 43 65.2%

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someone 'reporting' seeing a sandhill crane is only a report not proof. a feather or pootypoo or a bone could prove it. It's called evidence. There is evidence that they do exist. Bigfoot? not so much. All we have is reports and very unclear pics and videos.
A creature so large must leave pootypoo and bones. yet none have been found. Not one has been found dead. Have none ever died in a forest fire? Have not one ever been hit by a car or truck? They never fall and die? They never freeze to death? None ever starve to death? They never leave any sign of where they live?

Perhaps if you did some research into the topic you might find some of the very types of evidence you list;

Droppings have been collected, and DNA tests attempted
Blood from a nail board "bear detterent" was collected and also DNA tested,
Foot prints, hand prints, even body prints have been found, photographed and cataloged, casts made in which dermal ridges are found
In the Mt St Helens eruption in the northwest a few years ago, in which several bigfoot were supposedly killed, the bodies removed by govt helicopters
A bigfoot was indeed hit by a car and then chased several miles by a local sheriff and ambulance crew, which I can't find the article at the moment but yes they do get hit
Bigfoot Evidence: Juvenile Bigfoot Purportedly Hit By a Car in JC Johnson's Research Area

Bigfoot Evidence: On October 23 at 2 AM, a Bigfoot was hit by car near High Knob VA

Look amigo it is not my job to try to convince you, in fact that is not the purpose of this thread; the question is have you had an encounter with a bigfoot, or sasquatch, skunk ape etc? Do a little research of your own and don't take my word on it. Here are a few sites that are researching these mysterious critters:
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
GCBRO Main Page
Cryptomundo - for Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents and More - Blog Home
Bigfoot pictures, bigfoot sounds, bigfoot photos, bigfoot video, bigfoot sightings

Even on the Quantico Marine Corps base they have had bigfoot incidents;
Cryptomundo » Yesterday in Bigfoot History | 1977 | U.S. Marines Ordered to Stay Silent on Bigfoot
In this case the USMC has contracted with a wildlife biologist, whom has set camera traps on the base.

Your approach seems to think that if bigfoot exists then dead bigfoot MUST be laying around all over the place, when in reality even somewhat common animals are almost never found dead like mountain lions or bears. In this case we are talking about a species that is much more rare than mountain lions or bears and may well be intelligent enough (being a type of human) that they may have a way to conceal their dead, as in burying them for instance. Heck the prestigious Oxford U is doing a DNA study on hominids right now, with the results soon to be published.

Try to keep an open mind amigo, of course seeing is believing and I don't really expect to convince you of anything just by arguing on a forum. I thought bigfoot/skunk ape/sasquatch were a bunch of BS until encountering one myself. Maybe you will encounter one in the future?

Gollum - way cool Mike! I am a bit amazed that you got a photo, it never seems to work out that I have a camera handy when I want one. What do you think it was, that paid you the visit? I can't see a bear throwing rocks, that is a behavior only among higher primates, somethihg about needing a thumb to hold the rocks. Thank you for sharing the photos, wish I could have been with you. (I would have been WAY behind you of course! :laughing7:) I have to agree with you 100% about these various different TV "bigfoot finders" for they are seeing a 'skwatch" in every shadow or snapped twig, make loads of noise and talk even while walking in to each site, then proceed to blast out calls, screams, wood knocking etc if there were a bigfoot within earshot they would have driven it FAR away. Any hunter can tell them that you do not blast your calls, nor call very often or you simply frighten away the game, and the wood knocking was a very rare thing observed in just a handful of sighting reports until these jerks got onto TV.

And it has happened - a bigfoot hunter shot another bigfoot hunter.
Cryptomundo » Uh Oh, Sasquatch Hunter Shoots Another?

I think this was just a matter of time, with the stupid TV shows implanting the notion into heads that probably ought not ever carry a gun. One of these shows, "Mountain Monsters" on the History channel, has a 'crew' that does much the same thing - blazing away with their guns at shadows in the distance. This is the kind of idiocy I don't like.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek - and thank you again for the stories! Keep 'em coming! :icon_thumleft:

PS almost forgot by YO REB! :hello::hello2:It is good to see ya posting amigo!

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Roy, I have always wanted to see one, as I have always thought there was a better than average possibility they existed.

About a year ago, I got a big surprise at a spot where I do a lot of camping. I am not going to give out the location as I don't want a bunch of idiots running through this place whooping and batting trees. HAHAHA. I had climbed up one ridge to a nice scenic spot. Got the entire camp set up before dark. The ridge I was on was very rocky without a lot of trees.

