Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
i know this a old thread but i saw it and had to post
i was detecting a old house site were i got a good many things (coins,ball lids etc.) and i get this slamming high tone as i'm digging i found out it was the old chimney. so i filled it back in but as i was filling the hole back in i fell in flat on my face the worse part was there was two people walking by and they busted out laughing. i got up filled the hole back in and left like it didn't happen

Been there! Lol thanks for sharing.
This thread is ancient but the subject is ongoing/never-ending.
Started simply and just took on a life of its own.

Many have written me to say thanks for it but all I did was title it with a thought that touches on everyone!

Some have said it gave them something to do when weather keeps them locked inside.

Feel free to add! :)

Never found any targets twice but I remember hunting a soccer field in the winter and reaching down for my pin-pointer only to find no pin-pointer. I jumped up and in a panic scanned all over the field hoping to get a glimpse of it. In a panic I was literally running around looking for it. The shear and utter relief I had when I saw it laying on the ground next to a filled hole. I must have looked crazed.

Was in Englewood, Florida this past January getting some time in with my 11 year old daughter and wife...I had purposely dressed the classic part of "that guy " that metal detects...long shorts, white t-shirt white sox. They were daring me to go out on the beach and detect, and I did.

Family nearby is in stitches, from Wisconsin. No offense Badger/Packer folks, but the lack of tan was extreme, so the Florida folks were grinning at them too. They had two ADORABLE little girls that were playing with mine, when KT pipes up and says:

"We dressed him this way on purpose".

gave the little girls some clad scrap I had found, and the two year old Badger spawn promptly runs out to the surf line and throws it back in. Never again...

Jumping up and down like a nut!!!!! IMG_2750.webpIMG_2752.webp

Need I say moreIMG_2751.webp

Nice thread

Been there! Lol thanks for sharing.
This thread is ancient but the subject is ongoing/never-ending.
Started simply and just took on a life of its own.

Many have written me to say thanks for it but all I did was title it with a thought that touches on everyone!

Some have said it gave them something to do when weather keeps them locked inside.

Feel free to add! :)

Funny moments

I embarrass myself at least once every hunt! :laughing7:

I had just gotten a new machine and pin pointer my whole family was there I go over to this big tree and start detecting around it. I get a real good signal right off the bat I pull out the pointer and digger about 6" down I hit a coin its gold. I start yelling gold coin and jumping up and down everybody is looking at me I look down at it again and its a Mexican peso.

Speaking of family...
I was detecting in my son's yard, their all watching....with a little too much interest. I got a good signal, not too deep. Dig down, pullout a nice bright gold ring, with no dirt clinging in any crevices. A little too clean, if you know what i mean.
I looked over at all their smiling faces.
I said "your ring" and tossed it to my son. He says. "we just wanted you to find something".
I told him "Do it again & i'm keeping it".
Ya embarrassing "family joke".

Reminds me of my brother’s quote. “Measure twice and cut once”

Repeating, digging a hole in the sand at the beach for something deep, then falling in it.

My first seeded hunt: Showed up at 7:00am to help set up and seed the beach for the hunt. Didn't have high expectations. 5 minutes in my batteries die. I couldn't believe it. So I pretended to detect for about 10 minutes because I was too embarrassed to ask if anyone had batteries. There I was waving my coil all over the place trying to look like I knew what I was doing. Of course I wasn't finding anything. Then I finally tired of fooling myself and mustered up the courage to ask the people running it if anyone had batteries. They did I was saved. I put in the batteries as fast as I could and got out there. By then everyone had found everything.

Following up on a a rural legend about old timers bullhead fishing from an island I drug my kayak through what is now marsh for an exhausting hour till I finally broke through to open water next to the island. Beached the kayak and eyeballled a pair of needlenose pliers laying right there on a log. Searched all day for thirty eight cents in clad. When I left i followed the small open waterway out and only had to push through a dozen feet of reeds to get to open water. This was when Google Earth became my best friend!

Years ago ACH and I decided to hunt an old school in Gary Indiana on Easter Sunday. We were out there early and I was just digging away finding wheaties and looking for the alusive silver. As i was closing a hole up I looked to my right and saw a pair of feet. Now mind you we were in Gary Indiana. At first I thought oh shyte then I noticed they were nice clean shined shoes. I looked up and there was a Gary PD officer looking down at me. I smiled and stood up. I looked around and Dave was just hunting away oblivious to the fact we were done for the day there. I looked around and saw there was two squad cars and 4 cops. I asked what the problem was and he told me that the school was public but the land was owned by the school board trust and that we had to leave. Dave by now had come over with his gear. We thanked them and asked if a park we were going to next was in their patrol area. They smiled and said no. We left and hunted elsewhere. TMAN...

TENNESSEEGAL Do you mind me asking what color your hair is ?

DavesT did you find anything while it was OFF ? LOL

I had just gotten a new machine and pin pointer my whole family was there I go over to this big tree and start detecting around it. I get a real good signal right off the bat I pull out the pointer and digger about 6" down I hit a coin its gold. I start yelling gold coin and jumping up and down everybody is looking at me I look down at it again and its a Mexican peso.
Been there, Done that.

I had to find the same war nickel 3 times. the first is when I originally found it then let a friend hold it to show the property owners then she lost it, and the third time was when the property owner had it and dropped it when he was sitting down, He ran his hand all around in the grass but couldn't find it until I broke out the pinpointer.

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