Ever have an embarrassing moment in this hobby?


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Apr 9, 2012
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South of the Mason-Dixon Line
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All Treasure Hunting
I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Upvote 70
that little stinker

Nothing other than splitting my pants reaching into the deep hole.

This is an awesome thread I got many more Ill post when I get home

Summer of 2016...like many on here, I keep all my gear in my vehicle JUST in case I happen onto a great site with some spare time. I park in a locked garage so no worries there...HOWEVER, I appear to have gotten careless one day, as my AT Pro was GONE!! Nothing else missing, diggers, shovels, pinpointers..all there but no machine. All I could think was the night prior I ran into a gas station, leaving my vehicle unsecured, just long enough to buy a newspaper. Well, in that 2 to 3 minute window, someone helped themselves to my rig. Omg...NOT HAPPY!! I filed a police report and the wife put a notice on FB, but to no avail. Same day..I'm sitting in my fave little deli downtown, drowning my sorrows in Highlander Grogg. Luckily, I sat by the front windows..be cause you will NEVER guess what I spotted being carried, by a dude with open sores on his face, two doors down to a local pawn shop. You all know where I come from when I say "you know your rig" when you see it. I instantly grab my keys and phone and BOLT out the front door. HEY!!..I yelled..he stopped, I knew if he made it through the from door of that pawn shop, there would be a mile of red tape to go through to get my stuff back. I catch up to him, say "hey man, you interested in selling that?"...he pauses, trying to process this...just says "uhhh"...Yep it's mine, from the cracked face, the recently repaired arm cuff, etc...so it's at this point he is starting to warm up to the idea that he shouldn't have stopped. I grabbed the shaft and said "Yep, this is mine"...he hesitates then slurs something about getting it from a friend. I asked him to simply give it back and there would be no trouble, no cops...he decides he wants to hang on to it. Ok...I'll pause here, because the next 5-10 seconds got VERY ugly. I'll leave out the details, y'all can insert your favorite Bruce Lee action scene..but I popped my hatch, tossed my rig in and peeled out of there. I can't imagine that after waking up and pulling himself up out the gutter, that he would report a theft/assault...Now I'm no bruiser looking for trouble, but I'm sure most here, in the same situation, would do the same. It was about 3 blocks away that I just started screaming YES YES YES!!! So Mr. Thief/meth head...maybe you'll think twice about snatching somebody's detector. Note: I ALWAYS lock my ride down now, no matter how long or not long I'm away from it. Just had to share that, I'm sure y'all would relate...Ddf.

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I would have given him $20 to keep the peace. What you did could get you tossed in jail. Remember OJ and what happened to him? He just wanted his stuff back,but that's not how you do it. He got 33 years in jail for trying to get his stuff back.

I would have called the cops and let them sort it out. Also realize that this guy may have thought you were trying to pull a fast one and steal it from him. Just my take on it...

i would give him two choices the right thing to do or i'm going lay him on the side walk

I would have given him $20 to keep the peace. What you did could get you tossed in jail. Remember OJ and what happened to him? He just wanted his stuff back,but that's not how you do it. He got 33 years in jail for trying to get his stuff back.

I would have called the cops and let them sort it out. Also realize that this guy may have thought you were trying to pull a fast one and steal it from him. Just my take on it...
Your take on things are so far out there that theyre coming back to you from the opposite direction.wow.Oj should of had his neck stretched.

Sounds like you handled it just fine to me. No reason to let the cops have all the fun.
I think he had it about 95% right.The thief was able to move afterwards,you default 5%.

I lost my change pouch with about $10 in change and some antique buttons while I was at a dump looking for antique buttons, so I headed back the next day to the spot to look for my pouch. I was scratching the surface with my Lesche when I heard noises behind me. I snapped my head back to see a huge guy with a big, aggressive looking dog. The guy was just staring directly into my eyes. I asked him how he was doing, and he asked me what I was doing. I was about to crap myself as his dog was getting closer to me, and pouncing in my direction. I said looking for antique buttons. He looked confused and probably thought I was some crazy homeless dude, and said that he would get me a water. I pulled out a few buttons I found even though I don't like to show my finds to strangers, but I was nervous. The guy started laughing, and told me he was a treasure hunter too. We talked for about 15 minutes, and we got along good. I was embarrassed, but I am just glad I didn't get beat up because I had my metal detector in my bag, and I wasn't sure if he saw part of it sticking out of the top. I did find my pouch buried in the hole though.

I had one of those non-stellar days today. Not "bad", just not stellar. I did however turn up an old war nickel in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I managed to scratch it right across the face. (rookie mistake).