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The next ridge over was loaded with trees. Just at dusk, I heard some deep huffing off in the distance. Sounded like a big bear (there are some bears around this place). I always carry two 9oz shots of bear mace. I sat down between two rocks, pulled my balaclava down over my face, and stayed as quiet as I could. On the next ridge over , I could hear something moving up the very steep mountainside. When I looked a little closer, I could see the tops of the trees moving like something VERY BIG was using them to pull itself up the very steep mt. I pulled out my camera. I THOUGHT I had set it to video, hit the button, and got a still pic instead of a video. No snow UNDER the trees to get footprints, and the ground was frozen. I did get a pic of some VERY "LITTLE FEET" (ground squirrel probably).

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About two months after that, I had about a dozen rocks tossed towards me and more deep huffing at a place about a half mile from the first place. All I could think of for the three hours it was happening was, "BEARS DON"T THROW ROCKS!" I didn't camp at that spot. Now, about five months later, we sold a car to a Park Ranger who worked in the area for many years. He knew my location very well. I asked him if he had ever seen or heard anything strange there. He laughed and told me that he had only heard noises he couldn't explain, but one of the Rangers in his office has a picture of a Sasquatch on his desk. I asked him if he knew where it was taken. He told me the spot, and I laughed because I had camped there MANY times. So. I started spending more time there.

One night, I started hearing noises of someone/something circling around my camp. Along one side of my camp, there was a little creek bed that was about five feet deep. I started taking a lot of pics with and without flash. I did manage to get a blobsquatch pic. Whatever it was, it was in the creek bed, peeking over the edge at me.

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Oh yeah, I did edit the exif and delete the GPS Coord. 8-)

Best - Mike

Next time you go back to camp at this spot, take some trail cams and set them up at various spots you have heard the noises coming from etc. This way you will get your photos.

I once thought I saw a big hairy bigfoot. Then I realised I was in Greece :p

And yes we even have a bigfoot type creature here in Australia, our variety of species is called the "yowie" and has been reported for centuries right back to the old aboriginal stories.

Australian Yowie Research - Home

MoMo, the Missouri Monster...? Or... "google" Frozen Bigfoot Discovered: Minnesota Iceman Returns.

Perhaps if you did some research into the topic you might find some of the very types of evidence you list;

Droppings have been collected, and DNA tests attempted
Blood from a nail board "bear detterent" was collected and also DNA tested,
Foot prints, hand prints, even body prints have been found, photographed and cataloged, casts made in which dermal ridges are found
In the Mt St Helens eruption in the northwest a few years ago, in which several bigfoot were supposedly killed, the bodies removed by govt helicopters
A bigfoot was indeed hit by a car and then chased several miles by a local sheriff and ambulance crew, which I can't find the article at the moment but yes they do get hit
Bigfoot Evidence: Juvenile Bigfoot Purportedly Hit By a Car in JC Johnson's Research Area

Bigfoot Evidence: On October 23 at 2 AM, a Bigfoot was hit by car near High Knob VA

Look amigo it is not my job to try to convince you, in fact that is not the purpose of this thread; the question is have you had an encounter with a bigfoot, or sasquatch, skunk ape etc? Do a little research of your own and don't take my word on it. Here are a few sites that are researching these mysterious critters:
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
GCBRO Main Page
Cryptomundo - for Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, Sea Serpents and More - Blog Home
Bigfoot pictures, bigfoot sounds, bigfoot photos, bigfoot video, bigfoot sightings

Even on the Quantico Marine Corps base they have had bigfoot incidents;
Cryptomundo » Yesterday in Bigfoot History | 1977 | U.S. Marines Ordered to Stay Silent on Bigfoot
In this case the USMC has contracted with a wildlife biologist, whom has set camera traps on the base.

Your approach seems to think that if bigfoot exists then dead bigfoot MUST be laying around all over the place, when in reality even somewhat common animals are almost never found dead like mountain lions or bears. In this case we are talking about a species that is much more rare than mountain lions or bears and may well be intelligent enough (being a type of human) that they may have a way to conceal their dead, as in burying them for instance. Heck the prestigious Oxford U is doing a DNA study on hominids right now, with the results soon to be published.

Try to keep an open mind amigo, of course seeing is believing and I don't really expect to convince you of anything just by arguing on a forum. I thought bigfoot/skunk ape/sasquatch were a bunch of BS until encountering one myself. Maybe you will encounter one in the future?