I moved on and was semi-gridding the place. On the way back to the car, I turned up another war nickel. About the same shape, was right on top, and when I looked a little closer, it had a scratch also. Hmmmmm, interesting. Right across the face too! Almost exactly where I....................wait a minute!!! I checked my found pouch. No nickel. I had just found the same one, TWICE!!! oH! HOW embarrassing!!!! LOL

Thought if anyone else out there had done this, they would now not feel so bad. :)


Well bent over to dig out a target and turned my machine off....then continued to detect for a few minutes after...I thought to myself....dang....i should have heard some iron by now...stupid me.

they should have been more embarrassed then me
few years back I was waer hunting at a fresh water spot I been hitting for years - headranger had no probs with me there cause I had helped he out a few times
I usually go in at this spot just after sunrise and get out before the lifeguards show up - the head ranger usually comes down early and combs the beach - i will tell him of any irregularities and give him any sharp objects and glass and cans I find
this one morning I was hitting out in like 6 feet of water - all you could see was top of my head and maybe 3 inches of snorkel
all of a sudden I hear yelling from shore - when i looked up there were 2 fire/rescue vehicles - 1 ambulance and 4 city police cruisers on the beach
they all start yelling at me - what the heck do I think I'm doing - I told them I have had permisson for yrs to hit here
one cop says that I'm trespasing - that signs say no one is allowed in the water withoutlife guards
I ask where that sign is - cause they recently put up signs stating - no lifeguards on duty - swim at own risk
the sign was right behind him
another said I was trespassing cause the front gate is locked - the front gate is just that - a gate - to prevent cars from going in at night - there is no fence on either side of the gate - so you can park outside and just walk around the gate
signs inside the gate state - no trespassing from sunset to sunrise
it was 1 1/2 hours after sunrise - and I told them i would be glad to go out and show them that sign - they threatened to arrest me
then they wanted my ID - I said its in my car - outside the gate - where i parked legally
these were all city vehicles - and i asked who called you - and once again I gave the head rangers name and then said - this is a state park - why isnt there a state trooper here? cause I know in the past that state guys have been po'ed when city guys trying stepping on their toes in here
I asked why all the crowd? for one TH'er
supposedly they got a call from a woman that said she thought she saw a dead body floating
now Im about 1 mile from the nearest house - and this is a forrested park
the only way you could see a body is if you were standing on shore
once again they say Im trepassing - and im surrounded - by the firemen and about 7 police
meanwhile behind them 3 different people are jogging with there dogs - 3 separate bicyclists ride by
2 old ladies are speed walking together - a couple of guys are walking down with their equipment to the fishing area
all this is happening behind them - they are all facing me and looking out towards the water
I asked if they would all turn around - and then say - I hope your going to arrest all them too
and you got to arrest that woman that supposedly saw a body - cause she would have been trespassing too
then the ranger shows up and asks what the F is going on - cause they never called his office and they cut the lock on the gate
to get in there and I say "Hi Bob!" and cops ask if he knows me he says yes and that I have permission to be there
Bob tells me i better beat it for now
but you know - i was standing in the water - not floating - and those guys never searched the rest of the place to see ifthere was an actual floater out there

If you were an illegal alien trashing the beach with dirty diapers and empty beer bottles the "officials" would have brushed it all by and not said a word. What I just said happens all the time here in CA...:(.

When I was a teenager I found a 1920 18K wedding band at a park with my brother. We started screaming and running around in circles like KG and Ringy from the diggers show. We live across the street from the park, so we ran home jumping up and down until I noticed a bee keeper at the park saw us. He must have been watching us the whole time, and we didn't know what to do. We awkwardly waved, and walked home quietly as he just stared at us. We learned to keep our emotions under control after that haha!

One morning three of us went relic hunting in a small patch of woods at the end of a dead-end road that passed through a residential section. After several hours we got back in the truck to leave, only to find that the short dead-end road, and all the streets in that neighborhood, were totally blocked by the cars of people who were attending a funeral in a small church that we could see from where we were parked. We waited for about 20 minutes, when people started leaving the church and getting into their cars. We saw what must have been the grieving widow, who had to be helped by two attendants in nursing uniforms. To make a long story short, we ended up being three dirty, sweaty guys in a rusty pickup truck in the middle of a funeral procession for about four blocks. At the first opportunity we turned off and went home a different way.

There was one time I saw a big shiny reeded edge in the hole and started yelling like a lunatic for my buddy to come have a look at the big ol silver dollar in the hole.... Turned out to be a Mardi Gras dubloon.... :BangHead:

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Mark your stuff discreetly. A piece of taped ( to shed most water)paper inside a handle or shaft,or scribed on inside of a battery cover ect.
A partial S.S. # or something where most folks would not find it ,to remove or alter.
I use an initial type shaped " touch mark" or a match to a tattoo I wear.
Should I need to repo an item ,a witness or cop will confirm who knows where and how and who marked it anyways. Should a witness or cop be needed or present.
In the heading into a pawnshop case , I might have followed him in ,pretended to browse in the way of the exit till he presented it to the proprietor. Then declared it stolen and I could prove it to him. While keeping the detector from leaving should it take flight.

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Wow,, I guess I'm the only one who doesn't find the same coin twice.
What I was reminded of was a friend who would hunt the water at a beach with me up in the Bronx. If he recovered a nice target like a gold ring or a silver cross, he would make a beeline over to show me his find. It would bother me because people were always watching us. I told him numerous times, if you find a Gold Ring, we can talk about it when we are in a safer environment.

I'll bet you were quickly reminded the importance of why we cover our holes. Lol

Red and Tom, end the arguing and insulting now, do not start it up again.

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