Gollum - way cool Mike! I am a bit amazed that you got a photo, it never seems to work out that I have a camera handy when I want one. What do you think it was, that paid you the visit? I can't see a bear throwing rocks, that is a behavior only among higher primates, somethihg about needing a thumb to hold the rocks. Thank you for sharing the photos, wish I could have been with you. (I would have been WAY behind you of course! :laughing7:) I have to agree with you 100% about these various different TV "bigfoot finders" for they are seeing a 'skwatch" in every shadow or snapped twig, make loads of noise and talk even while walking in to each site, then proceed to blast out calls, screams, wood knocking etc if there were a bigfoot within earshot they would have driven it FAR away. Any hunter can tell them that you do not blast your calls, nor call very often or you simply frighten away the game, and the wood knocking was a very rare thing observed in just a handful of sighting reports until these jerks got onto TV.

And it has happened - a bigfoot hunter shot another bigfoot hunter.
Cryptomundo » Uh Oh, Sasquatch Hunter Shoots Another?

I think this was just a matter of time, with the stupid TV shows implanting the notion into heads that probably ought not ever carry a gun. One of these shows, "Mountain Monsters" on the History channel, has a 'crew' that does much the same thing - blazing away with their guns at shadows in the distance. This is the kind of idiocy I don't like.

Good luck and good hunting amigos, I hope you find the treasures that you seek - and thank you again for the stories! Keep 'em coming! :icon_thumleft:

PS almost forgot by YO REB! :hello::hello2:It is good to see ya posting amigo!

YO! YEP! Got a BIGFOOT somewhere in Shenandoah National Park, above Stanardsville, Va. (Greene County, Va.), I think. "Google" BIGFOOT sightings in Virginia. Putting on my hiking boots, now...

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Bigfoot is like so 1970's.....totally. :headbang:

I didn't comment earlier, my mind went straight to "you met a golem"!
MAN, I wasn't gonna touch THAT one........ LOL!
I also thought you may have been to comic-con or talking that lord of the rings cosplay, or something. LOL!

GOLLUM! Ok, now I'm up to speed, lol!
You can almost see that bigfoots little face and eyes! But then again, that could just be my brains pareidolia effect?
I wish you could get some trail-cams up there! It looks like beautiful country! Do you still go up to that area much? Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

I also saw that cave-man in ice, down in S Ga. I was about 8 or 9 yrs old, it came to our new mall. It would be really hard to say, real or unreal, from the memory and mind of a child. I do believe it was the early 70's, timeframe, that it came around.
Ronzie, I left you your demon story on the other thread, maybe it can entertain you some.

I too, want to see pics, films, and stories of the bigfeets! I did read some of the links you provided Oroblanco, thanks for those. I hope to review some of the other links later, thanks again.


I always wanted to get back to the land of OZ. Only place I have been there is Perth, WA. Loved it! I don't think I'll try the trail cams. Of the thousands that are in use right now, only one or two might have actually gotten anything. I personally believe they can smell the plastics that they are made of. I know bears can. I also believe that they may be able to see a little broader light spectrum than we can. If they can see into the infra-red, then they can see us coming for miles.

My favorite line from "Finding Bigfoot" is from Mat Moneymaker. He says it every show, "I have been hunting Bigfoot for 25 years!" If I had been hunting ANYTHING for 25 years with nothing to show for it, I would never admit it! HAHAHA If you want to see how NOT to find a Bigfoot, do what they do on the show. I personally think that the best way to find one, is to go where they have been reported a lot. gather up some brush for a hide, get camo'd up, and sit quietly through the night.


I had a camera because there are a few places I go looking for these things. Whenever I go there, I have a minimum of four cameras (video, Waterproof-shockproof digi, Canon SX50HS w/50x zoom, Pentax DSLR). I even have a dash cam I run the whole way in and out (if something runs across the road, I want to make sure I record it).

I also believe that they migrate along mountain ranges. Look through the lists of sightings and you will see a preponderance of way North Sightings in the summertime. When it gets very cold up there, they travel from Canada, along the mountain ranges down to maybe the lower Sierras, San Gabriels. There have been sightings in the desert in Joshua Tree, even down East of L.A. near the old Fontana Drag strip.

Best - Mike

When I was in high school back in the 1970's we took a ski trip up to Colorado,and while riding up on a ski lift,I got to sit with my Science teacher.We both saw something down on the ground that looked like a Yeti you see in the movies.We couldn't tell how big he really was ,but it had shaggy looking hair and wasn't as brown as a bear,the chair behind us saw it to.

Ronzie, I left you your demon story on the other thread, maybe it can entertain you some.

Yes I read that. One serious cure for conquering your demons is to get involved in martial arts at a good dojo and stick with it for many years. Actually I've made it part of my life. So many positives and no negatives. When people first think of taking a martial art, most think of it only in a physical way. Once you've reached the higher levels it becomes clear it is mostly for the mind. Inner aggression becomes non existent.
The hurting of animals was disturbing.

As for bigfoot I remember as a kid going to see In Search of Bigfoot. I'd love them to actually exist, but as you know I would need solid proof, not people saying they saw one. How many people have hunted for these? Even if they're super elusive there should be more proof by now.


Have you ever had an encounter with a Bigfoot or Sasquatch? I would like to hear any experiences, including even if you did not actually see it. Thank you in advance,


Only when rolling over after a night of heavy drinking when I was younger...

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

well sure if I saw one I would believe. I watch the shows about em. But reports are not enough for me. If reports were enough I would believe in ufo's, nessie, unicorns, and honest politicians

I have never seen one, BUT, one morning while bow hunting in a new location, I walked an old drag road to the top of a small mountain. Being in a national forest, I suppose it was used by Forest personnel for some reason. Next to this drag road was a small creek and then a huge laurel thicket, so thick, in fact, that you couldn't see very far into it. After hunting most of the morning, I decided to return to the truck for some dinner, which I had forget to take with me. I was probably a mile or more from the main road, and while quietly slipping back down the road I heard a noise. I had this feeling of being watched, a weird feeling indeed. Then I heard the sound of something or someone walking in the laurel thicket. When I took a few steps, it would take a few steps. When I stopped, it stopped. It seemed to be parelleling me for some reason. I am not afraid of the woods, and have seen most north American animals. but whatever it was unnerved me. I cautiously watched the thicket and kept walking. About 3/4 of the way back, the thicket opened up to big timber. I had already decided that whatever it was, I would have to confront it then. It stopped short of the open woods, and never showed itself. It sounded too big for a cat, and a bear wouldn't have had that kind of patience to follow along at a distance, anyway around here bears will run at the sight or smell of a human. Evidently it never meant me any harm. So what was it? A bigfoot? I would like to know. rockhound

Half the sightings are probably just hippies. :laughing7:

Yes I read that. One serious cure for conquering your demons is to get involved in martial arts at a good dojo and stick with it for many years. Actually I've made it part of my life. So many positives and no negatives. When people first think of taking a martial art, most think of it only in a physical way. Once you've reached the higher levels it becomes clear it is mostly for the mind. Inner aggression becomes non existent.
The hurting of animals was disturbing.

As for bigfoot I remember as a kid going to see In Search of Bigfoot. I'd love them to actually exist, but as you know I would need solid proof, not people saying they saw one. How many people have hunted for these? Even if they're super elusive there should be more proof by now.


Many of the reports were given by hunters. They absolutely were going to shoot, until they got a good look through a scope. They said the creature looked so human, they couldn't pull the trigger.


After posting so much about this subject, I had to drive out to where most of the things have happened. Climbed up the steep trail part way. Everything was very still and quiet. There were several large rock formations above where I was. When I turned to face about 45 degrees left from the top of the mountain, I started hearing a woodpecker knocking on a tree. Sounded like it was about 100-150 feet from me. I turned to face the sound and the woodpecker stopped knocking. I turned back to keep looking where I had been looking. About 5 seconds later, the woodpecker started going at it again. This time I didn't turn around. The woodpecker started knocking progressively louder. About 7 or 8 raps at a time. It got so loud that it was all I could do to look like I didn't hear it. It got so insanely loud, that I couldn't help but turn to look. The second my body was turned, I heard something move quickly from behind one of the rock outcrops around the opposite side of the hill. That dang woodpecker stopped knocking at the same time. Didn't knock again the whole time I was there. Funny thing, HUH?

Here are some older pics of how steep this mountain is and all the trees there are.

View attachment 895601 P1020085sm.webp P1020112sm.webp P1020084sm.webp

Best - Mike

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Reb - sounds like a blast, hope you get lucky and get a few photos! I love that area you are heading to - if you don't find any critters you just might find a little gold! :thumbsup:

Ronzie , Jeff Gordon- OK got it, you don't believe in them and I take that as a big no, you have never had an encounter. Thank you.

Produce guy - how long did you have that thing in your view? Did you get to see it walk? Thank you for sharing the experience.

Rockhound - that is kind of a creepy encounter what ever it was! I don't like any thing (or anyone) to be stalking me, which is what it sounds like that thing was doing to you. Maybe it is a good thing that you did not get to see it! Thank you too for sharing.

Mike - what a beautiful place! That country looks mighty steep to me, and judging by the timber I am guessing that it is fairly high in elevation too. That is strange the way the woodpecker behaved; I wonder if it was not reacting to something else, that was keeping hidden but keeping an eye on you?

Those guys on Finding Bigfoot are laughable - it ought to be a clue <to them> that they are not even getting near any ordinary wildlife most of the time, that they are making way too much noise, motion etc and not once have I ever heard them say a word about the wind direction. You know well that all animals must have food (sources) cover and water, and these guys rarely even take that into account.

I think you are right Mike about the game trail cams too - as you pointed out, bears can smell the plastic, and there are electronics inside, which also have a smell that even a human being can smell. It is not a natural scent, would be a danger signal I think. Maybe an older, mechanical camera made of metal, rigged with a trip wire might have better luck but again scent could very well be an issue. Thank you again for sharing the pics and experience amigo, I am jealous of you (again!). Anyway even scientists state that Neanderthals are thought to have a sense of smell equal to that of a dog, which is a couple thousand times more sensitive than our own. A wild breed of humans is very likely to have that ability.

Thank you all for your posts, including folks whom are not "believers" clearly even you have an interest in the topic or you would not be reading this. I guess I should add a story here too.

When I was a teenager, several friends and I got together to investigate a story about a haunted spot. The story was that in the 1920s, a family had gotten into a fatal wreck at a nasty curve on PA route 92, the car ending up down in the creek (which would be a good sized river by western standards) and all were killed. This particular curve in the highway was so sharp and had caused so many fatal accidents that the state eventually cut it off and straightened the highway, so the old highway now runs off into just woods, no homes or anything is on it. Supposedly, if you were to go park on that old cutoff on a night with a full moon, you would see four sets of glowing eyes come up out of the oxbow of the creek (also cut off by the new road) and float across the road, before continuing on up the hill.

So we went out in one car, and sat there several hours on a full moon night. Nothing was happening, and I was about to tell my buddies I was ready to quit, when suddenly the driver sat back in his seat, his face very white; he quickly started the car and took off! I yelled at him to stop, saying what is the matter with you? He said didn't you see that? About that time I heard the heavy footfalls of something running up behind the car, and grabbing at the back of it. He hit the gas again and took off, and would not stop until we got to town.

In town we enlisted several other buddies with flashlights and headed back, but on returning to the spot only found huge wet footprints and some beaten down brush where something had come up from that swampy oxbow. My buddy told me that he saw a huge man-like thing come up from the pond, stepped right in front of the car (I was of course looking the wrong way!) and it just "loomed" over the car. We did find scratches in the paint on the rear of the car too, which were much larger than a man's hand span. But only he had seen it, the rest of us had been watching down on the pond looking for floating ghostly eyes. He said it was ten feet tall if it was an inch, and the wet footprints were a good two feet long. I don't know if that was a bigfoot or what, but do wish that I had simply looked forward when my buddy spotted it.

Thank you again to everyone, keep em coming! :icon_thumleft:

And yes we even have a bigfoot type creature here in Australia, our variety of species is called the "yowie" and has been reported for centuries right back to the old aboriginal stories.

Australian Yowie Research - Home

Thank you for the link amigo! I did not know they had any info online, should be interesting! :icon_thumleft:

Go to bigfootencounters.com, go down and click on Stories, sightings, encounters and then scroll dow and check the right hand list for Texas, Bexar County 1973. This is a record of our sighting on the Bexar County line. (The person who operated this site(Bobbie{Roberta} Short has passed away, but her grandson keeps the site up). I used to laugh too...

Go to bigfootencounters.com, go down and click on Stories, sightings, encounters and then scroll dow and check the right hand list for Texas, Bexar County 1973. This is a record of our sighting on the Bexar County line. (The person who operated this site(Bobbie{Roberta} Short has passed away, but her grandson keeps the site up). I used to laugh too...

Austin - thank you for sharing that - can you recall that smell, I mean do you think you could say it smelled like "_____" (your word, I don't want to suggest anything)? Do you think your buddy hit it? Thank you in advance,

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